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研究生(外文):Ying-Shiow Ke
論文名稱(外文):An Exploration of Factors Influencing Tw-DRG Relative weights-The Example of A Medical Center
指導教授(外文):Che-Ming Yang, Ph.D
外文關鍵詞:Diagnosis Related Groups(DRGs)Prospective Payment System(PPS)Charlson Comorbidity Index(CCI
  • 被引用被引用:10
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為避免前述情狀發生,本研究之目的在於檢討我國在導入此支付制度時,是否尚需將此類患者列入分類考量,。首先,依據文獻所指出,疾病嚴重度、加護病房住院天數及呼吸器使用天數是反映其資源(費用)耗用的重要變項,遂將以上變項納入研究分析,檢視「中央健康保險局第三版住院診斷關聯群」(以下簡稱為Tw-DRGⅢ)之相對權值(Relative Weight,RW) (以下簡稱為權重)是否反應以上資源耗用之差異。
本研究以Teradata SQL-Queryman為資料管理軟體,以SPSS 10.0為統計分析之研究工具。採回溯性資料分析,以某醫學中心93年7月至94年6月期間住院病患為研究對象,由個案醫院健保申報資料中的健保醫事檔描述個案醫療耗用情形。依全民健康保險住院診斷關聯群支付通則草案第三版規定,以同一研究對象住院日期進行歸人,排除不符Tw-DRGⅢ支付之個案,透過健保局住院診斷關聯群編審網站下載編審單機版進行分類編派,除探討個案醫院住院病人診斷關聯群結構外,以病患特質、資源耗用特質及住院費用,瞭解其與Tw-DRGⅢ之權重之相關性,本研究之結果如下:
The universal health care system was implemented in Taiwan over ten years.It acquires the people's good evaluation and become an important component of the social safety net. It is also an inevitable problem that fee-for-service reimbursement system led to physician induced demand and inefficient distribution of medical resources, so The Bureau of the National Health Insurance (BNHI) replace the payment system by prospective payment system, to expects. Healthcare providers bear the financial risks to get the goal of utilizing the medical resources for health care more efficient.
Patient care of ICU is the most consumption for medical resources , especially to the medical center.As the experience of DRGs/PPS implemented in U.S. utilization of ICU were.reduce about 1/3, and DRG dumping was happen to the patients who sick severity.To avoided the same sitaution in the future,this study tried to examine difference between the Relative Weight of Tw-DRG and related medical resources utilizing factors(The characteristics of patient demography; resources utilization;Medical expenditures)by DRGs the 3nd version.
This study design is based on hospitalized secondary retrospective data.Since July, 2004 to June, 2005 from a medical center. The data anaysis by SPSS 10.0 version and Teradata SQL-Queryman.First, the inpatients data were screened by who should pay by DRGs payment system and grouped individual into DRGs by the 3nd version software of medical information service system released from BNHI.The results for this research as followings:
1.The effect of on RW of Tw-DRGⅢ and patients characteristics
There were significant positive correlations between RW of Tw-DRGⅢ with age, Charlson Comorbidity Index;The difference on RW of Tw-DRGⅢ is different due to different gender, source of patient, discharge status, medical departments.
2.The effect of on health resource consumption characteristics on RW of Tw-DRGⅢ:
There were significant positive correlations between RW of Tw-DRGⅢ with length of stay, length of stay in ICU, length of stay on ventilator;The difference on RW of Tw-DRGⅢ is different due to operation procedure, ventilator using, ICU using.
3.The effect of Medical expenditures on RW of Tw-DRGⅢ
There were significant positive correlations between RW of Tw-DRGⅢ with Medical expenditures.
4.From the results of multiple regression analyses, patients age,Charlson Comorbidity Index, source of patient, discharge status, medical departments, length of stay, length of stay in ICU, length of stay on ventilator, operation procedure, ventilator using, ICU using operation procedure, ventilator using, ICU using were significantly associated with higher RW of Tw-DRGⅢ, with the adjusted R square of 0.558.
目 錄
誌 謝 I
中 文 摘 要 II
Abstract IV
目 錄 VI
表目次 VIII
圖目次 IX
附錄目次 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 4
第四節 重要名詞界定 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 國外診斷關聯群緣起及發展 7
第二節 國內診斷關聯群演進及現況 14
第三節 疾病嚴重度 22
第四節 住院醫療資源耗用相關研究 27
第五節 文獻總結 29
第三章 研究方法 32
第一節 研究設計及研究架構 32
第二節 研究變項與操作型定義 34
第三節 研究假設 37
第四節 研究材料 38
第五節 資料分析方法 41
第四章 資料分析 42
第一節 基本資料特性分析 42
第二節 醫療資源耗用分析 49
第三節 推論性統計 53
第五章 綜合討論 67
第一節 假說驗證之結果 67
第二節 研究限制 70
第六章 結論與建議 71
第一節 結論 71
第二節 建議 72
參考文獻 73
網頁部份 75
李玉春 ; 尤之毅,如何讓PPS/DRGs在臺灣落地生根,衛生報導,2(6),29-36,1992。
黃瑞美( 2003 )。建立醫院病例組合指標-以新生兒疾病與疾患為例。行政院衛生署91年度委託研究計劃。
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