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研究生(外文):Po-Chian Hun
論文名稱(外文):The investigation and development of polyolefin low temperature positive temperature coefficient thermistor
指導教授(外文):Chi-Yuan Huang
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本研究,使用碳黑 Monarch 120、N660、Vulcan XC-72及 Raven 430 ultra 和EVA 633混煉,實驗結果發現N660/EVA 633所製備的PTC複材有較好之R-T曲線。研究亦發現,以40wt % 碳黑與EVA 633 混煉可製備R-T行為較佳的複材。在起始劑方面,本研究添加BPO促使EVA交聯,如此可抑制複材產生NTC現象,而添加最適量為1.0 phr。然而添加塑化劑時,塑化劑對複材並沒有正面的貢獻。一般而言,厚度為0.4 mm的EVA/CB 複材的PTC強度較厚度為1.0 mm 複材的PTC強度強度為大。對電處理而言,EVA以40W之電漿處理三分鐘,再與碳黑混煉,可提供複材較高的PTC強度,及較穩定的PTC行為。由實驗得知,如果用一次加工的方法製備複材,複材的NTC現象很明顯,然而NTC的現象我們可用二步驟加工的方法來消除它,另外,也可在交聯EVA/碳黑複材中加入未交聯的EVA來改善複材的NTC現象。
In this study, the polyethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) was bended with carbon black (CB) to produce the low temperature response positive temperature coefficient (PTC) elements. The effect of kinds of CB, CB content, initiator content, plasticizer content, thickness of elements, plasma treatment, processing method, matrix on the PTC behavior of blends were studied. In this investigation, the Monarch 120, N660, Vulcan XC-72 and Raven 430 ultra was compounded with EVA 633.to product PTC element. However, the CB (N660) / EVA possessed well R-T behavior. In this study, it was also found 40wt% of CB was blended with EVA633 could offer well R-T behavior. The initiator was added into EVA to produce crosslinked EVA and then blended with CB to form PTC element without NTC behavior. The optimum adding amount of initiator (BPO) was 1phr. However, the PTC behavior cannot be affected by adding plasticizer (ZnSt). For EVA/CB blends, the PTC intensity of blend with 0.4mm thickness was higher than those of 1.0mm thickness generally. For plasma treatment, the EVA was treated by plasma with 40w for 3min and the blended with CB could effor high PTC intensity and stable PTC behavior of composites. The NTC behavior of composites was very clear as the blends were prepared by on step processing method. This NTC phenomenon could be eliminate by using two steps processing method to prepare the composites. On the other hand, the NTC behavior of crosslinked EVA/CB composites could be eliminated by adding uncrosslinking EVA.
Abstract (Chinese)…………………………………………………...…..I
Abstract (English)………………………………………………….…...II
List of Figures………………………………………………………..VIII
List of Schemes and Tables…………………………..……..……......XV
Chapter 1:Introduction………………………………………...……...….1
Chapter 2:Theories and Literatures Review………………...………..….4
2.1 Conduction Filled…………………………………………..……....4
2.2 EVA polymer matrix…………………………………..……………8
2.3 Carbon black…………..……………………………………….…...9
2.3.1 How is carbon black produced?.......................................................11
2.3.2 Iodine adsorption number…………………………………...…….13
2.3.3 Surface area by nitrogen adsorption………………………………14
2.3.4 Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) absorption number……………….……..15
2.3.5 Void volume………………………………………………………16
2.3.6 DBP absorption number of compressed samples…………………17
2.4 Crosslinking……………….………………………………..……..19

2.4.1 Crosslinking ethylene-co-vinyl acetate and crosslinking by Benzoyl peroxide………………………………………………...……...…23
2.5 Plasma Theories…………………………………………..……….24
2.6 Fourier Transform Infrared Ray Spectrometer…………..…….….27
2.7 PTC effect…………………………………………….….…….….30
2.8 Conduction mechanism…………………………………..……….34
2.8.1 Tunneling effectd………………………………………………….34
2.8.2 Constriction conduction………………………………….……..…36
2.9 The principle of PPTC devices………………………………...….37
Chapter 3 Experiment…………………………………………….……..39
3.1 Experiment Flowchart…………………………………….…..…..39
3.2 Materials and Specimen Preparation……………………….……..40
3.3 Specimen preparation method……………………………….……55
3.3.1 Drying the polymer matrix and filler………………………….…..54
3.3.2 Argon plasma treatment…………………………………….……..54
3.3.3 Blending…………………………………………………………..57
3.3.4 Milling powder………………………………………………...….57
3.3.5 Compression molding…………………………………………..…57
3.3.6 Electric resistance measurement………………………….…….…58
3.3.7 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)……………………….……58
3.3.8 Fourier transform infrared - ray physical examination……………59
3.3.9 Gel contain measurement………………………………………....59
Chapter 4 Result and Discussions………...…………………………….60
4.1 IR spectrum analysis……………………………………..………..60
4.2 Gel content…………………………………………………..…….63
4.2.1 SEM morphology of EVA Gel…………………………….………67
4.3 Effect of carbon black content on PTC elements…………...…….69
4.3.1 SEM morphology of carbon black content in PTC elements……..76
4.4 Effect of different kinds carbon black on PTC behave in EVA/CB composite…………………………………………………….…...78
4.5 Effect of crosslinking agent content on PTC behavior………..…..80
4.5.1 The crosslinking structure of the crosslinked EVA matrix……..…84
4.6 The effect of uncrosslinked EVA on PTC behavior…………..…...87
4.6.1 The SEM morphology in this study…………………….…………90
4.7 Effect of plasma treatment on PTC elements………….………….92
4.7.1 Effect of plasma power at the same treatment time………….…....92
4.7.2 Effect of treatment time at the same plasma power…………….....97
4.7.3 The SEM morphology of the PTC elements…………………….104
4.8 Effect of plasticizer agent content on PTC components…….….108
4.8.1 The SEM morphology of the PTC elements added plasticizer…
4.9 Effect of thickness on PTC elements……………………...……114
4.10 Effect if different process in PTC elements…………….…...….122
4.10.1 The effect of crosslinking process……………………………...122
4.11 Development and studying of two steps PTC elements…….….125
4.11.1 The SEM morphology of two steps PTC composite……….…..130
Chapter 5 Conclusion………………………………………………….133
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