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研究生(外文):Sheng-Chuan Wang
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes using Fe-Mo/MgOCatalysts by Chemical Vapor Deposition
指導教授(外文):Shinn-Shyong Tzeng
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奈米碳管於1991 年被發現後,由於具有優越的性質以及高的應用潛力使其被廣
分散,提高奈米碳管的產量。此研究中,使用MgO 含浸金屬鹽類溶液製備催化劑,
並且使用兩種不同的鹽類(硝酸鐵或硫酸鐵)製備Fe 的催化劑。
Fe(N)/MgO 催化劑的研究方面,於固定金屬與載體的莫耳比例下製備不同鉬含
量的Fe(N)-Mo/MgO 催化劑。此部分探討的製程參數包括 Mo 含量改變、煆燒催化
劑以及成長溫度。實驗結果顯示,於催化劑中添加Mo 似乎可以增加產量,但是
FeMoMgO 催化劑中的鉬含量越高,產物中多層管或碳纖維的含量也跟著變多。儘
管如此,Mo 還是幫助了鐵含量較高的相於載體上的分散,尤其是在較高的成長溫
度或經過煆燒的催化劑。吾人認為Mo 與MgO 形成特定的化合物抑制了鐵含量較
溫度下Fe(N)-Mo/MgO 的產物有較好的品質(較少的碳纖維含量以及較小管徑分
布),且Fe(N) /MgO 無須添加Mo 就可成長出高品質的奈米碳管。
Fe(S)/MgO 催化劑的研究方面, 探討催化劑添加Mo 的影響以及催化劑濃度的
影響。結果顯示,Fe(S)Mo101MgO 成長奈米碳管有較高的效率。於FE-SEM 觀察,
層奈米碳管。而使用Fe(S)/MgO 催化劑(無添加Mo)成長奈米碳管,當催化劑濃度由
2.5wt%提高至7wt%時,奈米碳管的產量迅速的降低。Fe(S)MgO 可在低溫下大量
Since carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were discovered in 1991, they have been widely
studied due to their excellent properties and many potential applications, and several preparation methods have been developed to synthesize CNTs. In this study, wesynthesize CNTs by chemical vapor decomposition using a supported catalyst. The metal particle dispersion and size are crucial to this progress. A large metal particle is nfavorable to the CNT growth. We added Mo into the catalyst in an attempt to assist dispersion of catalysts and to increase CNTs yield. Catalysts were prepared by impregnating MgO in malt salt solution and two kinds of salt precursors (Fe(NO3)3•9H2O or Fe2(SO4)3•14H2O) were used to prepare Fe based catalysts。
For the Fe(N)/MgO catalyst, the molar ratio between metal and support was kept in constant to prepare a series Fe(N)-Mo/MgO catalysts with different molybdenum contents. The processing parameters included Mo content、catalysts calcination and deposition temperature. Experimental results indicated that addition of Mo in the catalyst increased the yield, but the more molybdenum content in Fe(N)-Mo/MgO catalysts, the more MWNTs or CNFs there are in the product. Mo assists the dispersion of Fe catalyst especially in higher decomposition temperature or catalysts with calcination. We consider
that Mo and MgO form a particular compound to constrain Fe phase from aggregating, leading to high yield of carbon nanotubes. We found that 900℃ is the more suitable decomposition temperature in which the products of Fe(N)-Mo/MgO have higher quality (lower CNFs content and smaller diameter distribution of CNTs) and high quality CNTs can be synthesized using Fe(N)/MgO catalyst without Mo added.
For the Fe(S)/MgO catalysts, we studied the effects of Mo addition catalyst and the catalyst concentration. Results indicated that Fe(S)Mo101MgO catalyst seemed to be more efficient to synthesis carbon nanotubes. From the FE-SEM image, entire catalyst surface was fully covered with carbon nanotube bundles. The total carbon yield was over 23wt%, and the product is mainly consists of DWNTs. For Fe(S)/MgO catalysts (without Mo added), the yield of CNTs decreased rapidly when the catalyst concentration
increased from 2.5wt% to 7wt%. CNTs can be grown with a great quantity at low
temperature using Fe(S)Mgo catalyst with a carbon yield of 33.2wt%. The products have a pillar like morphology, which consists of CNT bundle of DWNTs.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT..................................................Ι
CHINESE ABSTRACT..................................................Ⅲ
TABLES OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………V
LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………………Ⅸ
1.1 Introduction.................................................1
1.2 The purpose and reason of research ..........................1
1.3 Overview of thesis ..........................................1
2.1 The introduction of CNTs ....................................3
2.2 The growth mechanism of CNTs ................................4
2.3 Fe/MgO catalyst research…………………………………….…………5
2.4 Catalyst by impregnation for CNTs growth…………………………6
2.4.1 The Early investigation……………………………………………6
2.4.2 Co-Mo catalyst……………………………………………………..7
2.4.3 Fe-Mo catalyst…………………………………………….………..8
2.5 Raman analysis of CNTs……………………..………………………..9
2.6 Oxidization behavior of CNTs………………………………………..9
3.1 Flow chart ....................................................14
3.2 Experimental procedure.......................................15
3.2.1 Equipment………………………………………………...………15
3.2.2 Catalyst preparation……………...………………………………15
3.2.3 CNTs growth………………………..……………………………..15
3.3 Instrument analysis………….………………………………………….16
3.3.1 Catalyst characterization….……………………………………..16 High power XRD………………………………...………..16 Thermal Gravity Analyzer……………………………….16
3.3.2 Products characterization………………………………….…….16 Field-Emission Scan Electro Microscope……….….……16 High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope…...17 Thermal Gravity Analyzer…………….…………………17 Raman spectrum…………….……………………………17
4.1 The catalysts prepared with ferric nitrate……...……………………..19
4.1.1 The effect of Mo content………………………………….………19 Morphology……………………….………………………19 Raman spectra analysis…………………………………..20 TGA-DSC analysis………………………………..………20 HR-TEM analysis………………….……………………..21 Analysis Results……………………………………..…….21
4.1.2 The effect of catalyst calcination ………………………………..27 Morphology……………………………………………….27 TGA-DSC analysis………………………………………..27 HR-TEM analysis…………………..…………………….28 Analysis Results………………………………...…………28
4.1.3 The role of Mo…………………………………………….………34 Catalyst structure analysis…...…………………………..34 Morphology……………………………………………….34 HR-TEM analysis……………………………………...…35 Analysis Results…………………………….……………..35
4.1.4 The effect of deposition temperature ……………………..…….40 Catalyst structure analysis……...………………………..40 Morphology………………………….……………………41 Raman spectra analysis…………..………………………41 TGA-DSC analysis………………………………………..42 HR-TEM analysis……………………………….………..42 Analysis Results……………….…………………………..43
4.2 The catalysts prepared with ferric sulfate………………….…………54
4.2.1 The effect of Mo addition………………………………………...54 Catalyst structure analysis…………………………...…..54 Morphology……………...………………………………..54 Ramen analysis………..…………………………………..55 TGA-DTG analysis……………………………………….55 HR-TEM analysis…………………...……………………55 Analysis Results…………………………………..……….56
4.2.2 The effect of metal concentration………………………….…….62 Morphology……………………………………………….62 Ramen analysis……………………………………………62 TGA-DTG analysis………….……………………………63 HR-TEM analysis………………………..……………….63 Analysis Results…………………………………...………63
4-2-3 The effect of deposition temperature and role of sulfur…….…68
4-2-3-1 TGA-DSC analysis of catalyst……………………...……68
4-2-3-2 Morphology…………………...………………………….68
4-2-3-3 Lower deposition temperature products analysis……...68
4-2-3-4 Analysis Results…………………………………..………69
V CONCLUSIONS………………………………………………………….75
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