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研究生(外文):Yi-long Yang
指導教授(外文):Teng-pin Lin
外文關鍵詞:variable-length FFT
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這篇論文所提出的快速傅利葉轉換處理器是為802.16 (WiMAX) 的應用而設計。雖然它是為2048、1024、256及128點快速傅利葉轉換而設計的,但是透過在電路中增加一些多工器是可以將其變成可用於2048點以下所有點數的快速傅利葉轉換處理器。在最後,我們使用Xilinx Virtex-II FPGA晶片實現這個可變長度的快速傅利葉轉換單一延遲回授管線式架構。
In this paper, we propose a low cost and variable length FFT processor for the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) communication systems. Radix-2/4/8 algorithm which can effectively minimize the number of complex multiplications is a popular split-radix FFT algorithm. Because radix-2/4/8 algorithm has regularity and the lowest hardware circuit complexity, it is easy to be implemented in VLSI, especially in the pipelined architecture. Using a twiddle factor generator instead of the conventional ROM, designing a time sharing complex multiplier and modifying real multiplier, the proposed FFT processor reduce the required chip area.
The proposed FFT processor is used to design for the 802.16(WiMAX) applications. Although it is designed for 2048、1024、256、128 points, it is easy to add the other points of FFT less than 2048 by using some multiplexers. Finally, we use Xilinx XC2V 1000 FG456 FPGA chip to implement this variable length FFT SDF architecture.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT.............................................................II
CHINESE ABSTRACT............................................................III
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................IV
LIST OF TABLES...............................................................VI
LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................VII
I INTRODUCTION.............................................................1
1.1 Background...........................................................1
1.2 Topics...............................................................6
II REVIEW OF SOME FFT ALGORITHMS...........................................7
2.1 Introduction.........................................................7
2.2 Basic Concepts of FFT Algorithms.....................................8
2.3 Decimation-in-Time (DIT) FFT Algorithms..............................9
2.3.1 Radix-2 DIT FFT Algorithm and Complexity.......................9
2.4 Decimation-in-Frequency (DIF) FFT Algorithms........................17
2.4.1 Radix-2 DIF FFT Algorithm and Complexity......................17
2.4.2 Radix-4/Radix- DIF FFT Algorithm and Complexity..............21
2.4.3 Radix-8/Radix- DIF FFT Algorithm and Complexity..............24
2.5 Split-Radix FFT (SRFFT) Algorithms..............................27
2.5.1 Split-Radix 2/4 FFT Algorithm and Complexity..................27
2.5.2 Split-Radix 2/8 FFT Algorithm and Complexity..................29
2.5.3 Split-Radix 2/4/8 FFT Algorithm and Complexity................32
2.6 Comparison and Summary..............................................34
III THE FFT PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE........................................36
3.1 Introduction........................................................36
3.2 Pipeline-Based FFT Architecture.....................................36
3.2.1 Multiple-Path Delay Commutator Pipeline Architecture..........39 Radix-2 DIF MDC Structure...................................39
3.2.2 Single-Path Delay Feedback Pipeline Architecture..............41 Radix-2 DIF SDF Structure.............................41
3.2.3 Comparison of Pipeline Structures.............................43
3.3 Summary.............................................................45
IV PROPOSED FFT DESIGN....................................................46
4.1 Introduction........................................................46
4.2 Variable-length FFT Processor.......................................46
4.3 Radix-2/4/8 SDF architecture........................................49
4.3.1 Reduce the unnecessary complex multiplication.................49
4.3.2 Basic Architecture of Butterfly Unit..........................54
4.3.3 Twiddle Factor Generator......................................56
4.3.4 Design of Time Sharing Complex Multiplier.....................58
4.4 Simulation Result...................................................60
4.4.1 Simulation Result of Real and Complex Multiplication..........60
4.4.2 Simulation Result of Variable-length FFT......................62
4.4.3 Implementation Report of Variable-length FFT..................63
4.4.4 Implementation Result of Variable-length FFT..................66
V Conclusion and Future Work..............................................68
5.1 Conclusion..........................................................68
5.2 Future Work.........................................................68

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