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研究生(外文):Mien-Shain Tu
論文名稱(外文):Improvement of Radio-on-DWDM Transport system by Using External Light Injection Technique
外文關鍵詞:Radio-on-DWDM systemExternal light injection techniqueFabry-Perot laser Diodesemiconductor optical amplifier
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在本論文中,我們共提出了兩個系統架構,以外部光源注入的技術,探討高密度分波多工光纖-微波的特性與應用。我們在第一個系統架構中,將外部光源ASE注入Fabry-Perot雷射二極體中,經過50km的LEAF傳輸且改善系統的誤碼率,其中個人行動電話(PHS)的資料傳輸需求為1.9 GHz / 10 Mbps,車輛資訊與通訊系統(VICS)的資料傳輸需求為2.5 GHz / 12 Mbps,電子收費系統(ETC)的資料傳輸需求為5.8 GHz / 20 Mbps,而衛星廣播(SB) 的資料傳輸需求為12 GHz / 25 Mbps。在第二個系統架構中,設計高密度分波多工微波傳輸系統,使用雙外部光源注入技術來改良系統的特性,同時間使用外部光源注入技術來增加VCSEL的頻寬和半導體光放大器的飽和輸出功率,使得系統有更好的傳輸性能,經50公里單模光纖傳輸後,系統能得到好的誤碼率、誤差向量數值和三階互調失真載波比值,也證明所提出的高密度分波多工微波傳輸系統適合應用於微波訊號和光的連結。
In this paper, we propose two fiber optical systems. First, A radio-on-DWDM transport system based on injection-locked FP LDs and LEAF transmission was proposed and demonstrated. Improved performance BER over a-50 km of LEAF was obtained. Signal qualities meet the PHS demand with a data signal of 1.9 GHz/10 Mbps, VICS demand with a data signal of 2.5 GHz/12 Mbps, ETC demand with a data signal of 5.8 GHz/20Mbps, and SB demand with a data signal of 12 GHz/25Mbps. Second, a radio-on-DWDM transport system employing double external light injection techniques to improve the systems’ overall performance. Simultaneously using the external light injection technique to enhance the bandwidth of the VCSEL and increase the saturation output power of the SOA, resulting in a system with better transmission performance. Over an 50 km SMF transport, good performances of bit error rate (BER), error vector magnitude (EVM) and third order intermodulation distortion to carrier ratio (IMD3/C) were achieved in our proposed systems. Such a proposed radio-on-DWDM transport system is suitable for the application of microwave optical links.
摘 要................................i
誌 謝..................................iv
第一章 緒論............................1
1.1 前言.................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的.......................3
1.3 論文結構..............................4
第二章 原理介紹..........................5
2.1 光纖–微波(Radio-on-Fiber)...................5
2.2 通訊用光源...................................7
2.3 光放大器(Optical Amplifier)....................10
2.4 位元誤碼率BER.................................13
2.5 三階互調失真IMD3..............................14
2.6 通訊規範(Communication Standard)................18
第三章 外部光源注入技術............................22
3.1 簡介............................................22
3.2 系統架構.........................................22
3.2.1 寬頻ASE光源..................................22
3.2.2 外部光源注入Fabry-Perot雷射二極體...............26
3.2.3 寬頻ASE光源注入Fabry-Perot雷射二極體...........29
3.2.4 寬頻ASE光源注入VCSEL雷射二極體.................29
3.2.5 半導體光放大器.................................30
3.2.6 外部光源注入半導體光放大器......................32
3.3 結論....................................33
第四章 PHS/VICS/ETC/SB在DWDM微波-光纖傳輸系統上的應用....34
4.1 簡介...............................................34
4.2 實驗架構.......................................35
4.3 實驗結果與討論...................................42
4.4 結論............................................48
第五章 使用雙級外部光注入技術在微波DWDM傳輸系統........50
5.1 簡介..........................................50
5.2 實驗架構......................................51
5.3 實驗結果與討論 ................................55
5.4 結論............................................60
第六章 結論.........................................61
Publication List.....................................66
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