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研究生(外文):Chun-Hsien Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Numerical Simulation of the Contaminant Distribution Within the TFT-LCD Mini-Environment
外文關鍵詞:TFT-LCDComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)mini-environmentbuffer zone
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From G3.5 to G7, the industries of Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD), are all seeking the development of the products with larger size. As the size of product increases, larger processing machines and factory space are required. If the environment of cleanroom is improved throughout, the cost and expense will rise massively. Hence, the mini-environment has become indispensable in modern technology of cleanroom. It does not only fit the demand of environmental control for individual process, but also meet the energy-saving requirement. Therefore, the mini-environment has already been the trend of future development in the industry of TFT-LCD.
The objective of this study is to analyze the contaminant distribution within the mini-environment by the method of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Numerical simulation focuses on the spread and removal of contaminants generated from the operating machines under different environmental conditions. The contaminants discussed in this study mainly include volatile organic compounds (VOC) and fine particles. The effects of four environmental conditions, including the open/close of the mini-environment door and the on/off of the exhaust system, on the spread and removal of contaminants are discussed in the CFD simulation. Comparing the simulation results with the experimental data available in the literature, it can be found that both of them agree well. According to the numerical results, it is known that VOC will spread to the cleanroom, affecting the workers’ health when the door is opened and the exhaust system is off. Moreover, when the door is opened and the exhaust system is on, the spread of fine particles within the mini-environment is detrimental to the quality of products. To isolate the cleanroom and the contaminants generated within the mini-environment, the concept of buffer zone, formed by a vertical airflow, is adopted in this study to investigate the flow field and contaminant distribution within the mini-environment under the operating condition at negative pressure.
摘 要 I
目 錄 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 潔淨室與微環境簡介 2
1.3 研究目的 7
1.4 研究方法 8
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2.1 液晶顯示器發展史 9
2.2 液晶面板製程簡介 11
2.2.1 陣列製程 12
2.2.2 液晶注入製程 13
2.2.3 模組製程 13
2.3台灣中小尺寸液晶顯示器產業發展情況 14
2.4 潔淨室微環境污染物控制 15
第三章 數值模式 19
3.1 理論模式 19
3.1.1統御方程式 19
3.1.2紊流流場模式 20
3.2 數值方法 23
3.2.1對流–擴散方程式的差分形式 23
3.2.2 壓力–速度耦合關係的處理 25
3.2.3 求解方法與收斂條件 28
3.3 數值方法驗證 30
第四章 數值模擬分析 32
4.1 物理模型與量測位置 33
4.2 基本假設 34
4.3 幾何外型及邊界條件設定 34
4.4 格點獨立分析 38
4.5 模擬研究 40
第五章 潔淨室內微環境模擬案例 41
5.1 模型1模擬結果與文獻實驗做比對 41
5.1.1 模型1-案例1: 微環境門關閉,排氣系統開啟 41
5.1.2 模型1-案例2: 微環境門關閉,排氣系統停止 45
5.1.3 模型1-案例3: 微環境門打開,排氣系統停止 49
5.1.4 模型1-案例4: 微環境門打開,排氣系統開啟 53
5.2 模型2(微環境進風口位置移位)模擬結果 57
5.2.1 模型2-案例1: 微環境門關閉,排氣系統開啟 57
5.2.2 模型2-案例2: 微環境門關閉,排氣系統停止 60
5.2.3 模型2-案例3: 微環境門打開,排氣系統停止 62
5.2.4 模型2-案例4: 微環境門打開,排氣系統開啟 65
5.3 模型3(微環境與潔淨室間增加緩衝區)模擬結果 69
5.3.1 模型3-案例1: 微環境門關閉,排氣系統開啟 69
5.3.2 模型3-案例2: 微環境門關閉,排氣系統停止 72
5.3.3 模型3-案例3: 微環境門打開,排氣系統停止 74
5.3.4 模型3-案例4: 微環境門打開,排氣系統開啟 77
第六章 結論 85
參考文獻 87
符號彙編 90
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