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研究生(外文):Chiu-Ming Hu
論文名稱(外文):A Nutrition Analysis System based on Recipe Ontology
指導教授(外文):Chien-Yeh Hsu
外文關鍵詞:OntologyDatabaseKnowledge ManagementDietary RecordDietary Reference IntakesFood Composition
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近年來國人對於日常生活保健愈顯重視,飲食的管理是不可缺少的一環。本研究為了提供國人更完善的營養資訊,以日常生活中的常見料理為基礎建立料理本體論(recipe ontology),嘗試將食品營養成分領域中的名詞作明確定義,以利食品成分之搜尋、解釋及分析。此料理本體論參考台灣地區食品營養成分資料庫,將料理分類為七項類別與食材分為十八項類別,透過軟體把知識本體架構標準化成為XML,再利用ASP與MySQL資料庫,建立食品營養素成分分析系統,提供使用者諮詢食品營養、計算攝取營養與提供飲食記錄的功能,並針對個人產生適當的飲食建議。
The Internet database for food composition in Taiwan, including food descriptions, sample descriptions, analysis items, methods, and references, was built by the Department of Health. Although complete food composition data has been collected in this database, it is not convenient for people who do not have sufficient nutrition knowledge to retrieve nutrition information.
Recently, diet management is an important topic in health care. To provide sufficient nutrition information, the recipe ontology was built based on common food recipes in this study. This ontology was used to explicitly define terms of food composition and design analytic procedures and search functions. In this recipe ontology, recipes were classified as 7 categories and foods were classified as 18 categories refered to the database for food composition in Taiwan area. The recipe ontology was implemented using XML and integrated with MySQL and ASP to develop a food composition analysis system. In this system, users can retrieve nutrition information and evaluate their dietary intakes according to the 24-hour dietary record. In addition, the system can generate dietary recommendations according to the personal records.
The food composition analysis system was evaluated by the experts in nutrition using a questionnaire survey. According to the questionnaire results, more than 80.96% experts consider that the system is helpful for education, research, and clinical application. Therefore, this system can help people to complete the goal of diet self-management for health.
審定書 ii
上網授權書 iii
誌 謝 vi
目 錄 viii
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
中文摘要 xii
Abstract xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 名詞解釋 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 食品營養素成分 5
2.2 本體論的簡介 6
2.3 料理本體論的應用 7
2.4 遠距醫療(telemedicine) 8
第三章 研究方法 9
3.1 食品營養成分線上資料庫的建置 9
3.1.1 國人膳食營養素參考攝取量資料庫的建置 10
3.2 料理本體建構(recipe ontology)的建立與應用 10
3.2.1 運用Protégé建立一個樹狀結構的料理本體知識樹 11
3.2.2 以此本體為基礎分析出100道標準料理食譜建立知識庫 12
3.2.3 食材知識本體與料理知識本體之關係 13
3.3 飲食紀錄表單的建立 14
3.4 每日熱量與營養素攝取量的計算 15
3.5 個人資料庫與飲食建議資料庫的建立與應用 16
3.5.1 每日飲食建議量百分比 16
3.6 系統建置 17
3.7 研究工具 17
3.7.1 工具信度檢定 18
3.7.2 工具效度檢定 18
第四章 研究結果 19
4.1 ㄧ百道標準料理食譜 19
4.2 標準料理食譜知識本體 21
4.3 食品營養素成分分析系統 23
4.3.1 檢索模組 28
4.3.2 熱量與營養素攝取量計算模組 32
4.3.3 膳食建議模組 35
4.3.4 專家評估結果 38
第五章 討論 41
5.1 料理本體與食品營養成分資料庫 41
5.2 食品營養素成分分析系統之應用 42
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 43
6.1 結論 43
6.2 未來研究方向 43
參考文獻 45
附錄一 食品營養素成分分析系統專家滿意度評估問卷 47
附錄二 ㄧ百道標準料理食譜內容 48
附錄三 料理本體(recipe ontology) XML內容範例 72
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