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研究生(外文):Shih-Chung Ho
論文名稱(外文):The Effects upon the Population Health after the Collapse of the Soviet Union─A Case Study of Tuberculosis
指導教授(外文):V. MaliavinTsung-Hsueh Lu
外文關鍵詞:Transitional economyTBrisk factorMDR-TBHIV infectionstatistics
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The deterioration of general TB epidemiological situation in Russia took place against a background of inflation, economic reform environment and a time of social change. Price liberalization deteriorated the situation of inflation. Macroeconomic stabilization tightened health budget and diminished medical inputs. Privatization and pro-longed wage arrears enlarged the income gap. Social environment change had caused a number of groups with low social-economic status to be easily affected by infectious diseases. The deterioration of standard of living made the TB situation even worse.

When it comes to tuberculosis, it is a disease that is bound to social conditions. Factors that affected the TB situation in Russia were macroeconomic destruction, worsening of standard of living, increasing number of unemployment and homeless, and these factors were due to political, economic, and social instability. Insufficient financing and the increase of unemployment rate, which caused the decline of X-ray coverage, aging of TB department medical member, and the follow-up treatment of patients from prisons are main tasks for the TB department (ministry of Public Health, RF) to face.

42% of the Russian TB problem is in prisons. The problem of MDR-TB is yet to be settled. Besides, HIV/TB coinfection speeds the deterioration of TB. The acceptance of different kind of statistics of TB epidemiology (for example, the inclusion of prisoners, armed forces, homeless, immigrants, in the list of form № 8) had a great influence on the raise of TB incidence and mortality rate in Russia.

European countries have registered rising tuberculosis (TB) over the last decade, and the situation in the countries of central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet countries is particularly serious. The principal reasons for the increase in TB in the region are:

1.poorly managed and outdated practices, which cause the increase in MDR-TB.
2.economic recession, poverty, malnutrition, alcohol/drug abuse, overcrowded prisons, lack of access to health care.
3.immigration from TB high-burden countries(to western Europe countries).
4.increasing rates of HIV infection, HIV/TB coinfection leads to high mortality rate.

Reasons 1,2,4 discussed above are the case in Russia.

第一章 緒論 …………………………………………………………1

第一節 研究動機……………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………………2
第三節 研究方法、研究理論及範圍………………………………4
第四節 研究限制……………………………………………………7

第二章 經濟轉型期間俄羅斯經濟社會環境對公共衛生的影響…9

第一節 經濟轉型期間俄羅斯經濟環境……………………………9
第二節 經濟轉型期間俄羅斯社會環境……………………………23
第三節 經濟社會環境變遷對於俄羅斯公共衛生影響……………28
第四節 小結…………………………………………………………36

第三章 俄羅斯結核病問題描述……………………………………38

第一節 疾病自然史及三段五及預防措施…………………………38
第二節 結核病指標…………………………………………………41
第三節 結核病概述…………………………………………………43
第四節 俄羅斯防治結核病史………………………………………51
第五節 俄羅斯結核病問題描述……………………………………53
第六節 小結…………………………………………………………65

第四章 俄羅斯經濟社會變遷造成結核病健康危險因子…………67

第一節 經濟轉型對於俄羅斯結核病防治所造成影響……………67
第二節 俄羅斯結核病危險群………………………………………73
第三節 社會心理及新物質解釋探討........................79
第四節 社會經濟及傳染疾病流行之決定因素……………………81
第五節 小結…………………………………………………………91

第五章 結論…………………………………………………………93

第一節 討論…………………………………………………………93
第二節 經濟社會環境及醫療面探討………………………………93
第三節 後續研究的建議……………………………………………97

參考書目 ………………………………………………………………99


圖1.1 俄羅斯經濟轉型期間結核病發生率、失業率及難民遊民增加對照圖 …………………………………………………………………6
圖3.1 俄羅斯結核病發生率〈1985~2000〉 〈每十萬人口〉……55
圖3.2 俄羅斯兒童發生率〈1985~1999〉 〈每十萬人口〉………56
圖3.3 俄羅斯結核病死亡率〈1985~2000〉 〈每十萬人口〉……58
圖3.4 俄羅斯結核病盛行率〈1987~2000〉 〈每十萬人口〉……59
圖3.5 1997年俄羅斯各地區結核病發生率...................60
圖3.6 俄羅斯內政部職員結核病發生率指標〈1987~2000〉 〈每十萬人口〉………………………………………………………………61
圖4.1 俄羅斯及西伯利亞聯邦區結核病死亡率〈1987~2000〉〈每十萬人口〉………………………………………………………………78

表2.1 蘇聯經濟年平均成長率〈1961~85〉 〈物質生產淨額〉..10
表2.2 蘇聯薪資年成長率〈%〉 〈1986~1991〉...............11
表2.3 通貨及貸款〈年平均成長率〉 〈1981~1990〉..........12
表2.4 通貨年增長率〈十億名目盧布〉 〈1985~1990〉........13
表2.5 俄羅斯的通貨膨脹〈1992~1994〉.....................15
表2.6 俄羅斯通貨膨脹率〈1991~1994〉.....................17
表2.7 俄羅斯總體經濟〈1992~1999〉.......................23
表2.8 俄羅斯人均酒類消費〈1984~1994〉...................25
表2.9 1989至2002年人口減少數概要.......................31
表3.1 2004年全球結核病發生率及死亡率 ………………………44
表4.1經濟轉型措施對健康機構的影響 ……………………………68



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