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研究生(外文):Hong-Da Lin
指導教授(外文):Jia-Ching Cheng
外文關鍵詞:image inapintingtexture synthesis
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在這裡我們的目標是提出一個有效率的填補不規則區域的補繪法則,其關鍵在於建構一個可以改變搜尋方向的比對視窗。我們提出一個將二維的比對視窗轉換成一維的環形向量的鋸齒狀對應方式(zigzag mapping)。我們的方法設定未知區域輪廓線通過搜尋視窗的中心點,並將視窗分成相等的兩區域,即已知像素的區域和未知像素的區域。此鋸齒狀的對應允許已知區域中的像素所組成的一維片段在環形向量中是一連續的片段。如此,不只提高搜尋的準確性,也加快了補繪的速度。
In this thesis, we present a fast algorithm for image inpainting via texture synthesis. This method is categorized as a pixel-based texture synthesis technique. To assign the unknown target pixel in area yet to be filled in, the pixel-based texture synthesis technique requires a matching template which is a square matching window consisting of known pixels in an L-shape region of fixed direction. This technique can be applied efficiently to fill in regions of rectangle shape due to their horizontal searching direction; however, it does not function efficiently to fill in regions of irregular shape which have searching direction of arbitrary orientation.
The method we proposed aims at filling in regions of irregular shape with fair efficiency. The key is to construct a matching window of searching direction with variable orientation. We devise a zigzag mapping method which converts the two-dimensional matching window into a cyclic vector. The contour line of unknown region is designated to pass the center of the matching window and separate it into two equal halves, region of known pixels and region of unknown pixels, respectively. Our zigzag pattern allows the pixels of the known region to form a continuous segment in the cyclic vector. By doing so, we have raised not only searching accuracy but also searching speed.
We successfully demonstrate the proposed inapinting algorithm by using several images and obtain promising experimental results in terms of both efficiency and effectiveness.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT………………………………………………………II
CHINESE ABSTRACT………………………………………………………III
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………IV
LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………VI
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………VIII
1 INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………1
1.1 Overview………………………………………………………………1
1.2 The Proposed Scheme……………………………………2
1.3 Thesis Outline……………………………………………3
2 OBJECT EXTRACTION……………………………………………………5
2.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………...5
2.2 Object Extraction Methods…………………………………………5
2.2.1 Manual selection…………………………………………..6
2.2.2 Intelligent scissors ……………………………………...7
2.2.3 Motion-based segmentation …………………………….8
2.2.4 Text Extraction ……………………………………………9
2.3 Summary…………………………………………………………..10
3 IMAGE TEXTURE SYNTHESIS …………………………………….11
3.1 Introduction ……………………………………………….11
3.1.1 What is a Texture? ……………………………………..11
3.1.2 What is Texture Synthesis? ………………...……………13
3.2 Wei and Levoy Texture Synthesis ………………………………..14
3.2.1 Overview………………………………………………...14
3.2.2 Neighborhood……………………………………………16
3.2.3 Algorithm ……………………………………………….18
4 INPAINTING ALGORITHM ………………………………………...22
4.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………22
4.2 The Algorithm…………………………………………………….22
4.2.1 Search window ………………………………………….22
4.2.2 Inpainting ………………………………………………..26
4.2.3 Filling priority ………………………………………...30
4.3 Overview………………………………………………………… 33
4.4 Summary …………………………………………………………36
5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS ………………………………………...37
5.1 Introduction………………………………………………………..37
5.2 Test images ……………………………………………………….37
5.2.1 Door image ………………………………………………39
5.2.2 R23 texture image………………………………………..40
5.2.3 Desert image ……………………………………………..41
5.2.4 Grassland image …………………………………………42
5.3 Summary…………………………………………………………. 43
6 CONCLUSIONS………………………………………………………44
REFERENCES …………………………………………………………...45
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