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研究生(外文):Chih-Hao Kuei
論文名稱(外文):Carry-Free Radix-8 Division Architecture and Implementation of the Divider
指導教授(外文):Fun YeJen-Shiun Chiang
中文關鍵詞:New Svoboda-Tung基底八倍率單元除法器帶號數字
外文關鍵詞:New Svoboda-TungRadix-8PrescaleDivisionSigned-Digit Number
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因為至今的高速運算以及多媒體應用盛行,在微處理器中的基本運算單元之設計就顯得相當重要。雖然除法器並不是最常被運用到的運算單元,但是它在算數運算單元中卻是扮演著相當重要的角色。位元遞迴的除法演算是一個簡易且常被運用的方法,為了加快運算的速度,我們可以增加基底數目來減少疊代運算的次數,若是採用基底β來運算,其中β=2m,則每次疊代運算可得到m位元的商數,所需要的疊代次數為n/m。我們提出了一個基底為八且相容於IEEE 754-1985的浮點運算除法器,整個除法器的運算是根據New Svoboda-Tung(NST)演算法以及基底為八的多餘數字系統。
Due to the progress of high speed computation and multimedia application, the hardware implementation of all basic arithmetic operations becomes important in the design of microprocessor. Although division is not the most frequent arithmetic operation, Implementation of division is always one key point in arithmetic units. A simple and widely implemented class of division algorithm is digit recurrence. To speedup the division process, one may reduce the number of iteration steps by increasing the radix β of the process. Selecting β=2m allows the generation of m quotient bits at each step and the number of steps can be reduced to n/m. We propose a radix-8 floating point division that complies with the IEEE 754-1985. This method is based on New Svoboda-Tung(NST) algorithm and the radix-8 redundant number system.
The divider involves a simple recurrence with carry-free addition and employs prescaling of the operands. We summarize a general systematic method to accomplish the prescaling, and we also propose a hardware scheme such that the timing complexity is constant regardless of the bit length of the divisor. By taking the advantage of the carry-free addition, we can perform any bit length divider in a fast easy manner. The simulation results show that the hardware complexity and performance of this divider is competitive with conventional SRT dividers.
ABSTRACT---------- II
第一章: 緒論
1.1 研究動機與目標----------1
1.2 論文架構----------3
第二章: 除法器架構、原理簡介
2.1 IEEE 754浮點標準----------5
2.2 浮點除法運算的組織架構----------9
2.3 帶號數字系統與帶號數字加法器簡介----------12
2.4 各式除法架構、原理簡介----------20
2.4.1 除法架構分類----------20
2.4.2 Newton-Raphson除法簡介----------20
2.4.3 Goldschmidt除法簡介----------25
2.4.4 Division by convergence除法簡介----------29
2.4.5 Restore除法簡介----------31
2.4.6 Nonrestore除法簡介----------35
2.4.7 SRT除法簡介----------38
2.4.8 Svoboda-Tung除法簡介----------47
第三章: 高基底除法
3.1 高基底除法簡介----------58
3.2 高基底SRT除法----------59
3.3 New Svoboda-Tung除法----------63
3.3.1 Svoboda-Tung除法簡介----------63
3.3.2 New Svoboda-Tung除法簡介----------67
3.3.3 New Svoboda-Tung除數範圍討論----------68
3.3.4 重置條件----------69
3.3.5 New Svoboda-Tung除法分析----------70
3.3.6 倍率單元(Prescale Unit)分析----------73
3.3.7 New Svoboda-Tung演算流程----------74
第四章: NST基底八除法架構
4.1 除法器架構----------76
4.2 倍率單元----------78
4.3 疊代單元----------89
第五章: 模擬與驗證結果
5.1 驗證流程----------94
5.2 模擬結果----------96
5.3 效能比較----------98
第六章: 結論
6.1 結論----------101
6.2 檢討與建議----------101
參考文獻----------103圖 目
圖2.1 IEEE 754 單精準度格式與倍精準度格式·········································6
圖2.2 +0.75(10)轉換成IEEE 754 單精準度格式········································8
圖2.3 -0.75(10)轉換成IEEE 754 倍精準度格式·········································9
圖2.4 浮點除法運算組織架構··································································10
圖2.5 帶號數字加法器架構······································································13
圖2.6 數值置換架構··················································································16
圖2.7 牛頓-羅富森·····················································································22
圖2.8 Newton-Raphson 除法架構······························································24
圖2.9 三階Newton-Raphson 除法架構····················································25
圖2.10 Goldschmidt 除法架構···································································27
圖2.11 Peter Soderquist 提出的除法架構··················································28
圖2.12 存回式除法(Restoring Division)··············································33
圖2.13 存回式除法架構············································································34
圖2.14 非存回式除法(Nonrestoring Division)·····································37
圖2.15 非存回式除法架構········································································37
圖2.16 加入商數0 的非存回式除法························································40
圖2.17 SRT 除法························································································41
圖2.18 SRT 基本架構·················································································42
圖2.19 Radix-4 SRT 架構···········································································43
圖2.20 Radix-4 SRT 的P-D 圖··································································44
圖2.21 部份餘數的範圍表········································································44
圖2.22 部份餘數的重疊區域數值····························································44
圖2.23 Pentium 晶片的浮點運算錯誤散佈圖···········································46
圖2.24 Pentium 晶片的浮點運算錯誤曲面圖···········································46
圖2.25 Radix-4 NST MROR 的基本架構··················································50
圖2.26 Radix-4 Prescale 架構·····································································53
圖2.27 Radix-4 MROR 疊代單元架構·······················································56
圖3.1 部份餘數範圍圖··············································································60
圖3.2 SRT 除法選商圖···············································································61
圖3.3 SRT 除法的P-D 圖··········································································63
圖3.4 NST 除法理論樹狀圖······································································71
圖4.1 Radix-8 MROR NST 除法組織架構················································77
圖4.2 倍率常數範圍相關圖······································································83
圖4.3 倍率選取單元的架構圖··································································84
圖4.4 疊代單元架構··················································································89
圖4.5 rj
圖5.1 ModelSim 模擬結果1 ······································································95
圖5.2 ModelSim 模擬結果2 ······································································96
圖5.3 邏輯閘層次模擬結果1 ···································································97
圖5.4 邏輯閘層次模擬結果2 ···································································98
表 目
表2.1 IEEE 754 標準浮點格式····································································6
表2.2 數值置換真值表··············································································16
表2.3 最後和產生電路真值表··································································17
表2.4 最後和產生電路真值表··································································18
表2.5 存回式除法範例··············································································34
表2.6 非存回式除法架構··········································································38
表2.7 Svoboda 演算法················································································48
表2.8 Svoboda 除法範例············································································48
表2.9 Radix-4 倍率常數表········································································52
表2.10 輸入數值與多工器輸出的真值表················································53
表2.11 Radix-4 MROR 變負單元的真值表···············································54
表3.1 各種基底查表電路所需要的儲存容量··········································62
表3.2 NST 除法理論δ值列表···································································72
表4.1 Radix-8 MROR 帶號數字二進制編碼表·········································77
表4.2 Radix-8 MROR di 數值表································································81
表4.3 Radix-8 MROR 倍率常數表····························································82
表4.4 倍率選取輸入與多工器的關係表··················································85
表4.5 變負單元真值表··············································································86
表4.6 rj
表4.7 rj
表4.8 補償單元選擇表··············································································92
表5.1 測試參數··························································································97
表5.2 單精確度的速度性能比較表··························································99
表5.3 倍精確度的速度性能比較表··························································99
表5.4 Gate Count 比較表··········································································100
表5.5 預估消耗功率比較表····································································100
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