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研究生(外文):Kuan-Ting Lu
論文名稱(外文):Collaborated Constructing and Sharing of Domain Knowledge using Ontology
指導教授(外文):Ay-Hwa Liou
外文關鍵詞:OntologyDomain KnowledgeKnowledge ManagementCollaborative EditingKnowledge Sharing
  • 被引用被引用:16
  • 點閱點閱:237
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Since the information technology has been developed so fast, searching the related knowledge or information in specific domain is much easier than before. However, the amount of returning information usually too large and the relations between the handling objects are usually complicated. The users can only processing the collected objects, or documents, based on their basic properties such as document name or publishing years. It is difficult for a user to manage all the deep knowledge involved based on the information mentioned or discussed within the document. However, in order to master the overall concepts of the particular domain, it is necessary for the user to be able to actually study the article and understand the real contents of it and then, some how, to record the structures and relations of the knowledge which he has mastered after reading and understand the contents elaborated in the documents. If we can classify and describe the related information easily, it would help the researcher to grasp the whole picture of the domain and enhance the quality of his work.
In this research we have shown how a researcher can improve the effectiveness of his study by easily build-up the complete domain ontology and specify the concept and the relations between the research articles in a structured way. The structure of the research domain is following a specific ontology which is determined before the experiment. The users are allowed to present the relations between the ontology objects in the articles by calculating the weightings and visualizing the arranged data and show the complete domain framework. The visualization is done by drawing relational diagrams based on the user’s query. This permits the user to master the overall concepts of the interested domain. The total framework is implemented on the web for easy accessibility. This approach of domain knowledge analysis provides more precise information about document relationships.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 本體論(Ontology) 6
1. 本體論的定義 6
2. 本體論的要素 8
第二節 知識管理(Knowledge Management) 8
1. 知識管理的定義 8
2. 知識管理的目的 9
第三節 協同編輯(Collaborative Editing) 10
1. 協同編輯的定義 10
2. 協同編輯的實例 11
第三章 研究架構 15
第一節 領域知識本體論的建立 15
1. 建立領域知識類別 16
2. 建立類別屬性及關聯 19
第二節 系統架構 23
1. 領域知識庫 24
2. 系統功能 24
3. 權重系統 26
4. 領域知識概念圖的呈現 28
第四章 領域知識管理系統 30
第一節 系統使用說明 30
1. 建構領域知識 30
2. 查詢領域知識 31
3. 呈現領域知識 34
4. 維護領域知識 36
第二節 系統使用效益 37
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 39
參考文獻 41

圖1 研究流程圖 5
圖2 領域知識本體論架構 18
圖3 領域知識本體論關聯圖 22
圖4 系統架構圖 23
圖5 概念圖呈現 29
圖6 知識擷取介面 30
圖7 類別之實體列表 31
圖8 知識查詢介面 32
圖9 知識查詢條件 32
圖10 領域知識查詢結果 33
圖11 階層表示查詢結果 34
圖12 圖形化表示領域知識 35
圖13 維護領域知識 36
圖14 修改領域知識 37

表1領域知識類別定義 16
表2 Paper類別屬性 19
表3 Author類別屬性 20
表4 Organization類別屬性 21
表5 Published類別屬性 21
表6 Knowledge類別屬性 21
表7領域知識管理系統與CiteSeer比較 38
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