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研究生(外文):Kuan-Ming Twu
論文名稱(外文):Java Assembler and Disassembler
指導教授(外文):Heh-Tyan Liaw
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Java is a completely Platform-Independent programming language. In other words, we don’t have to concern about what brand or Operating System our computers are. The Java Bytecode, compiled from the source code, can be executed on the Java Virtual Machines implemented for various platforms. The executing speed of Java is slightly slower than that of C/C++. With the prerequisite in maintaining the capability of platform-independency, we can improve the performance of the Java programs by rewriting the Bytecodes.

The Java Virtual Machine Specification only defines the machine language called Bytecode, but no definition about Java Assembly Language. In this thesis, we analyze the Bytecode of the Java Virtual Machine, bring up a Java Assembly Language, and implement a supporting Assembler/ Disassembler. The Assembler reads in the Java Assembly files written by the programmers and outputs the Java Bytecodes. The Disassembler reads in the Java Bytecodes and Disassemble them to the Java Assembly files as its output.

The functions of the Assembly Language we bring up in this thesis are much more complete than other existing Assembly. The Assembler/ Disassembler implemented in this thesis can be used not only to improve the performance of the applications but also as an excellent tool for learning the Java Virtual Machine and the Bytecode.
第壹章 緒論 1
一、 研究背景與動機 1
二、 論文組織 4
第貳章 Java虛擬機器與組合語言簡介 5
一、 Java虛擬機架構 5
二、 Java機器語言 9
三、 各種組合語言與組譯器 10
四、 本論文的組合語言 11
第參章 正組譯 14
一、 組譯器架構 15
二、 正組譯流程及結構 16
1、 讀入轉換為類別結構 16
2、 截取組合JAsm指令參數 17
3、 生成JAsm Code Array 21
4、 寫回代換Code Array 35
第肆章 反組譯 36
一、 反組譯器架構 36
二、 反組譯流程及結構 37
1、 讀入轉換為類別結構 37
2、 輸出組合語言 40

第伍章 本系統用法 42
一、 反組譯與編輯 42
二、 正組譯與執行 43
第陸章 總結 44
一、 結論 44
二、 後續發展 45
1、 簡化JAsm語言 45
2、 直接生成機器碼 45
參考文獻 46
附錄A JAsm指令規格書 47
一、 虛指令 47
1、 變數宣告指令 47
2、 標籤定位指令 48
3、 方法結束指令 48
二、 JAsm指令 49
1、 區域變數操作指令 49
2、 算術與邏輯運算指令 51
3、 型別轉換指令 52
4、 物件生成與操作指令 54
5、 運算元堆疊管理指令 55
6、 控制權移轉指令 57
7、 方法呼叫與回傳指令 59

附錄B JVM指令集 61
一、 區域變數操作指令 61
二、 算術與邏輯運算指令 64
三、 型別轉換指令 68
四、 物件生成與操作指令 70
五、 運算元堆疊管理指令 73
六、 控制權移轉指令 76
七、 方法呼叫與回傳指令 80
[1] Benji Jasik, “dis - A Fast and Simple Disassembler”, <http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~benjasik/dis/>.
[2] Chris Rathman, “Jasper 1.0”, Aug. 2000, <http://www.angelfire.com/tx4/cus/jasper/>.
[3] Ian Kaplan, “Javad: A Java Class File Disassembler”, Jan. 2000, <http://www.bearcave.com/software/java/javad/>.
[4] Jason Hunt, “JavaA: Java Bytecode Assembler”, 1996, <http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~moorthy/Courses/compiler99/Assembler/>
[5] Jonathan Meyer, “Jasmin-1.1”, 2004, <http://jasmin.sourceforge.net/>.
[6] K. K. A. Kumar and P. Norp, “JReversePro 1.4.1”, Oct. 2002, <http://sourceforge.net/projects/jrevpro/>.
[7] Quest Software Inc., “JProbe Suite 6.0”, <http://www.quest.com/jprobe/>.
[8] Red Hat Inc., “Fedora Core 4”, <https://www.redhat.com/fedora/>.
[9] Sun Microsystems, inc., “Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition.”, <http://java.sun.com/j2se/>.
[10] Jonathan Meyer and Troy Downing, “JAVA Virtual Machine”, O’Reilly, 2000.
[11] T. Lindholm and F. Yellin, “The Java Virtual Machine Specification 2nd Edition”, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
[12] K.B.Sriram, “JAS – Java Bytecode Assembler”, <http://www.ooware.com/mirrors/kb/jas.html>.
[13] Sun Microsystems, inc., “javap – The Java Class Disassembler”, <http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/tooldocs/windows/javap.html>.
[14] Dan Stone, “IJVM – modified(integer-only) subset of Sun’s JVM”, Prentice-Hall, 1998, <http://www.ontko.com/mic1/> <http://www.ontko.com/mic1/jas.html>
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