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研究生(外文):Hsuan Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Critical Successful Factors of ERP Implementation on Business Performance:A Case Study of the T Company
指導教授(外文):Hsien-Che Lee
外文關鍵詞:ERPCritical Success FactorsPerformance Measurement
  • 被引用被引用:44
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ERP system can serve to smoothen business processes, to integrate each function and process of a firm, and to enhance managers make a correct and precise decisions with real-time information. Although many companies introduce ERP systems in recent years, the effectiveness of ERP systems is mixed.
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the integration ability of an ERP system, the readiness of each department of a firm and the support which ERP vendors can provide on the performance of a firm. This study chooses Tatung Company which adopted ERP systems in 2000 as the research object, and conducts a survey to realize how these three variables affect the performance after ERP implementation. Of 100 copies of questionnaires issued, a total of 63 valid copies returned with 63% response rate. By correlation and regression analysis, all three hypotheses proposed by this study are supported. Thus, integration ability of ERP systems, readiness of each department and supportive ability of ERP vendors all have positive relationships with the performance of ERP system.
ABSTRACT IN CHINESE….…………………………...…………….….i
ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH ….…………………………...……….……..ii
Table of Contents ….………………………...…………...……….……..iv
List of Figures….……………………………………………………….….vi
List of Tables….…………………………………….………………….….vii
Chapter 1 Introduction………………………………………………….….1
1.1 Introduction………………………….………………….……………….………1
1.2 Research Background…………………….……………….……………….….2
1.3 Research Motivation and Purpose………………………….………………..4
1.4 Thesis Structure………………………………………………….…………..5
Chapter 2 Literature Review……………….........…………………………...8
2.1 The Definition and Benefits of ERP System…….……………………………..8
2.2 The Flexibility of ERP………………………………….……………………..11
2.3 The Steps to Implement ERP…….…………………………………………13
2.4 Probe into the Successful Factors…………………….………….…………18
2.5 Review of Performance Evaluation...…………………………….…………25
Chapter 3 Research Methodology….………………….………….………29
3.1 Factor Analysis………………………………….…..……..………….………...29
3.2 Research Framework and Hypothesis………….…..……..………….………...37
3.3 Design of Questionnaire…………………..…………………………….………39
3.4 The Statistical Analysis………………………....……………….………….....42
Chapter 4 Case Company Profile…………………………...…………….44
4.1 Company Introduction of Case Study………….………….…….….….……44
4.2 The Motive and Objective for T Company to Implement the ERP System…….45
4.3 The Result after ERP Implementation for T Company…..………………….….46
Chapter 5 Data Analysis……………………………………..…….………50
5.1 Reliability Analysis…………………………….……….………………50
5.2 Data Description……………………..……………………………....51
5.3 The Hypothesis-Testing……….……………………... .……………….…...52
Chapter 6 Conclusion………………………………………………….…...57
6.1 Research Conclusion……………………………………….……….……….57
6.2 Managerial Implication…………………………………………………....58
6.3 Research Limitations……….……………………………………….…...59
Appendix A……………………………………………………….…...68
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