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研究生(外文):Leo, Cheng-Chao
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Different Acquisition Channels and Promotion Strategies on Credit Card Effectiveness - A Case Study of A Card Issuing Organization In Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Lin, Nan-Hong
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 信用卡發卡機構制定銷售策略時應全方位考慮銷售管道
 有效的銷售管道組合應視發卡機構長短期策略目標之不同而分別規劃
 促銷策略應考慮追求顧客長期價值以獲取長期利益
Due to the growing demand of the consumers market in Taiwan, as well as the continuing and strong investment by local industries into foreign markets, the business of the traditional banking industry has moved from corporate banking into consumers banking in recent years. This has resulted the rapid growth of the consumers banking market which expedited the fast expansion of the organization structure of the commercial banks in Taiwan. Consumers banking has thus replaced the corporate banking and become the major source of banks’ profitability. For most of the banking organizations, credit card business is considered highly important among their consumers businesses. The effectiveness of the credit cards issued directly impact the financial performance of the banks.
The rapid growth of Taiwan credit card market has created an extremely competitive environment which has urged all the players to take their stands as early as possible. The dilemma of how to rapidly increase market share to achieve economies of scale so as to reach break even point, while dealing with declining or diminishing profitability arose from the execution of expeditious new card acquisition strategy, is becoming an important subject for card issuers in Taiwan. From the execution perspective, identification of acquisition channels and promotion strategies that can bring in profitable card base helps credit card issuers to formulate their overall acquisition strategies.
The objective of this study is to investigate and analyze the effectiveness (namely, cancellation, spending and revolving behaviors) of the credit cards acquired by different acquisition channels and/or under separate promotion strategies, and to understand the degree of effectiveness and their value contribution to credit card issuers. In the meantime, based on the findings, this study attempts to identify effective mixture of channels and promotions to recommend better solutions to card issuers.
This study analyses the actual data of a well-known credit card issuer by means of two different angles: the variance of the spending and credit behaviors of the existing credit accounts that were acquired through different sales channels and promotion activities. The key directions analyzed are the cancellation behavior, average spending on card, utilization of the revolving credit.
The conclusions of this study are:
 Credit card issuers need to consider an integrated acquisition channel mix when they formulate their acquisition strategies.
 Planning of an effective acquisition channel mix should be corresponding to the short and long term objectives of the card issuer.
 Promotion strategy should pursue long term customer value in order to create long term benefit for credit card issuers.
LIST OF TABLE....................................................viii
LIST OF ILLUSTRATION................................................x
I INTRODUCTION......................................................1
1.1 Research Background and Motives.............................2
1.2 Research Objectives.........................................6
1.3 Research Limitations........................................7
1.4 Research Process............................................9
II LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................10
2.1 Acquisition Channel........................................11
2.1.1 Direct Sales ..............................................12
2.1.2 Direct Marketing...........................................16
2.2 Promotion Strategy.........................................20
2.2.1 Definitions of Promotion...................................20
2.2.2 Theories of Promotion Strategy.............................23
2.2.3 Categorization of Promotion Tools..........................26
2.3 Credit Card Effectiveness..................................32
2.3.1 Credit Card Profitability..................................33
2.3.1 Credit Card Effectiveness..................................33
III METHODOLOGY....................................................35
3.1 Sample Descriptions........................................39
3.1.1 Basic Data of Sample.......................................39
3.1.2 Demographic................................................39
3.1.3 Card Cancellation Type by Product..........................41
3.1.4 Cancellation: Revolver and Transactor......................42
3.1.5 Cancellation - Credit Card Holding Tenure..................43
3.1.6 Card Utilization (2004)....................................44
3.2 Acquisition Channels and Card Holder Behaviors.............45
3.2.1 AIF and Acquisition Channels...............................46
3.2.2 Voluntary and Involuntary Cancellation by Acquisition Channel............................................................47
3.2.3 Spending on Card Distribution by Acquisition Channel.......50
3.2.4 Average Monthly Spending on Card...........................52
3.2.5 Revolvers by Acquisition Channel...........................53
3.2.6 Summary....................................................55
3.3 Promotion Strategies and Card Holder Behaviors.............55
3.3.1 Cumulative Voluntary Cancellation..........................56
3.3.2 Cumulative Voluntary Cancellation at the 12th Month........57
3.3.3 Cumulative Involuntary Cancellation........................58
3.3.4 Cumulative Involuntary Cancellation at the 12th Month......59
3.3.5 Spending on Card...........................................60
3.3.6 Revolving Credit Utilization...............................61
3.3.7 Summary....................................................62
IV RESEARCH RESULTS................................................63
4.1 Test of Goodness of Fit....................................63
4.2 Standardized Z Score.......................................65
4.2.1 Standardization Test on Acquisition Channel................65
4.2.2 Acquisition Channels Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis.....67
4.2.3 Standardization Test on Promotion Activity.................75
V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS......................................78
5.1 Conclusions...............................................78
5.1.1 Credit Card Issuers Need to Consider an Integrated Acquisition Channel Mix When They Formulate Their Acquisition Strategies.........................................................78
5.1.2 Managerial Implications....................................81
5.1.3 Promotion Strategy Should Pursue Long Term Customer Value In Order To Create Long Term Benefit..................................84
5.2 Suggestions...............................................86
Reference Website..................................................92

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