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研究生(外文):Hung-Che Chou
指導教授(外文):Tsong-Rong Yan
外文關鍵詞:Vibrio parahamolyticusQCM
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佳。而使用PEI與GA化學鍵結的方式,可使晶片穩定性提高10 倍。
隨著GA 接枝量提升,核酸探針的鍵結量呈線性上升。然而從百分比
All of the bio-researcher would like to design the detection
bioplatform that be more stable、sensitive、faster、convenient. The paper
is based on using quartz crystal microbalance to research Vibrio
parahamolyticus and breast cancer.
The whole to say, the method of Plasma Graft is the beat efficient to
immobilize functionality on the golden surface. Then it will be more
stability 10 times by using the method of PEI and GA chemistry immobili
-zation way. As the GA’s move up, the DNA probe immobilization
quantity lies to linear ascension.
The ratio of DNA probe immobilization quantity is 2 percent on the
chip, then the best hybridization immobilization quantity is up to 18
percent of the DNA probe immobilization quantity, and the reaction time
only 10 minute. Another part of paper results is want to immobili -zation
antibody and hybridization on the chip, the accidence test is feasible, and
antibody still had activity to recognize specific antigen. The
above-mentioned results to show the paper design’s bio-QCM platform
can be accomplished accidence detectable result.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT……………………………………………..……i
CHINESE ABSTRACT…….....……………...……………...…………..ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS…..………………………………...………….iv
LIST OF FIGURES…....………………………………..…………..…...x
LIST OF TABLES……………….……………………...…..………….xiv
UNIT SYMBOL…………………………………………...…….xvii
SUPERSCRIPT………………………...…………………...….. xviii
I INTRODUCTION…...……………....………........…………..………1
1.1 Experiment motive…………………………...………………1
1.2 Experiment purpose.……………………………………...…..4
1.3 Experiment structure....……........…………………..…….….6
1.4 Brief introduction of every chapter…………………………..9
II DOCUMENT RETROSPECT….….……………….......….……….11
2.1 Brief introduction of detecting device of living beings……...11
2.1.1 Define and make up……………………………..…..…12
2.1.2 Genesis and develop……………………...……………17
2.1.3 Kind and classification…………………………….…...22
2.1.4 Design principle……………………………..…………26
2.1.5 Application…………………………………..…………30
2.1.6 The assessment of the market and present situation…...32
2.1.7 In the clinical advantage that examines…………..……36
2.2 Quartz crystal little day brief introduction of balance…...…..38
2.2.1 Piezoelectricity phenomenon………………….………39
2.2.2 Piezoelectricity of the quartz crystal…………….….…42
2.2.3 The balance detects and examines the theory way on
quartz piezoelectricity little day……………….………49
2.2.4 The balance detects the way of examining to revise on
quartzy piezoelectricity little day under the liquid
2.2.5 The balance detects the experiment step and way
examined to revise on quartz piezoelectricity little day
under the liquid state……………………..……..….….56
2.2.6 The surface of the regular biological component is
2.2.7 Research that the balance is applied to detect of little day
of quartz piezoelectricity……………….………..……63
2.3 Brief introduction of the enteritis Vibrio…………………….65
2.3.1 Cause pathogens poisonned by food……………..……66
2.3.2 Distributed and seasonality……………………………67
2.3.3 Type attitude and characteristic…………………….…69
2.3.4 Difference type of the fungus body……………...……71
2.3.5 Pathogenic strength……………………………………73
2.3.6 Pathology characteristic………………………….……75
2.3.7 Appraise the way………………………………...…….76
2.3.8 The food hygiene is safe………………………………79
2.4 Brief introduction of the breast cancer………………....……81
2.4.1 Epidemiology of the breast cancer……………….……82
2.4.2 Treat the new development of the breast cancer………84
2.4.3 Firefly's mere normal position hybridization law……..86
III MATERIALS AND METHODS......................................…..…….88
3.1 Materials………………………….…………..……….……88
3.1.1 Chemicals and reagents………………………….........88
3.1.2 Bacteria strains……………………….…………...…..89
3.1.3 Primer secquences…………………………..…..…….89
3.1.4 Chip size………………………………………....……89
3.2 Experiment machine…………………...……….…………..90
3.2.1 Generally biochemical machine…………………...….90
3.2.2 Liquid quartz crystal sensing system……………..…..91
3.3 Methods and process………………….……….………..….92
3.3.1 Bacteria Experiment……..………………………....…92
3.3.2 Polyacrylamide Gel Preparation……………………....95
3.3.3 Pretreatment of QCM electrode surface………………97
3.3.4 Liquid QCM experiment…………………....…..…...100
3.3.5 Chip reused experiment………………………...……105
3.4 Experiment design explain…………………….……….…106
IV EXPERIMENT RESULTS……………………………...…...….112
4.1 The best pretreatment of QCM………………..……….….112
4.1.1 Blank chip stability experiment….…………………..113
4.1.2 The difference chip surface methods to the
immobilization quantity on a crystal suface
4.1.3 The influence of difference chemical reaction condition
to the immobilization quantity on a crystal suface
4.2 Building biochip with Vibrio parahaemolyticu DNA
4.2.1 The influence of difference DNA probe concentration to
the immobilization quantity on a chip suface..........…123
4.2.2 The influence of different buffer to the DNA probe
hybridization on the chip surface………..……....…..130
4.2.3 The influence of different procedure condition to DNA
probe hybridization immobilization quantity………..132
4.2.4 Mimic experiment by DNA probe chip…………..….140
4.2.5 DNA probe chip reused experiment……………..…..146
4.3 Building antibody breast cancer test biochip……………...148
4.3.1 Accomplish antibody probe biochip…………...…….148
4.3.2 The situation about different antibody probe
immobilization experiment…………………………..150
V DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS….....................................152
5.1 Results and discussion……………………………...……152
5.1.1 The discussion of chip stabilit……..………..…...…..152
5.1.2 The discussion of best treatment steps at DNA chip...159
5.1.3 The discussion of DNA probe hybridizationin the
different influence……………………………..…….169
5.1.4 The discussion of antibody probe hybridizationin
5.1.5 Estimating the molecular structure on the QCM
5.2 Experiment conclusion……………………………...……..175
VI RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE........................................177
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