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Author (Eng.):Yuan Ting Chiu
Title (Eng.):Studying effects of Web-based, Integrated Patient Education System on Diabetic Patients' Medication Adherence
Advisor:劉建財劉建財 author reflink
advisor (eng):Chien-Tsai Liu
Narrow Field:醫藥衛生學門
Detailed Field:醫學技術及檢驗學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:150
keyword (chi):糖尿病醫囑服藥的順從度藥物衛生教育健康信念
keyword (eng):DiabetesMedication adherencehealth beliefMedicationPatient education
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  • Cited Cited :8
  • HitsHits:1384
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由於台灣人口的老年人比率逐漸增加,生活環境的變化,因此國人糖尿病的盛行率日漸上升,而糖尿病更高居十大死因的第四名。因為糖尿病病人大都是老年人的關係,因此通常都會使用兩種以上的藥物治療,用藥比例種總和都超過100%,糖尿病患變成用藥高危險群,由此可知藥物衛教對糖尿病病人的重要性。而治療處方需隨相關考慮因素來作適當調整,因此糖尿病病人的醫囑服藥的順從度就顯的格外重要,因為藥物的醫囑服藥的順從度也會影響糖尿病病人的血糖控制和併發症的延後。而隨著科技進步,利用資訊科技來幫助醫療照護,對病患、醫護人員、甚至整個社會都會有極大的效益存在。因此,本研究本研究透過立意取樣的方式,共收案228位病人,分為實驗組與對照組,運用健康信念理論概念,製作一份結構型問卷量表,利用前後測的方法,以病人的角度為出發點,藉由後測的問卷來評估透過此以病人為導向的整合型糖尿病藥物及衛生網路教育系統的糖尿病病人醫囑服藥的順從度改善之成效,透過整合型糖尿病藥物及衛生網路教育系統,針對加強提供糖尿病病人每一次在醫院所做的衛教資訊、藥物方面的訊息,例如每一次在醫院拿的藥物外觀、副作用介紹、使用注意事項、藥物的學名、藥物的商品名、藥物的適應症、藥物的中文名、劑量、劑型、藥物的用法用量、保存方法、藥物的過量處理等資訊。研究結果發現,兩組在前測時候分析發現自覺疾病的易感性之程度為低、自覺疾病的嚴重度之程度不高、採取健康行為的利益之程度高、採取健康行為的障礙之程度高;而在後測分析結果中可以看到實驗組的自覺疾病易感性之程度為對照組高;實驗組的自覺疾病的嚴重度之程度為對照組高,並且兩組的平均數得分相差1.97分,推論實驗組的個案對於可能罹患此疾病所帶來的嚴重程度和危險性患者的認知有不錯的現況; 實驗組的採取健康行為的利益之程度較對照組高,顯示實驗組的個案認同依照醫囑服藥對疾病治癒的機率高,並且對其是有幫住的; 對照組的採取健康行為的障礙之程度較實驗組高,顯示對照組的個案採取健康行為的障礙之程度高。由以上結果可以推論利用系統作介入後,加強了病人在採取健康行為的利益(如:可以不分時段、不受地域影響,持續的獲取糖尿病的相關資訊,讓病人可以隨時複習所需資料,並且提升衛教的成效),和自覺疾病的嚴重度(在系統中教導併發症的危險),採取健康行為的障礙因此便會減低,而在身體檢查報告部分,實驗組病人也有小幅的改進狀況,看出實驗組的病人在使用過系統後,在健康信念量表、遵醫囑行為、病患藥物知識測驗,均有進步的跡象,因此可以推論系統的介入,的確給病人帶來正面的助益。
Diabetes is the fourth leading causes of death in Taiwan. Diabetes mellitus is a complex chronic metabolic disease. Without appropriate treatment complications often occur. Because diabetes patients are mostly the old people, they usually use more than two kinds of medication. Total proportion of medicine exceed 100%. Diabetes patient are the high dangerous group in using medicine. It is therefore imperative for diabetic patients to have good pharmaceutical education in order to have better results in glucose control. So diabetic patients' medication adherence plays an essential role in diabetes. As the Internet becomes more widely available, the general public is beginning to seek medical information and support online. This research has recruited total of 228 subjects, in which each subject has been assigned to either the control or the experimental group. Data was collected by means of interviewing and questionnaire at one endocrine out. The questionnaire was consisted of health belief scale, medication adherence behaviors scale , and medication knowledge scale. The research methods are conducted with pretest-posttest design. After the patient use the web-based, integrated patient education system in the experimental group, the outcomes will be evaluated by the posttest questionnaire. This web-based, integrated patient education system is to provide appropriate drug information by linking their prescribed medicines with their photos, directions of use and instructions to enhance pharmaceutical education in a hospital. Through accessing the on-line pharmaceutical education information, patients can have better knowledge with their medicines, and hence adhere to their orders better. Moreover, the system will also provide an automatic reminder service for medication intake and routine check-ups.
From this research we can get the main results as the following:
An analysis of pretest questionnaire of outcome in two groups revealed the lower scores of perceived seriousness, perceived susceptibility and the higher scores of perceived benefits, perceived barriers. However, the greater scores of the experimental group increase after intervention. The experimental group increase 1.97 scores than that in the control group. Subjects in the experimental group have a greater increase in medication knowledge test after intervention than the subjects in the control group. This web-based, integrated patient education intervention is positively related to an increase in the perceived efficacy and barriers of diabetes care after intervention. The new system strengthens patients’ understanding of pharmaceutical functions, side-effects and relevant knowledge thus increasing patients’ adherence of medication orders and having better control in their blood glucose levels.
標題 i
審定書 ii
上網授權書 iii
誌謝 iv
目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
中文摘要 ix
英文摘要 x
第一章前言 12
1.1研究背景 12
1.2研究動機 13
1.3研究目的 15
第二章 文獻探討 16
2.1藥物醫囑遵從度 16
2.2藥物醫囑遵從度的測量 19
2.3影響糖尿病病人藥物醫囑遵從度的相關因素 19
2.4介紹糖尿病衛生教育 21
2.5糖尿病的重要性 22
2.6藥物衛生網路教育 22
第三章 研究材料與方法 25
3.1糖尿病藥物衛生教育網路輔助系統 25
3.1.1糖尿病藥物衛生教育網路輔助系統介入服務模式 27
3.2系統介入藥物醫囑順從行為 31
3.2.1 藥物醫囑順從行為研究模式 32
3.2.2 藥物醫囑順從度問卷的發展 33
3.3研究架構 37
3.3.1研究對象 38
3.3.2研究對象終止的條件 39
3.3.3資料收集方法 40
3.3.4資料分析方法 42
第四章 結果與分析 45
4.1研究個案前測之基本資料、健康信念量表、遵藥物醫囑行為、病患藥物知識測驗、身體檢查報告之差異 45
4.1.1個案前測基本資料之差異 46
4.1.2個案健康信念量表前測得分之差異 52
4.1.3個案遵藥物醫囑行為前測得分之差異 55
4.1.4個案之病患藥物知識測驗前測得分之差異 57
4.1.5個案身體初次檢查報告之差異 57
4.2探討基本資料、健康信念量表、遵藥物醫囑行為、病患藥物知識測驗、身體檢查報告之相關性 61
4.2.1健康信念量表與遵藥物醫囑行為之相關性 61
4.2.2健康信念量表與病患藥物知識測驗之相關性 62
4.2.3遵藥物醫囑行為與病患藥物知識測驗之相關性 62
4.2.4基本資料與健康信念量表之相關性 63
4.2.5基本資料與遵藥物醫囑行為之相關性 65
4.2.6基本資料與病患藥物知識測驗之相關性 67
4.3探討「糖尿病藥物衛生教育網路輔助系統」介入方案實施後,對糖尿病患者之基本資料、健康信念量表、遵藥物醫囑行為、病患藥物知識測驗、身體檢查報告之影響 70
4.3.1實驗組與對照組基本資料之差異 70
4.3.2實驗組與對照組健康信念量表後測得分之差異 73
4.3.3實驗組與對照組遵藥物醫囑行為後測得分之差異 78
4.3.4實驗組與對照組在病患藥物知識測驗後測得分之差異 80
4.3.5實驗組與對照組在後測身體檢查報告之差異 81
4.3.6實驗組個案系統使用之情形 84
第五章討論 87
5.1研究個案之基本資料、健康信念量表、遵藥物醫囑行為、病患藥物知識測驗、身體檢查報告之前測 87
5.2探討基本資料、健康信念量表、遵藥物醫囑行為、病患藥物知識測驗、身體檢查報告之相關性 89
5.3探討「糖尿病藥物衛生教育網路輔助系統」介入方案實施後,對糖尿病患者之基本資料、健康信念量表、遵藥物醫囑行為、病患藥物知識測驗、身體檢查報告之影響 91
第六章 結論與建議 96
6.1結論 96
6.2研究限制與未來研究方向之建議 97
參考文獻 98
中文文獻 98
英文文獻 100
附錄(一)問卷 102
附錄(二)藥物知多少問卷 106
附錄(三)訪員訓練手冊 107
附錄(四)系統使用說明書 114
附錄(五)問卷編碼簿 121
附錄(六)參與實驗同意書 127
附錄(七)問卷內容效度之專家名單 128

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1. Community-base Health Promotion Intervention Program for Diabetics Case with Physical Measurement and Quality of life
2. The Impact of Patients’ Adherence、Outcome and Utilization under the Shared Care Disease Management Program for the Diabetes- An Example from A Regional Teaching Hospital
3. Depressive Symptoms and Quality of Life in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
4. Developing An Ambulatory Pharmaceutical Care Model Operated by Pharmacists in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
5. 促進糖尿病患者社會支持與充能效果之介入研究-以台北市石牌地區吉慶里和石牌里為例
6. The Risk Factors Related to Quality of Life for Patients with Type Ⅱ Diabetes Mellitus
7. Compliance Behaviors and Related Factors of Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Out—Patient Department at a Regional Teaching Hospital
8. To Compare the Different Educational Models for Caring the Skin Lesions Occurred in the Feet of Diabetic Patients at a Medical Center.
9. Comparison of Dietary Intake and Phical Activities between Children with Type 1 Diabetes and Their Healthy Peers at School
10. The Impact of Adherence Behaviors on Health outcome and Utilization of Health Services for Type 1 Diabetes children and adolescent.
11. Integrating Hospital Medical Care Data with Pharmaceutical Education Materials for Diabetes Self Management
12. Study of Refill Prescriptions for Hypertensive Patients in a Medical Center
13. Determinants of vascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
14. Association of psychosocial factors and diabetic control in diabetic children and adolescents
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