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研究生(外文):Chi-Ho Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Energy Conservation analysis of solar energy system for indoor swimming pools
外文關鍵詞:solar energyheat pumpindoor heated swimming pool
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本案例為面積為525m2面積的室內溫水游泳池,結合成本及能源消耗兩種考慮因素的考量,搭配太陽能的系統使用的期限越久,所節省的費用越多,同樣設計使用10年的角度觀察,本研究始用兩個不同的熱泵,Case A熱泵系統造熱能力在平板式冷凝器方面為215KW,壓縮機消耗功率為42KW;Case B熱泵系統的造熱能力在平板式冷凝器方面為267KW,壓縮機消耗功率為53KW;計算出熱泵A+250片太陽能集熱板+鍋爐系統為最佳的系統,10年的生命週期成本為17,414,802元為傳統的鍋爐系統36,178,695元費用將近少了一半。如果設置大的熱泵系統雖然可以降低更多的費用,但會造成能源的浪費,就經濟及環保上的觀點來看,適當的熱泵結合太陽能的系統都是值得投資及推廣使用的。
Use the heat pump for heat recovery and combine with the solar energy device of indoor heated swimming pool, not only contribute to energy saving also improve its running efficiency. At present most of running indoor heated swimming pools use the boiler that is a such big problem for safety concern and boiler also cause air pollution, but using the heat pump combine with the solar energy device instead of boiler can improve these problem obviously. Except the heat recovery and dehumidify function of heat pump, combine with different square meter of the solar energy device in summer time it also can complete sunshine insufficient winter. Use heat pump to dehumidify, heat recovery function and heating with boiler, it not merely reduce the running cost and also achieve the energy saving purpose. This system uses the same heat pump combine with different square meter of solar energy device and boiler. And calculate running cost each year then just can select for one practical and extremely short payback system to use.
For example this study case 525㎡ area of indoor heated swimming pool , consider the running cost and power consumption two factor, we find out combine with solar energy device of indoor heated swimming pool can save more running cost for long term usage.
Same design observe for 10 years period, in this study case use two different heat pumps, Case A. heat pump system: Plate heat condenser makes heat 215kw and compressor power consumption is 42kw; Case B. heat pump: Plate heat condenser makes heat 267kw and compressor power consumption is 53kw; find out Case A. + 250pcs of solar energy board+ boiler is the best system. Compare with two systems suppose 10 years life cycle Case A. running cost is NTD 17,414,802 and Case B. traditional boiler system running cost is NTD 36,178,695; Case A. can save 50% cost than Case B.
If setting up big heat pump system can reduce the cost, but it will cause the waste of the energy, in economic and environmental protection point of view, proper use heat pump combine with the solar energy device is worthy being invested in and use widely.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 v
目 錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.3研究動機與目的 3
第二章 室內溫水游泳池系統設計 4
2.1室內溫水游泳池的設計考量 4
2.2室內溫水游泳池熱負荷計算 4
2.2.1最大之使用人數負荷限制 5最大之安全使用人數負荷 5
2.2.2維持池溫之池水加熱所需熱量 5
2.2.3泳池區內的除濕量 7
2.2.4外氣除濕量 7
2.2.5泳池區內的空氣再熱量(不含降溫除濕後回溫所需之熱量) 8傳導熱損失 8池水之對流損失 8換氣之熱損失 8
第三章 研究方法 14
3.1理論分析 14
3.2熱泵的運轉性能 15
3.3熱泵效率計算 19
3.4太陽能的運轉性能 20
第四章 結果與討論 24
4.1初始條件設計 24
4.2初設成本分析 27
4.3運轉成本的分析 30
4.4生命週期成本 31
4.5系統熱能需求及設備供熱分析 35
4.6結果 42
4.7建議 43
第五章 結論 44
參考文獻 45
符號索引 47
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