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研究生(外文):Hung-Jen Mao
論文名稱(外文):TMRP:Tree-based Multipath Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
指導教授(外文):Ying-Hong Wang
外文關鍵詞:Wireless sensor networkenergy efficiencytree-based multipath routingclustering protocol
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Wireless sensor networks consist of small nodes with sensing, computation and wireless communication capabilities. In many emerging application scenarios (e.g., battlefield surveillance, large-area and perimeter monitoring in agriculture, and autonomous ocean scientific sampling), a large number of such simple immobile nodes are deployed in a vast geographical area to monitor activities or environmental conditions.
The energy efficiency is a substantial key design issue in such networks. An efficient routing protocol is critical to prolong the life of sensor nodes. Several methods for transmitting data in randomly deployed sensor nodes have been proposed, including direct communication, flat and clustering protocols. In this paper, we propose a Tree-Based Multipath Routing Protocol (TMRP) for wireless sensor networks. According to the proposed TMRP, the wireless sensor network is initially constructed as a layered network. Based on the layered network, sensor nodes have multipath routes to the sink node through candidate parent nodes. In this paper, the verification simulation is also executed to prove the proposed TMRP can increase the lifetime of sensor networks better than other protocol
第一章 緒論 - 1 -
1-1 研究背景 - 2 -
1-2 研究動機 - 3 -
1-3 研究目的 - 5 -
1-4 論文架構 - 7 -
第二章 相關背景研究 - 8 -
2-1 叢集式(Cluster-based)網路協定 - 12 -
2-1-1 LEACH - 12 -
2-1-2 LEACH-C - 13 -
2-1-3 TEEN - 15 -
2-1-4 APTEEN - 16 -
2-2 鏈結式(Chain-based)網路協定 - 17 -
2-2-1 PEGASIS - 17 -
2-2-2 Chain-Based Protocols for Data Broadcasting and
Gathering in the Sensor Networks - 19 -
2-2-3 PAC - 21 -
2-3 樹狀式(Tree-based)網路協定 - 22 -
2-3-1 PEDAP - 22 -
2-3-2 HAR - 24 -
2-3-3 BATR - 26 -
2-3-4 A Scalable Solution to Minimum Cost Forwarding in Large Sensor Networks - 27 -
第三章 以樹狀結構為基礎之多重路徑路由協定 - 29 -
3-1 網路環境和假設 - 30 -
3-2 網路階層建構階段Layer Construction Phase - 32 -
3-3 資料傳送階段Data Dissemination Phase - 36 -
3-4 網路結構的維護 - 43 -
3-5 資料融合與聚集 - 48 -
3-6 TMRP的優勢 - 49 -
第四章 路由模擬比較與分析 - 51 -
4-1 模擬環境 - 51 -
4-2 模擬結果與分析比較 - 53 -
4-3 TMRP之可容性分析 - 55 -
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 - 58 -
5-1 結論 - 58 -
5-2 未來研究方向 - 59 -
參考文獻 - 60 -
附錄一:論文英文稿 - 63 –
圖1 無線感測器網路路由協定分類圖 - 11 -
圖2 Cluster表示圖 - 12 -
圖3 LEACH-C建構階段流程圖 - 14 -
圖4 Greedy演算法建構chain - 18 -
圖5 PEGASIS資料傳送圖 - 19 -
圖6 Collecting和Relaying示意圖 - 20 -
圖7 使用Minimum Total Energy演算法建構chain圖 - 21 -
圖8 PAC chain建構圖 - 22 -
圖9 使用minimum spanning tree演算法樹狀架構圖 - 23 -
圖10 HAR樹狀建立圖 - 25 -
圖11 BATR建構子節點數目為2的樹狀圖 - 27 -
圖12 感測器節點佈置環境圖 - 31 -
圖13 LCP建構階段圖 - 33 -
圖14 節點接收LCREQ封包動作流程圖 - 36 -
圖15 TMRP資料回傳圖 - 37 -
圖16 節點 ○56 傳送資料圖,如果有接收到RDACK封包圖- 40 -
圖17 節點 ○56 傳送資料圖,如果沒接收到RDACK封包圖- 40 -
圖18 當RDACK封包Energy欄位為False示意圖 - 42 -
圖19 DDP流程圖 - 43 -
圖20 節點○62收到同階層值節點所回傳的LCREQ封包圖- 45 -
圖21 節點○62只收到子節點所回傳的LCREQ封包圖 - 45 -
圖22 新加入節點找尋候選父節點圖 - 46 -
圖23 節點接收CPREQ封包流程圖 - 47 -
圖24 資料融合和聚集圖 - 49 -
圖25 節點平均電量消耗比較圖 - 53 -
圖26 節點生存時間比較圖 - 55 -
圖27 TMRP之可容性分析比較圖 - 56 -

表1 Network Construction Packet格式 - 32 -
表2 Candidates Information Table格式 - 33 -
表3 資料封包格式 - 38 -
表4 RDACK封包格式 - 38 -

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