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研究生(外文):Yung-Lu Yang
論文名稱(外文):Decisive Factors Affecting the Implementation of Online Trading Systems in Travel Agencies
指導教授(外文):Hao-Erl Yang
外文關鍵詞:Innovation AdoptionBinary Logistic RegressionInnovation DecisionOnline Trading System
  • 被引用被引用:3
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2.已採用與未採用網路下單系統的旅行社,共有六項因素看法有顯著差異,分別是「採用創新科技之相容性」、「組織的集權化 」、「組織的正式化」、「組織規模」、「同業採用壓力」及「網路傳輸正確性」。
Due to the influence of SARS epidemic situation, the territory of internal traveling market reformed in 2003. Although the business achievement of Taiwan traveling market declined equally 20% in 2004, and the scale approximated 500 billion dollars, according to the MIC market investigation, there were only 2.4% of the traveling market made up by traveling e-commerce. However, the business achievement still had increased 30% and the annual average growth also exceeded 60%. In the future five years, it was estimated that the growth would exceed 50%, and occupied about 10% of the traveling market. All the dealers looked forward to the development of the market capability.
This study set out in perspectives of a senior manager and an information engineer to probe into acceptance the online trading system of travel agencies in Taiwan. The researchers investigated the literatures on the subject to collect and report six crucial decisive factors that made an enterprise to adopt electronic commerce over Internet, including "innovative attribute", "organization", "environment", "supplier", "networking technology" and "government policy and legal regulation."
The researchers proceeded several statistical analysis, such as reliability analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, factor analysis, t-test and binary logistic regression, etc., on the framework of research and 120 effective questionnaires and the result revealed that:
1.In regard to the adopted condition of enterprises, about 80% of sample companies had adopted online trading system. The result demonstrated that enterprises had valued the importance of the online trading widely.
2.There were six significant factors—"Compatibility", "Organization's Centralization", "Organization's Formalization", "Organization scale", "Adoptive pressure of fellow-travel agency" and "Network Accuracy of transmission"—whether adopters and non-adopter had significant difference viewpoints about factors that affected adoption.
3.There were four significant factors, "Compatibility" of Innovation Attributes, "Organization's Centralization", "Organization scale" of Organization Characteristics, as well as "Network Accuracy of transmission" of network technology, could significantly affect the adoption of online trading system of travel agency in Taiwan.
In addition, based on the result of data analysis, this study had proposed the following suggestions with regards to the travel agency and supplier of the online trading, and then proposed advantageously countermeasure to the changeful market.

Keywords: Online Trading System, Innovation Adoption, Innovation Decision, Binary Logistic Regression.
Table of Contents
English Abstract i
Chinese Abstract iii
Table of Contents v
Table of Contents v
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Purpose and Participant 3
1.3 Research Range and Limitation 5
1.3.1 Research Range 5
1.3.2 Research Limitation 6
1.4 Research Framework 7
Chapter 2 9
2.1 Features and analysis of travel agency 9
2.1.1 Business scope of travel agency 9
2.1.2 Travel agency industry’s characteristic 11
2.2 The definition, development and application of E-Commerce 15
2.2.1 E-Commerce 15
2.2.2 Nature and characteristics of digital products 18
2.3 Trends in traveling market and the development of online trading used in travel agencies 19
2.3.1 Development of internet traveling business 19
2.3.2 Implement online trading in travel agencies 20
2.3.3 Critical factors for a successful traveling business platform 23
2.4 Organization innovation and innovation-decision process 24
2.4.1 Definition of Innovation 24
2.4.2 Organization innovation diffusion theory 26
2.4.3 Innovation-decision process model 28
2.4.4 Related researches of the factors influencing organizations in adopting the innovative technology 32
Chapter 3 41
3.1 Research Framework 41
3.2 Research Hypothesis 42
3.3 Definition of Variables and Research Design 43
3.4 Data Analysis 49
3.4.1 Reliability Analysis 49
3.4.2 Descriptive Statistic Analysis 49
3.4.3 Independent sample t-test 50
3.4.4 Factor Analysis 50
3.4.5 Binary Logistic Regression 51
Chapter 4 53
4.1 Scale of Reliability and Validity Analysis 53
4.2 Descriptive Statistics Analysis 54
4.2.1 Sample Information 54
4.2.2 Statistic Analysis of Items 57
4.3 Factor Analysis 61
4.4 t-test 67
4.5 Binary Logistic Regression Analysis 69
4.5.1 Multicollinearity Test 69
4.5.2 Influenced Factors of Adopting Online Trading System 70
Chapter 5 75
5.1 Conclusion 75
5.2 Suggestion 79
5.2.1 Suggestion to People in Industry 80
5.2.2 Suggestion to Follow-Up Research 81
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