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研究生(外文):Mei-Chin Yang
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices and Supply Chain Relationship Quality on Competitive Advantage
指導教授(外文):Kun-Huang Yeh
外文關鍵詞:competitive advantagesupply chain management practicessupply chain relationship quality
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本研究以製造業做為研究對象,實證資料採用結構方程式模式進行分析。結果發現:供應鏈管理做法與供應鏈關係品質皆顯著影響競爭優勢。因此,企業可以經由改善供應鏈管理做法與供應鏈關係品質來強化競爭優勢。本研究建議:在供應鏈管理做法方面,依因子負荷量之大小排序,應加強的工作如下:(1) 資訊分享的做法;(2) 解決問題與改善;(3)目標設定與新產品開發;(4) 資訊系統架構建置;(5) 協力廠選擇。在供應鏈關係品質方面,應加強的工作,依因子負荷量之大小排序如下:(1) 信任;(2) 溝通與資訊分享;(3) 配合度;(4) 合作;(5) 承諾;(6)互相依賴。並期望企業能夠自我審視與強化其供應鏈管理做法與關係品質,以創造企業持久性競爭優勢。
The competitive environment has changed the relationships between manufacturing firms and their suppliers toward a working entity that needs to be fully integrated in order to compete in the fast changing environment. Therefore, supply chain management practices have a positive impact on competitive advantage. The members must have close cooperation relationship because the supply chain consisting of many different business entities. Then, the members along the supply chain have the consciousness of mutual benefit and mutual dependence and prove integrated competitive advantage. Therefore, the key of the supply management success is supply chain relationship quality.
The research subjects of this study are the manufacturing firms in Taiwan, and the data collected are tested by using structural equation model. According to the results of the analysis, the study found that supply chain management practices and supply chain relationship quality have a positive impact on competitive advantage. In other words, the business can strengthen competitive advantage through improving supply chain management practices and supply chain relationship quality. This study suggests two directions as follows: the practices about supply chain management practices ranked in terms of their factor loading are as follows: (1) information sharing, (2) problem solving and improvement, (3) objective setting and new product development, (4) the establishment of information system, (5) supplier selection; the practices about supply chain relationship quality ranked in terms of their factor loading are as follows: (1) trust, (2) communication and information sharing, (3) adaptation, (4) cooperation, (5) commitment, (6) interdependence. Besides, the businesses could review by themselves and strengthen the supply chain management practices and relationship quality to create their sustaining competitive advantage.
Research Background and Motives 1
Research Questions 3
Research Objectives 3
Research Procedure 5
The Definition of Supply Chain Management Practices and Their Critical Factors 6
The Definition of Supply Chain Relationship Quality and Their Critical Factors 8
The Definition of Competitive Advantage and Their Critical Factors 10
The Impact of SCMP and SCRQ on CA 13
Research Framework 15
Measurement of Variables 16
Research Subjects and Data Collection 19
Analysis Method 20
Background Information of Responds 23
Description of Sample Data 24
Result of Analysis 27
General Discussion and Managerial Implications 35
Conclusions 39
Suggestions 40
Research Limitations 42

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