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研究生(外文):Jeng-shiung Chen
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Carbon Nanotubes Using Arc-Discharge System with Samarium-Cobalt Catalyst
指導教授(外文):Jeff Tsung-hui Tsai
外文關鍵詞:carbon nanorubesarc-dsicharge
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在使用釤鈷鹽催化劑的狀況下,大部分的產物皆可量測到拉曼(Raman)光譜中的徑向呼吸模式(Radial Breathing Mode, RBM)。一般而言,此徑向呼吸模式是單層奈米碳管所特有的特徵訊號,或由極少層壁並較大直徑之多層奈米碳管所引發之頻譜。然而藉由穿透式電子顯微鏡的觀察,我們發現到其產物多數為多層奈米碳管且具有良好的石墨化結構和不具有竹節狀的缺陷。此觀察結果也呼應拉曼光譜的正切模式中,G-band 與D-band的高強度比值(~88)。但是我們所發現到的多層奈米碳管並不會產生徑向呼吸模式。因而我們推測所量測的徑向呼吸模式應是由單層奈米碳管所產生的,但因其產率過低以致難以在穿遂式電子顯微鏡中被觀察到。
In this thesis, the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was fabricated by arc-discharge method with the samarium-cobalt (Sm-Co) chloride as the catalyst. The experimental apparatus was designed and assembled by ourselves. The Sm-Co chloride was first applied as catalyst for CNT formation. The optimized recipes were also determined by a series experiments. By the TEM observations, we observed the main products are multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). We also used the commercial MWCNTs to serve as carbon sources and fabricated the MWCNT with less tube walls. With the assistance of the Sm-Co chloride catalyst, the radial breathing modes (RBMs) of the Raman spectra were measured. Generally, the RBM only belongs to the characteristic Raman signals of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) or induced by the thin MWCNTs with large outer diameter. The tunneling electron microscopy (TEM) observations revealed our nanotubes are mainly multi-walled. These tubes have good graphitic structures and less bamboo defects which agree with their Raman measurements with high IG/ID ratio (~88). The IG and ID are the intensity of the tangential modes (TMs) of the Raman spectra. These tubes were unlikely to generate RBMs due to the observation from TEM which the thick MWCNT were mainly found. We believe that the product from our arc-discharge system contain few SWCNTs which give RBMs. However, the quantity of these SWCNTs may be too low to be observed by TEM. In our experiments, the CNTs fabricated using Sm-Co chloride catalyst exhibited good quality in structure. Our CNTs have no catalyst particles encapsulated inside the tube which is the advantage using such catalyst to fabricate CNTs. Compare to the MWCNTs fabricated from chemical vapor deposition (CVD) which usually have bamboo defects and catalyst encapsulations. The results of our experiments show that it is an unique approach to grow high quality CNTs.

ENGLISH ABSTRACT……….…………………..…………………………….i
CHINESE ABSTRACT…….……………....................………………………..ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS….……………......…….……………..……………..iv
LIST OF FIGURES……………………......………………...………………….v
LIST OF TABLES……………….......…………………….….………………..vi
I Introduction………………………………………………………….1
1.1 Scope of this study…………………………………………….1
1.2 Introduction of carbon nanotubes……………………………...1
1.2.1 History of discovery CNT…………………………….1
1.2.2 Characteristics of CNT………………………………..3
1.3 Introduction of arc-discharge method…………………………5

II Design of the Arc-Discharge System………………………………...9
2.1 Concept of building an arc-discharge system………………….9
2.2 Operation of the lab-assembly arc-discharge system……...10
III Effects of the Samarium-Cobalt Chloride as the Catalyst for Carbon Nanotubes Growth…………………………………………………..14
3.1 Initial proof of the functional catalyst…………...……………15
3.2 CNTs synthesized by different currents……..………………...24

IV Preparation of Carbon Nanotubes by Different Carbon Sources…….42
4.1 Fabricating CNTs from graphite at different pressure conditions………………………………………………...….42
4.2 Modification of MWCNT and bamboo removed………………53

V Conclusions………………………………………………………...68



第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………1
1.1 本文目的………………………………..…………………………1
1.2 奈米碳管導論…………………………..…………………………1
1.2.1 奈米碳管的歷史…………………………………………1
1.2.2 奈米碳管之特性…………………………………………3
1.3 電弧放電法簡介……………………………..……………………5

第二章 設計電弧放電系統…………………………………………………9
2.1 設計理念…………………………………………………………9
2.2 組裝電弧放電系統………………………………………………10

第三章 驗證釤鈷鹽催化劑在成長奈米碳管之效用……………………14
3.1 催化劑效用之初步驗證…………………………………………15
3.2 電流變因對產物之影響…………………………………………24

第四章 以不同碳源備製奈米碳管……………………………..…………42
4.1 以石墨為碳源在不同氣壓下成長奈米碳管……………………42
4.2 多層碳管型態之改變與竹節狀缺陷之去除……………………53

第五章 結論………………………………………………………………..68


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