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研究生(外文):Shih-Feng Hsueh
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Immobilization of Glucose Oxidase on Inorganic Surface for Biosensor
指導教授(外文):Ko-Shao Chen
外文關鍵詞:biosensorinterdigital electrodeglucose oxidase
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Many research workers attempt to fabricate sensitive, selective, reliable and low cost glucose sensors. Among these sensors, amperometric electrodes based on the immobilized glucose oxidase (GOD) have attracted considerable interest due to their simple alternative analytical systems. Because sensitive layer always is coating in conductive electrode. In this study, we used the hexamethyldisilazane (HMDSZ) to plasma deposit organic silicon-containing thin films on the surface of interdigital electrode substrates in order to make an interface layer between the inorganic materials and organic molecules. The UV-light induced surface grafting polymerization of acrylamide (AAm) can provide useful functional NH2-groups sites for binding glucose oxidase (GOD). Hence glutaraldehyde (GA) as cross–linking agent can connect the grafting polymer and the GOD enzyme. In the FTIR spectra, Si-O-C, Si-O-Si Si-CH2-Si, Si-N-Si, and Si-CH3 groups were found after plasma deposition. XPS analysis shows PEI treatment could raise amount of GOD immobilization with GA. Experiment results indicated that GOD can be immobilization effectively on interdigital electrode substrate.
Contents Chinese Abstract……………………………………….…...I
English Abstract………………….……………………..…………….II
Contents …………………………………………………………….....IV
List of Figures …………………………………..………………...…VIII
List of Tables………………………………………………………….XI
Chapter 1 Introduction.......................................1
1.1 Introduction..................................................2
1.2 What is plasma.............................................4
1.3 Reactions between plasma and surface........................7
1.4 Surface grafting method.....................................11
1.5 Quartz crystal microbalance...............................13
1.6 Enzyme biosensor..............................................17
1.7 Electrochemical transducers ...............................18
1.8 Thermal transducers……………………………………………...20
1.9 Optical transducer………………………………………………...20
1.10 Enzyme immobilization method……………..………………….21
Chapter 2 Experiment........................................30
2.1 Materials and reagents........................................31
2.2 Sample surface cleaning........................................31
2.3 Plasma deposition process ................................32
2.4 UV light-induced graft polymerization .....................33
2.5 PEI-GA method for immobilization glucose oxidase .......33
2.6 Chitosan-GA method for immobilization glucose oxidase ...34
2.7 Property analysis and test .............................34
Flow chart of experiments........................................44
Chapter 3 Result and discussion……………………………………45
3.1 Effect of plasma deposition time ..............................46
3.2 Effect of the HMDSZ vapor pressure in plasma deposition process.53
3.3 Effect of plasma deposition power.........................58
3.4 Wet-ability change on the substrate surface after each treatment…..61
3.5 Film thickness………………………….. .............................65
3.6 SEM morphology……………………………69
3.7 Micro FTIR analyses .........................................76
3.8 EXCA analysis of every step treatment on the surface of QCM.......82
3.9 Impendence measurement……...............................94
Chapter 4 Conclusion...............................................99
4.1 Conclusion……………………. ........................100

Fig. 1-1The reaction between temperature and pressure in glow discharge ……………………………………………………….23
Fig.1-2 The plasma treatment system with Radio Frequency 13.56MHz generator………………………...…………………………..…24
Fig.1-3 Various commonly used grafting methods………..……...……25
Fig. 1-4Schematic of a typical piezoelectric crystal…………………...26
Fig. 1-5(a) The assignment of axes to a quartz crystal. (b) Each of cut models. (c) AT-cut (in general use for mass sensors), (d) BT-cut quartz crystal (in general use for temperature sensors)……….27
Fig. 2-1Chemical structure of hexamethyldisilazane…….………..…..38
Fig. 2-2Chemical structure of acrylamide………….…….………..…..38
Fig. 2-3Chemical structure of PEI………………….…….………..…..39
Fig. 2-4Chemical structure of Chitosan…………….…….………..…..39
Fig. 2-5Chemical structure of Glutaraldehyde……..…….………..…..40
Fig. 2-6Schematic diagram of plasma CVD system equipment with a bell-jar reaction chamber…………………………………..…..41
Fig. 2-7Schematic diagram of UV-light graft polymerization apparatus……………………………………………………….42
Fig. 2-8Schematic illustration of the preparation of the surface modified and GOD immobilization procedures………………………….43
Fig. 3-1QCM frequency shift (-Hz) of HMDSZ deposition at different deposition time…………………………………………………49
Fig. 3-2QCM frequency shift (-Hz) of grafting AAm at different deposition time…………………………………………….…..51
Fig. 3-3Effect of plasma deposition time on wet-ability……………….52
Fig. 3-4Frequency shift quantity (-Hz) of QCM that HMDSZ deposition at different vapor pressure……………………………………..55
Fig. 3-5Frequency shift quantity (-Hz) of QCM that grafting polymerization AAm on the surface after HMDSZ deposition at different vapor pressure…………………………………..…....57
Fig. 3-6The frequency shift with different plasma deposition power on QCM…………………………………………………..……….59
Fig. 3-7OM of water (10μl) droplet on the sample surface (takes from CCD) measured water contact angle after each treatment. (a) Glass, (b) plasma deposition (30W, 30mtorr, 5min), (c) grafted polymerization (AAm 10wt %, 1000W, 20min)………………63
Fig. 3-8OM of water droplet on (takes from CCD) measured water contact angle that after each treatment. The plasma deposition time is 5min, (d) immersed PEI solution (2.5 wt%, 15min), (e) immersed GA solution (1 wt%, 10min), (f) immobilize glucose oxidase (GOD, 1060U/ml, 60min)…………………………….64
Fig 3-9 The thickness of plasma deposition film treated at different plasma deposition time………………………………………..67
Fig. 3-10 The SEM morphology of QCM device……………………70
Fig. 3-11 The SEM morphology of plasma deposition (30W, 30mtorr, 5min) on QCM device surface…………………………………71
Fig. 3-12 The SEM morphology of plasma deposition (30W, 30mtorr, 5min) on QCM device surface then grafting polymerization AAm……...................................................72
Fig. 3-13 The SEM morphology of PDHMDSZ/grafting-AAm QCM device immersed PEI solution……………………………..…73
Fig. 3-14 The SEM morphology of PDHMDSZ/grafting-AAm/PEI QCM device immersed GA solution.………………………….....….74
Fig. 3-15 The SEM morphology of PD/AAm/PEI-GA QCM device with immobilization GOD………………………………………….75
Fig. 3-16 Micro-IR spectra of silicon wafer with (A)plasma deposition and (B)grafting polymerization AAm treatment……………….78
Fig. 3-17 Micro-IR spectra of silicon wafer with (B)grafting polymerization AAm and immersed (C)PEI solution treatment.79
Fig. 3-18 Micro-IR spectra of silicon wafer with immersed (C)PEI solution and (D)GA solution treatment.……..………………...80
Fig. 3-19 Micro-IR spectra of silicon wafer with immersed (D)GA solution and immobilized (E)glucose oxidase treatment..……..81
Fig. 3-20 The (a) C1s and (b) N1s spectrums of plasma modified specimens.……………………………………………………...87
Fig. 3-21 The (C) O1s (D) Si2p spectrums of plasma modified specimens…………………………………………………………88
Fig. 3-22 The (a) C1s and (b) N1s spectrums of acrylamide grafted onto PD-HMDSZ silicon wafer..………………..…………………...89
Fig. 3-23 The (c) O1s and (d) Si2p spectrums of acrylamide grafted onto PD-HMDSZ silicon wafer..…………………………………...90
Fig. 3-24 The (a) C1s and (b) N1s (c) O1s spectrums of immersed PEI solution after surface-grafting process.….……………………...91
Fig. 3-25 The (a) C1s and (b) N1s (c) O1s spectrums of immersed GA solution after PEI step..…………………………………............92
Fig. 3-26 The (a) C1s and (b) N1s (c) O1s spectrums of immobilization glucose oxidase..……………...………………………………...93
Fig. 3-27 Calibration curve for the glucose biosensor in pH 7.0 PBS. Impedance change of glucose electrodes operated in buffered glucose solutions of increasing concentration..………………...96
Fig. 3-28 Calibration curve for the glucose biosensor in pH 7.0 PBS. Impedance change of glucose electrodes operated in buffered glucose solutions of increasing concentration..………………...97
Fig. 3-29 Impedance change of glucose electrodes operated in constant glucose concentration...……………...……….………………...98

Table 1-1Different transducers have been used in enzyme biosensor construction………………………………………………..28
Table 1-2 Enzymes are immobilized on transducer or support matrices by physical and chemical method…………………………29
Table 3-1QCM frequency shift (-Hz) and deposition mass (ng) measured from plasma deposition process………………..50
Table 3-2Effect of vapor pressure of HMDSZ plasma on wet-ability…………………………………………………56
Table 3-3The amount of HMDSZ deposition and grafting polymerization with different deposited power observes from QCM frequency shift (-Hz)………………………….60
Table 3-4Wet-ability (water contact angle) changes after different treatment on the surface of glass…………………………62
Table 3-5Density of thin film measured by deposition mass and thickness of film…………………………………………68
Table 3-6XPS analysis of surface modified on silicon wafer……86
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