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研究生(外文):Chen-Wan Shu
論文名稱(外文):Study on Reproduction of Paradise Fish (Macropodus opercularis)
指導教授(外文):Prof. Dey-Chyi Sheu
外文關鍵詞:Macropodus opercularis
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The purpose of this research is observing the appearance of the Macropodus opercularis and breeds behavior, and inquires in to affect to cover Macropodus opercularis young fish growth of agent. Study breeding of the effect manifestation Macropodus opercularis a period invite in every year three months to November, the mature male fish will first vomit bleb nest to be used as a fertilizied egg to hatch from eggs while floating the leaf plant and just born young fish growth place, the male fish will also start to take to protect egg and protect the responsibility of young fish, until take care of the young the fish can look for food by oneself. Cover the fish of Macropodus opercularis young fish in the cleanness and the free from pollution fluid matter, have already floated a leaf plant, bottom to have a thin stone, the half the light project light upon under, temperature 10 degrees are above, the food is a general forage and plentiful year shrimp's etc. under the environment, grow situation better, the movable power is also stronger.
The effect manifestation temperature raises, the male fish vomits the bleb nest number of times increment and steeps nest partition time to shorten; The female fish produces the egg number of times increment, egg to hatch from eggs time to shorten. While carrying on breeds to teach on the appliance can will female, the male fish feed in more under the heat degree raise to grow a performance, make it be breeding a season not of can breed the next generation in winter, produce more small fishs.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT……………..………………………………I
CHINESE ABSTRACT………...............……….…….……….III
TABLE OF CONTENTS….……………..…………...………….. V
LIST OF FIGURES……………………..….……..……………. VIII
LIST OF TABLES……………..………….………….……………..X

Chapter 1.foreword……….…………………………………………1
Chapter 2.study a purpose………..……………………………….6
2.1 Nucleoid problem……………………………………..…6
2.2 Test hypothesis……….……..………………….……….6
2.3 Study a purpose………….……………………….………7
Chapter 3.study equipment and device…………….…….……..8
3.1 Test an animal brief introduction…….…….………..8
3.2 Breed a method……………….………………..……....13
3.3 Test a device……………….……………….……...…..14
Chapter 4.study a method……….…………………………..…..15
4.1 Test animal…………………………..………………….15
4.2 Feed environment………………………..…………….15
4.3 The experiment designs……………….……..…..….15
4.4 Measure a content………………………….…….……16
Chapter 5.grow process………………………….…….…………18
5.1 The flow chart grown..……………………..………..18
5.2 Grow process……………..…………………………….19
Chapter 6.effect and discusss…………………………………..30
6.1 Study effect…………………………………….…......30
6.2 Discuss…………………………………..………….…..37
Chapter 7.conclusion……….………………………..…………..45
Chapter 8.the Macropodus opercularis disease and prevention
8.1 Disease and prevent-ascites…..……..………….….49
8.2 Disease and prevent-fish proteose pathological changes………………………………………………....52
8.2 Disease and prevent-column form disease…….....56
8.3 Disease and prevention-convex eye…….……..…..59
8.4 Disease and prevention-lousy tail………………….62
8.5 Disease and prevention-be constipated…….….….66
Chapter 9.reference.…………………………………….………..71
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