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研究生(外文):Kuen-Ha Jan
論文名稱(外文):Error Detection Mechanism In SCORM Sequencing and Navigation
外文關鍵詞:SCORMSequencingTestingDistance Learning
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ADL組織提出SCORM標準,希望能將所有的教材達到再利用性、存取性、持續性、跨平台性、適應性、效率性,讓所有的學習者能在世界各地,各個平台學習符合SCORM標準的課程,在SCORM中也定義了學習順序,教材編輯者可以為學習者編排適當的學習順序來學學習課程,不過在學習順序中定義了多項控制項,例如在眾多控制項中最基礎的設定Control Mode定義了Flow、Choice、ChoiceExit、ForwardOnly,等四種學習行為,當教材編輯者混合設定時就會發生有些課程根本無法學習或發生學習中斷,在Rollup Control中會發生閱讀完課程後學習狀態仍然為不滿足的狀態,因此本篇論文基於發生以上的狀況,提出針對教材編輯者在Control Mode以及Rollup Control中偵測錯誤的方法,並以圖示的方式來提醒教材編輯者有問題的設定。
Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative proposes SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) that aims to provide the specifications necessary to enable content developers with the ability to produce content that is sharable, accessible, reusable, and most importantly interoperable. In SCORM 2004 also defines the sequencing information that describes how SCORM-conformant content may be delivered to the learner through a set of learner or system-initiated navigation events. It provides course designers the ability to prescribe the intend learning sequencing strategy, but however, it lacks the completed definitions and lacking the testing mechanism for those authored sequencing information which might results in designing the unreasonable or careless settings of SCORM sequencing.
In this paper, we proposed a detecting mechanism to detect the improper settings of Sequencing Control Mode and Rollup Control elements applied to the SCORM-compliant learning activities. An assistant truth table derived from the definitions of Sequencing Control Mode elements will be introduced to check the undesired learning sequence. Some experiments were made to illustrate the verification with the latest ADL runtime environment as well. Finally, in the system implementation section, a set of effective warning messages were demonstrated according to our proposed detecting algorithm
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 論文組織介紹 3
第二章 相關研究探討 4
2.1 研究背景 4
2.2 相關研究 14
第三章 研究方法與進行步驟 16
3.1 Sequencing and Navigation介紹 16
3.2 學習順序之Control Mode探討與分析 22
3.3 學習順序之Rollup rule探討與分析 48
第四章 系統實作 63
4.1 實驗環境介紹 63
4.2 系統流程 69
4.3 實作成果 70
4.3.1 Control Mode成果 71
4.3.2 Rollup rule 成果 74
第五章 結論及未來研究方向 77
5.1 結論 77
5.2 未來發展 78
參 考 文 獻 79
附 錄 81

圖 目 錄
(圖1) SCORM 標準演進程序圖....................... 8
(圖2) Asset 種類................................ 9
(圖3) SCO 特性.................................. 9
(圖4) Manifest 架構............................ 12
(圖5) Manifest 與Asset 和SCO 關連圖............ 13
(圖6) 課程架構圖.............................. 16
(圖7) Activity Tree 和Manifest 關連圖.......... 17
(圖8) Cluster 架構圖........................... 18
(圖9) cluster 切割圖........................... 19
(圖10) choice 行為描述......................... 22
(圖11) Flow 行為描述........................... 23
(圖12) ForwardOnly 行為描述.................... 24
(圖13) ChoiceExit 行為描述..................... 25
(圖14) Blocked 情況標示........................ 28
(圖15) Unreachable 情況標示.................... 29
(圖16) case 1 真值表以及架構圖................. 30
(圖17) case 2 真值表以及架構圖................. 31
(圖18) case 3 真值表以及架構圖................. 32
(圖19) case 4 真值表以及架構圖................. 33
(圖20) case 5 真值表以及架構圖................. 34
(圖21) case 6 真值表以及架構圖................. 35
(圖22) case 7 真值表以及架構圖................. 36
(圖23) case 8 真值表以及架構圖................. 37
(圖24) case 9 真值表以及架構圖................. 38
(圖25) case 10 真值表以及架構圖................ 39
(圖26) case 11 真值表以及架構圖................ 40
(圖27) case 12 真值表以及架構圖................ 41
(圖28) case 13 真值表以及架構圖................ 42
(圖29) case 14 真值表以及架構圖................ 43
(圖30) case 15 真值表以及架構圖................ 44
(圖31) case 16 真值表以及架構圖................ 45
(圖32) 演算法偵測順序.......................... 47
(圖33) Rollup 行為示意圖........................ 48
(圖34) Rollup 行為示意圖....................... 49
(圖35) Rollup 行為示意圖........................ 49
(圖36) tracking mode 包含項目................... 53
(圖37) rollup measure status ................... 57
(圖38) Tracking mode 和Objective Description 之間關
連性........................................ 58
(圖39) 以測量值來判斷的基本架構................ 60
(圖40) not satisfied 標示....................... 62
(圖41) SCORM API 功能圖........................ 64
(圖42) LMS 架構圖.............................. 65
(圖43) 學習順序觸發流程圖...................... 66
(圖44) SCROM RTE 瀏覽畫面...................... 67
(圖45) 使用MINE SCORM Authoring Tool 瀏覽課程. 68
(圖46) 使用MINE SCORM Authoring Tool 編輯Sequencing
and Navigation .............................. 69
(圖47) 系統流程圖............................. 70
(圖48) 操作按鈕............................... 71
(圖49) control mode 發生狀況示意圖............. 72
(圖50) 使用Authoring Tool 標記有問題課程....... 72
(圖51) 問題課程在RTE 中........................ 73
(圖52) 問題課程在RTE 中........................ 74
(圖53) 使用Authoring Tool 標記有問題設定....... 75
(圖54) 混合狀況標示圖.......................... 75
表 目 錄
(表1) 全部情況真值表........................... 26
(表2) 分析過後真值表........................... 29
(表3) 列出會發生問題情況的真值表............... 46
(表4) ItemInfo database 資料表.................. 59
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