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研究生(外文):Yen-Hui Wu
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Energy Saving Techniques and Heat-pipe Applications for Supermarkets
外文關鍵詞:SupermarketRefrigerating SystemHumidityEnergy SavingSimulationHeat pipe
  • 被引用被引用:5
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Traditionally, the supermarkets of Taiwan designs, have not considered that the environmental humidity in the sales field is controlled, except that the heatt load of the sales field is a method to consume energy by freezing the air that the low evaporation temperature of refrigeration overflows, the feasible that the environmental humidity in the sales field controls should be reached with the air conditioner system. In view of, this research combines heat-pipe manufacturers, Utilize DOE-2 dynamic energy simulation programe and surveying, assess the heat-pipe apply to supermarkets power-saving technology ,energy-conserving potentiality and optimization strategy that the humidity is controllable.
The moisture of Taiwan, this research is by the comprehensive simulation analysis result, at 22℃ control conditions of temperature in the sales field, the best relative humidity control is 60~70%, Utilize heat pipe to auxiliary environment humidity of sales field controled, its energy-conserving results of the whole building obtained are about 6.45%; Cooperate after freezing the systematic optimization, after improving the building infiltration and lighting , its energy-conserving benefit can be up to 25.66% most, its total saves electric rate of about 353,600 NTD every year, improve total fabrication cost of about 700,000 NTD of the project, retrieve service life for about 1.98 years, the energy-conservation of this case improves the achievement apparently.
目 錄
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2文獻回顧 3
1.2.1國外文獻探討 3
1.2.2國內文獻探討 3
1.3研究步驟與內容 4
第二章 系統熱力平衡分析 7
2.1冷凍循環系統 7
2.1.1莫利爾線圖分析 8
2.1.2冷媒系統整體的熱力平衡方程式 10
2.2空調循環系統 12
2.2.1空氣線圖分析 13
2.2.2空氣冷卻除溼過程的主要參數 14
第三章電腦動態模擬與監測資料分析 18
3.1 DOE-2.2程式 18
3.1.1軟體簡介 18
3.1.2 DOE-2與eQUEST 18
3.2研究機組的基本資料 20
3.2.1機組的性能資料 20
3.3物理環境的量測數據分析 22
3.3.1量測方法與設備 22
3.3.2環境溫溼度分析 24
3.3.3賣場耗電分析 31
3.3.4賣場空調熱負荷結構 38
3.3.5開放型展示櫃之負荷來源 41
第四章 耗能因子與效益分析 44
4.1前言 44
4.2系統的耗能因子 44
4.2.1外氣滲透量 45
4.2.2賣場照明 50
4.2.3雙壓縮機系統與單壓縮系統耗能比較 52
4.2.4併聯冷凍冷藏系統配合除霜溫控 52
4.3相對溼度對冷凍空調系統的影響 57
4.3.1冷卻除溼法 59
4.3.2熱管除溼冷卻法 63
4.3.3最佳的環境溫溼度 66
4.4節能效益分析 71
第五章 結果與討論 76
參考文獻 78
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