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研究生(外文):Wu li chen
論文名稱(外文):The Frist Experience of Book Reading for a Child Living in the Country Side of Southern Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Lu wen Yueh
外文關鍵詞:book readingcountry sidebackground knowledge
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1. 在閱讀初期,因為背景知識的缺乏,與書的內容無法連結,所以會衍生一些因應策略來面對。如:透過身體語言或表情來表現不悅,會焦躁不安,眼神不專注,轉移大人的焦點、或利用快速翻閱書籍表示看完書的方法,將看書的活動結束。在初期偉翰對書的接收度不高,與書常是無對話與無互動的情況。
2. 在閱讀中期,利用多元方式學習,遊戲學習與合作閱讀,可以感受到強烈的「互動感」存在。透過遊戲學習,與成人互動,與聲音互動;合作閱讀時,與楷模互動和學習,會與書互動,會將經驗與書做對照,會以圖片作為一個搜索的媒介,更仔細搜尋。還會記得某句話出現延宕模仿的行為。
3. 閱讀後期,發現個案會推論、歸納書中相似之處,針對書中的內容提出問題,提出質疑。當出現延宕模仿時,會以豐富的詞彙說出故事裡的內容,複製成人所使用的例子與內容。還會透過自語來與書本對話,做個人內在的自我澄清。最後還會當個說故事者,主動拿書與人分享或角色扮演說故事。
The objective of the thesis was to discuss how a child living in the countryside of southern Taiwan was introduced into a world of literature. The researcher aimed at understanding how this experience had changed the child’s behaviors with the guidance of significant adults. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to identify the characteristics of the child’s behaviors during the reading process
The researcher participated personally in this action research in order to assist the target child in book reading activities. After 10-month in-field observation, video- and audio-tape data collection, and analysis, the research had the following findings:
1. At the beginning of the reading process, due to the deficiency of background knowledge, the child was unable to relate himself to the content of the books and applied several tactics accordingly. For example, use of body language and facial expressions to exhibit displeasure, feelings of restlessness, inability to concentrate, diverting adults’ attention, or skimming the pages quickly in order to end the reading activity. Thus, at the initial phase of this research, 偉翰, my case study child, was not very fond of books and reacted negatively. Nor did he have lots of interactions with the books.
2. In the middle of the reading process, by exploiting books via a variety of learning activities, such as play, cooperative learning with adults and peers, and language games, the child began to have active interactions with adult models, with more competent peers, and with books. He learned how to refer to prior experiences during reading, use pictures as clues for information searching and tracking, as well as remember the story line for later deferred imitation.
3. At the final phase of the reading process, we discovered the individual child could infer, induce the similarities between books, and raise questions based on the content in the books. During deferred imitation, he would narrate the story content in rich vocabulary, duplicate the examples made by the adults previously, and use private speech to connect himself with the books and to monitor his own thinking process. Eventually, he could position himself as a storyteller and share the books with others, and as an actor dramatizing the stories of the books in front of audiences.
The implications of the study were: (1) more social organizations are needed to support the establishment of reading movements in the remote areas of Taiwan. (2) we should empower individuals, their families and schools, and the counties they lived in by giving them sufficient cultural exposures. Researchers in the future are suggested to do more in-depth field research, and unearth problems and phenomena unique to the rural areas in Taiwan. Through the advancement of reading, it would be promising to shorten the gap between cities and country sides.
目 錄

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
哲學思維 5
第一節 讀寫萌發 6
第二節 家庭與讀寫 18
第三節 成人世界在讀寫上的角色 22
總結 34
第三章 研究方法與歷程 37
第一節 研究情境的介紹 37
第二節 研究者的角色 47
第三節 研究方法與程序 49
第四節 資料的整理與分析 53
第四章 研究發現 57
第一節 尋找背景知識與文本的契合 57
第二節 多元化的學習方式 69
第三節 閱讀角色的轉變 84
總結 103
第五章 省思與建議 105
第一節 省思 105
第二節 建議 115
參考文獻 119
壹、中文部分 119
貳、英文部分 120
參、網路資料 125
附錄一 127

圖3-1 39

表3-1 51
表3-2 53
表3-3 55

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