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研究生(外文):Shu-Ling Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):The roles of trust and switching cost in selecting industry suppliers
指導教授(外文):Yi-Ming Tseng
外文關鍵詞:Industrial customer purchasing behaviorTrustSwitching costs
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The business scope is no longer limited by the region. So long as accord with the cost, all kinds of products and service can come from different countries. Therefore, it seems that the price becomes the only factor in business competitions. In fact, industry customer chooses supplier not only considering the price but also including a lot of other factors. This research synthesizes the literature to examine the determinants of industry customer’s choice of supplier. In addition, this research also studies when the industry customers will intend to change their suppliers, whether he renegotiate with the incumbent supplier in order to try to continue the cooperative chance. We discuss from four aspects - trust, switching cost, price and product mix. Among them, trust and switching cost are related to incumbent suppliers. They will make the industry customer improve reliance on the incumbent supplier, and are also the switching barrier. Price and product mix are also related with the new supplier. They are the marketing programs that the new supplier can use, and their purpose is to induce the industry customer to switch.
So, after understanding the determinants of industry customer’s choice of supplier, this research discusses enterprises how to maintain the good and lasting business relationships in practice. The goal of study includes the screw industry and steel industry, and the main findings are as follows:
1.In the industry customer''s switching intention, trust and switching cost are important factors to influence the industry customer to choose the supplier.
2.In the industry customer''s renegotiated intention, trust, switching cost, price and product mix all have significant effect on the customer’s tendency to renegotiate before he switch.
3.The effect of a new supplier’s superior price on the likelihood of customer switching will be moderated by the presence of trust relationships and supplier-related switching cost. Moreover, the effect of a new supplier’s superior price on the likelihood of customer renegotiating will be moderated by the presence of trust relationships.
Finally, we discuss the implications of our finding, the study’s limitations, and possible topics for future research.
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究背景與動機……………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的……………………………………………………3
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………4
第一節 信任…………………………………………………………4
第二節 轉換成本……………………………………………………6
第三節 價格…………………………………………………………8
第四節 產品組合……………………………………………………10
第五節 干擾效果……………………………………………………12
第三章 研究方法……………………………………………………15
第一節 研究對象……………………………………………………15
第二節 變數之操作性定義與問卷之發展…………………………17
第三節 資料分析方法………………………………………………20
第四節 回收樣本特性描述…………………………………………21
第四章 實證結果……………………………………………………25
第一節 因素分析……………………………………………………25
第二節 信度與效度分析……………………………………………26
第三節 變異數分析…………………………………………………28
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………………………46
第一節 研究結論……………………………………………………46
第二節 策略意涵……………………………………………………48
第三節 研究限制……………………………………………………49
第四節 後續研究建議………………………………………………50

圖2.1 觀念性架構……………………………………………………14
圖3.1 螺絲業樣本公司之產業上下游關係…………………………15
圖3.2 鋼鐵業樣本公司之產業上下游關係…………………………16
圖4.1 價格與信任之交互作用(轉換意圖)在合併產業的效果…33
圖4.2 合併產業之價格與信任對轉換意圖之循序方格檢定線圖…33
圖4.3 價格與轉換成本之交互作用在合併產業的效果……………34
圖4.4 合併產業之價格與轉換成本對轉換意圖之循序方格檢定線圖………………………………………………………………………34
圖4.5 產品組合與信任之交互作用在合併產業的效果……………35
圖4.6 合併產業之產品組合與信任對轉換意圖之循序方格檢定線圖………………………………………………………………………35
圖4.7 價格與信任之交互作用(重新議價)在合併產業的效果…36
圖4.8 合併產業之價格與信任對重新議價之循序方格檢定線圖…36
圖4.9 價格與信任之交互作用在螺絲業的效果……………………39
圖4.10 螺絲業之價格與信任對轉換意圖之循序方格檢定線圖…39
圖4.11 價格與轉換成本之交互作用在螺絲業的效果……………40
圖4.12 螺絲業之價格與轉換成本對轉換意圖之循序方格檢定線圖……………………………………………………………………40
圖4.13 產品組合與信任之交互作用在鋼鐵業的效果……………44
圖4.14 鋼鐵業之產品組合與信任對轉換意圖之循序方格檢定線圖……………………………………………………………………44
圖4.15 價格與信任之交互作用在鋼鐵業的效果…………………45
圖4.16 鋼鐵業之價格與信任對重新議價之循序方格檢定線圖…45

表3.1 主要研究變數之操作性定義…………………………………19
表3.2 問卷回收狀況表………………………………………………21
表3.3 受測樣本公司類別分佈概況表………………………………21
表3.4 受測樣本公司營運年數分配表………………………………22
表3.5 受測樣本公司合作供應商最久之年數分配表………………22
表3.6 受測樣本公司員工人數分配表………………………………23
表3.7 受測樣本公司資本額分配表…………………………………23
表3.8 受測樣本公司營業額分配表…………………………………24
表4.1 因素分析表……………………………………………………25
表4.2 信度分析表……………………………………………………27
表4.3 各變數之平均數………………………………………………28
表4.4 轉換意圖之變異數分析表……………………………………29
表4.5 重新議價之變異數分析表……………………………………29
表4.6 合併產業之成對比較價格與信任之最小平方均值表(轉換意圖………………………………………………………………………33
表4.7 合併產業之成對比較價格與轉換成本之最小平方均值表…34
表4.8 合併產業之成對比較產品組合與信任之最小平方均值表…35
表4.9 合併產業之成對比較價格與信任之最小平方均值表(重新議價)…………………………………………………………………………36
表4.10 螺絲業之成對比較價格與信任之最小平方均值表………39
表4.11 螺絲業之成對比較價格與轉換成本之最小平方均值表…40
表4.12 假說檢定結果表……………………………………………43
表4.13 鋼鐵業之成對比較產品組合與信任之最小平方均值表…44
表4.14 鋼鐵業之成對比較價格與信任之最小平方均值表………45
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