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研究生(外文):Bao -Ju Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Research of Cause-effect Model on Ethics Dilemma and Ethical Decision-Making Confronted by Financial consultants of Banks
外文關鍵詞:financial consultantsethical dilemmaethical decision-makingthe philosophy of moral developmentinternal-external controlethical climatecompetitive intensity.
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Due to the internationalization and deregulation, the competition in the financial market has been fierce in recent years. The work value of bank employees has often become the source of controversy and conflict. Financial consultants having difficulties in compliance with the code of ethics is because most banks evaluate their financial consultant’s performance mainly based on sales figures, even though the company training emphasizes on customer satisfaction. The code of ethics is easily being violated when financial consultants are trying to reach a high sales target. Once the difficulty and complexity in dealing with ethical issues increase and there is no solution for it, the financial consultants may feel frustrated so as to setback and even resign. The situation not only increases the bank’s recruiting and training costs, but also creates adverse impacts on corporate image and operation performance.
There is not much research on the emerging profession “financial consultant” in Taiwan. A few studies focus only on the aspect of sales or behaviors, such as performance assessment of financial consultants or relationship marketing. The issues in relation to financial consultant’s code of ethics and professional morality are seldom addressed. In fact, the ethical issue has been long ignored in the financial industry. Even though some banks have realized the importance in compliance with the ethical code, the ethics of these professions are intentionally or inadvertently neglected under sales considerations.
The intention of this research is to investigate what types of the ethical dilemma that financial consultants often encounter, what their reactions are on the spot, and what factors cause the dilemma. The four topics in the research are as follows:
1. Emphasize the importance of the code of ethics toward financial consultants
2. Discuss the financial consultant’s current situation and dilemma of dealing with the code of ethics
3. Identify the factors that influence financial consultants’ ethical behaviors
4. Explore what investment suggestions are proposed to customers when financial consultants have ethical dilemmas
It is difficult to quantify “dilemma” as it is a kind of perception and feeling. Thus, the qualitative research method is used in this research to examine financial consultant’s dilemma and the cause and effect regarding to ethical issues. The questionnaires are employed and interviews with senior financial consultants are conducted at the public, private and foreign banks. The research is expected to assist financial consultants to reach a interest among banks, customers and themselves when facing ethical dilemmas in processing complicated financial transactions, especially in a so-called “dilemma” when each party has its own justification and standpoint.
This research is aimed to achieve the following three purposes through exploratory study:
1.Understand the ethical dilemmas often faced by most of financial consultants
2.Understand the factors influencing financial consultants’ behaviors
3.Understand financial consultants’ ways of decision making under ethical dilemmas
The results of this research:
1.Based on the interview information, the preliminary analysis indicates that factors influence financial consultants’ behaviors including personal factors: the philosophy of moral development and personality traits; organizational factors: organizational ethical climate,
Performance assessment and leadership style; and environmental factors: market competition and economic situation.
2.By qualitative research, the ethical dilemmas often faced by financial consultants are summarized as following seven dilemmas: minimum operation liability oncept,maximum profitability concept, information asymmetry concept, business balance concept,professional perception difference concept, target conflict concept and professional commitment concept.
3.When in ethical dilemmas, the financial consultant considers only the decision-making giving priority to customer’s interest will then reach a state of win-win among customers, organizations and financial consultants.

Twenty propositions are deduced from meaningful propositions in the five sections of the research results for future research in the field of financial consultants’ ethical dilemmas. The more important propositions are as follows:
Proposition : Financial consultants with internal-control personality trait seldom incur ethical dilemmas.
Proposition : The stronger competition intensity is, the higher frequency of ethical dilemma happen to financial consultants.
Proposition : When the customer is losing money,regardless whether it is financial consultant''s fault or not,financial consultants would experience the following ethical dilemmas related to responsibilities.
(1) Financial consultants should inform customers about the risk and bear the morality responsibility at the same time.
(2) When customers are acting against the bank, banks often indemnify customers for the loss.
Proposition : No matter the main product is good or bad, financial consultants do their best to promote the products. But when organizations, customers and financial consultants’ interest are in conflict, financial consultants still give top priority to customer’s interest.
Proposition : When financial consultants face ethical dilemmas, their decision-making often inclines to customer’s interest.
Proposition : The ethical dilemmas often happen to female customers.
Proposition : It is easier for customers having some investment experiences to experience ethical dilemmas.
Proposition : The highly commercial and complex financial products carry higher hidden service charges whereby would contribute more to banks and also cause additional ethical dilemmas.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 2
第二節 研究動機 4
第三節 研究目的 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 金融服務市場與企業倫理 8
第二節 理專的定義、現況及倫理行為 10
第三節 倫理與企業倫理 17
第四節 影響個體倫理行為之因素 22
第五節 倫理困境 30
第六節 倫理困境下之決策 33
第三章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究架構 41
第二節 研究對象 44
第三節 研究工具 49
第四節 研究過程 48
第五節 資料分析 51
第六節 資料分析的嚴謹度 52
第四章 訪談分析結果與發現 53
第一節 誘導理財專員倫理困境之因素 53
第二節 理財專員面臨之倫理困境 60
第三節 倫理問題的相關研究與分析 85
第四節 理財專員倫理困境下之決策 92
第五章 結論、討論與建議 97
第一節 研究結論 97
第二節 推導研究命題 103
第三節 管理意涵 111
第四節 研究貢獻 114
第五節 研究限制與未來研究方向 116
參考文獻 118
中文文獻 118
英文文獻 122
附錄一 銀行辦理財富管理業務應注意事項 127
附錄二 銀行對非財富管理部門客戶銷售金融商品應注意事項 131
附錄三 訪談邀請 135
附錄四 書面問卷 136
附錄五 深度訪談題目大綱 139
附錄六 深度訪談內容 141
表 1 金融機構總分行家數統計表 1
表 2 全體金融機構逾放比率統計表- 1
表 3 台灣銀行業平均資產報酬率、平均淨值報酬率分析表 2
表 4 台灣銀行業手續費收入分析表 2
表 5 銀行理專工作描述 12
表 6 國內外學者對倫理的定義 18
表 7 國內學者對企業倫理的相關研究 19
表 8 企業倫理的議題 20
表 9 企業倫理的內容 20
表10 道德認知發展階段 22
表11 壽險業中阻礙道德行為之因素 28
表12 理財專員調查 38
表13 受訪者背景資料 42
表14 訪談時間表 43
表15 前導變項之訪談題目大綱 46
表16 中間變項之訪談題目大綱-47
表17 中間變項之訪談題目大綱-續 47
表18 結果變項之訪談題目大綱 48
表19 其他訪談題目大綱 48
表20 理專倫理困境與前導因素之關係 54
表21 理專倫理議題與公司的倫理政策 55
表22 其他影響倫理困境的因素 58
表23 最小經營責任觀-責任 61
表24 最大銷售利潤觀-義務 63
表25 最大銷售利潤觀-利益 63
表26 最大銷售利潤觀-配合度 64
表27 資訊不對稱觀-投資建議 65
表28 資訊不對稱觀-充分告知 66
表29 資訊不對稱觀-增加業績 67
表30 業務權宜觀-銷售技巧 69
表31 業務權宜觀-服務與理財目標 70
表32 業務權宜觀-改變策略 71
表33 風險與報酬認知差異 73
表34 專業角色認知差異 75
表35 不當行銷的認知差異 76
表36 理專與客戶認知差異 76
表37 業績與專業的衝突 79
表38 業績與資源配置的衝突 80
表39 組織政策與制度的衝突 81
表40 現實與理想的衝突 82
表41 理專與組織目標的衝突 82
表42 專業承諾觀 84
表43 客戶性別 85
表44 客戶年齡 85
表45 客戶學歷 85
表46 客戶職業 86
表47 客戶投資經驗 86
表48 客戶同時與幾個理專往來 86
表49 進入理專前之工作性質 87
表50 理專對於業績制度之看法 88
表51 理專對理專工作的滿意度 89
表52 客戶最常反應或不滿意之倫理問題 90
表53 最容易引發倫理困境或衝突之產品 90
表54 最容易引發倫理衝突的金融市場氣氛 91
表55 理專推展業務時採取之策略 92
表56 面臨倫理困境時常有的行為反應 93
表57 受訪者所作之決策傾向排序 93
表58 以客戶利益為重要考量之原因 95
表59 影響理專倫理行為之因素 97
表60 理專面臨之七項倫理困境 98
表61 理專面臨困境時的行為反應與決策重要性排序 100
表62 命題推導 103
圖1 行銷組織中倫理決策的權變模式 34
圖2 組織中倫理決策: 人員-情境的互動模式 35
圖3 組織倫理決策的議題-權變模式 36
圖4 Thomas 衝突解決方式 39
圖5 研究架構 41
圖6 研究結果 94
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