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研究生(外文):Yu-Dung Chen
論文名稱(外文):Study on erosion wear and corrosion behaviors of Cr-N-O duplex coatings by cathodic arc deposition system
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Hsun Hsu
外文關鍵詞:CrNCr2O3erosionnanoindentationadhesionelastic modulushardnessfriction coefficient
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陰極電弧沉積(Cathodic Arc Deposition, CAD)技術,是物理氣相沉積(PVD)技術之一。利用CAD製程鍍膜主要優點為高離化率、多電荷離子、離子動能高,其鍍膜具有高附著性與高密度、表面均一性佳、製程的條件範圍廣、低的基材溫度、膜與基材的成份一致。可披覆在鋼材上,改善用使用壽命。
Cathodic arc deposition (CAD) process is one of physical vapor deposition. Due to the advantages of high ion rate, more ions and high ion energy, the coatings own better adhesion, high density, high homogeneity, broader coating condition, lower substrate temperature and keeping homogeneity with target, the hard ceramic films coated on steel by CAD can improve its lifetime effectively.
CrN is easy to change to dense Cr2O3, so CrN have these properties, included high hardness, oxidation resistance at high temperature, low friction, corrosion and wear resistance. In some application, the hardness of CrN is lower than TiN or TiAlN, but its oxidation and wear resistance is better than both. Based on the relationship between CrN and Cr2O3, Cr(N,O)/CrN duplex films were coated by CAD by controlling the ratio of nitrogen and oxygen flow. A series of mechanical property measurement and analysis was deformed.
As shown in the experiment, the content of chromium of droplets is higher than the Cr2O3 coating. From EPMA and XPS analysis, the Cr(N,O)/CrN coatings included other compounds, ex: CrO3,Cr2N….etc, beside CrN and Cr2O3 known by XRD. Due to Cr2O3 have the higher residual compression stress, the Cr(N,O)/CrN coating was insufficient and affected the resistance erosion, but it had higher hardness and elastic modulus and lower friction. In the corrosion test, duplex coatings is superior to single coating.
中文摘要 iii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xv
第一章 前言………………………………….………………..…..…….1
第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………………… …….....3
2.1 陰極電弧沉積原理 3
2.2 氮化鉻鍍膜特性 7
2.3 鍍膜附著性量測方法 8
2.4鍍膜硬度量測方法 10
2.4.1 Hv硬度試驗 10
2.4.2 奈米壓痕 11
2.5鍍膜沖蝕行為 15
2.5.1鍍膜之沖蝕計量 15
2.5.2 影響鍍膜沖蝕行為之因素 17膜厚 17鍍膜硬度 17鍍膜韌性 17膜與基材間的界面性質 17沖蝕速度 18沖蝕角 18沖蝕顆粒大小及形狀 18
2.6 鍍膜磨耗行為 19
2.6.1 薄膜磨耗計量 19
2.6.2 影響磨擦係數的變數 20 鍍膜硬度 20 膜厚 20表面粗糙度 21 界面碎片 21 彈性係數 22
2.7 化學分析電子術 23
2.8鍍膜SIMS縱深分析 24
2.8.1 SIMS之原理 24
2.8.2 SIMS質譜儀的種類 25
2.9 鍍膜腐蝕行為 26
2.9.1 電化學腐蝕試驗 26
2.9.2 A356鋁熔液浸蝕試驗 27
第三章 實驗方法與步驟………………………………………………29
3.1 基材前處理及鍍膜 29
3.1.1 基材成份 29
3.1.2 熱處理 29
3.1.3 鍍膜前處理 30
3.1.4 鍍膜處理 32
3.2 鍍膜結構分析 33
3.2.1 XRD分析 33
3.2.2 SEM觀察 33
3.2.3 FE-SEM觀察 35
3.2.4 EPMA分析 33
3.2.5 FE-EPMA分析 34
3.2.6 AFM分析 34
3.2.7 XPS分析 34
3.3鍍膜特性分析試驗 35
3.3.1硬度及附著性試驗 35 維氏硬度試驗 35 洛氏硬度壓痕試驗 35 奈米壓痕試驗 35
3.3.2 微量顆粒沖蝕試驗 36
3.5.3 鍍膜磨耗試驗 37
3.3.4 水接觸角量測試驗 37
3.3.5 表面粗糙度 37
3.4 鍍膜腐蝕行為試驗 38
3.4.1 鹽水噴霧試驗 38
3.4.2 極化曲線試驗 39
3.4.3 A356 鋁熔液浸蝕試驗 40
第四章 結果與討論……………………………………………………41
4.1表面型態 41
4.1.1基材金相觀察 41
4.1.2鍍膜表面型態 41
4.2 鍍膜之組成與結構 48
4.3 鍍膜之附著性及硬度 54
4.3.1 附著性分析 54
4.3.2 Hv硬度 54
4.3.3 奈米壓痕分析 54
4.4 鍍膜之耐沖蝕性 63
4.5 鍍膜之耐磨耗性 70
4.6 鍍膜之耐蝕性 75
4.6.1 極化曲線 75
4.6.2 鹽霧試驗分析 80
4.6.3鋁熔液浸蝕試驗分析 85
4.7水接觸角量測 89
第五章 結論……………………………………………………………91
參考文獻 93
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