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研究生(外文):Lee Jen Chih
論文名稱(外文):Electromagnetic Effect Analysis via Finite Element Method for Power Cables
外文關鍵詞:Power Cable、Electromagnetic Field、Electromagnetic Wave、Finite Element Method、Electrostatic Field、Magnetostatic Field
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本文應用有限元素法及電磁學的理論基礎,結合電力電纜設計原理與有限元素分析軟體COMSOL Multiphysics(FEMLAB),建立一套基本的電磁場量分析模組型態。主要目的在探討電力電纜於靜電場、靜磁場、時變電磁場與電磁波的場量分佈,同時運用不同相序(R、S、T)排列方式與頻率大小,以求得電力電纜在管線空間中電場、磁場的交互作用及所衍生的電磁能量高低,藉此評估對周遭環境影響的程度和防範對策。並透過可變參係數與多重物理量耦合功能,降低實體試驗大量花費的時間及龐大製作成本,所得結果不但能提供不同角度的電磁場研究方法,亦能提供電力電纜多元化設計的參考方向。
Due to the progressive development in this hi-tech era, the increasing demands of electricity are relatively stronger than ever before. In order to provide electricity with better stability and reliability from the influence of external environmental causes such as typhoons, earthquakes, and heavy rainfalls, the Taiwan Power Company, Ltd. has initiated the action to move the electrical power transmission lines underground from the year of 1996. The power transmission lines hung on huge steel towers are replaced by the high voltage power lines, which are linked together through cable joints with various power distribution equipments (such as transformers, switch boxes, power switches, and so on), to evolve into a underground power distribution grid. After years of efforts, the underground transmission lines have gradually developed into an aggregated electric power network. In the recent years, the possible health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have raised a lot of disputations. Furthermore, the public usually has more concerns on EMFs rather than the electromagnetic waves. Accordingly, this research was motivated to investigate the EMF effects of electric power cables residing among our living environment, and to appreciate the complicated EMF phenomena as well as the degree of adverse influence.
Based upon the finite element method and theory of electromagnetic wave, in conjunction with the design principles of power transmission cables and the finite element analysis software COMSOL Multiphysics (FEMLAB), this study constructs a set of basic electromagnetic analysis modules. The aim of these basic modules is to model various electromagnetic field distributions of power transmission cables in the electrostatic field, the magnetostatic field, and the time-varying electromagnetic field. Meanwhile, different transmission configurations (e.g., R-phase, S-phase, and T-phase) and various frequencies can be applied to find the interaction between electrical and magnetic fields for the power cable in the space of pipeline, as well as the level of induced electromagnetic energy, in order to evaluate the degree of effectiveness in the surrounding environment and possible protection strategies. By the variable parameters and multiphysics coupling functionalities, the time to conduct real physical test and the cost to make samples could be greatly reduced. The simulation results not only can provide a different viewpoint toward EMF research but also broaden the scopes on power cable design.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 國內、外文獻回顧 1
1.2.1 電力電纜文獻回顧 1
1.2.2 電磁場文獻回顧 2
1.2.3 有限元素法文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究方法與流程 4
第二章 電力電纜 6
2.1 電力電纜種類 6
2.2 交連PE電纜構造 8
2.3 電力電纜電氣特性 12
2.3.1 安培容量 12
2.3.2 電壓梯度與電壓應力 13
2.3.3 局部放電 15
2.3.4 電纜絕緣劣化 16
2.4 電力電纜終端處理 17
2.4.1 電纜接頭 17
2.4.2 設計原理 20
2.5 電纜故障實例 22
第三章 程式原理 24
3.1 有限元素法基本概念 24
3.2 FEMLAB軟體簡介 25
3.2.1 應用FEMLAB研究領域 25
3.2.2 前處理程序 26
3.2.3 後處理程序 28
3.3 靜電場 29
3.4 靜磁場 32
3.5 電磁場 37
3.5.1 時間諧和場 37
3.5.2 理想三相電源 39
3.6 電磁輻射 42
第四章 結果與討論 47
4.1 前言 47
4.2 靜電場效應分析 49
4.3 靜磁場效應分析 54
4.4 電磁場效應分析 60
4.4.1 管線中電磁場 61
4.4.2 侷限空間電磁場 66
4.5 電磁波效應分析 77
第五章 結論 87
5.1 總結 87
5.2 未來展望 88
參考文獻 89
附錄A 有限元素分析軟體FEMLAB界面簡介 93
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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
1. [1] 蘇慶宗、翁基振,電力系統之運轉、維護與控制,電機月刊,第10卷第11期, 275-287頁,民國89年。
2. [5] 吳文良,國內交連PE電力電纜的發展,產業調查與技術季刊,第120期,58-69頁,民國86年。
3. [7] 江榮城,電磁場實務與標準(第一部份--電磁場實務)”The Standards and Practice of Electromagnetic Field(Part 1)--Practice of Electromagnetic Field”,臺電工程月刊,第645期,112-128頁,民國91年。
4. [8] 江榮城,電磁場實務與標準(第二部份--人體暴露限制值)”The Standards and Practice of Electromagnetic Field(Part 2)--Limits of Human Exposure”,臺電工程月刊,第646期,87-104頁,民國91年。
5. [9] 江榮城,電磁場實務與標準(第三部份--電磁相容性標準)”The Standards and Practice of Electromagnetic Field(Part 3)--Standards of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)”,臺電工程月刊,第647期,123-136頁,民國91年。
6. [10] 江榮城,電磁場實務與標準(第四部份--電磁場實例探討)”The Standards and Practice of Electromagnetic Field(Part 4)--Case Study of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) “臺電工程月刊,第648期,92-104頁,民國91年。
7. [11] 吳霖堃,電磁場、電磁波是否有害人體健康?環境檢驗,第37期,5-19頁,民國90年。
8. [12] 吳啟瑞、楊成發、顏世雄、李尚懿、王珠麗、陳韋達、蔡易錚,電力電纜排列對空間磁場之影響”Effects of Power Cable Arrangement on Space Magnetic Field”,臺電工程月刊,第690期,97-106頁,民國95年。
9. [13] 許萬寶、朱登騰、劉建勳,抑制變電所內電纜線之電磁場強度探討”Study for Reducing the Magnetic Field Intensity of Power Cable in Power Substation”,臺電工程月刊,第668期,40-46頁,民國93年。
10. [29] 張詩錦,CV電纜水樹現象發現史,電機月刊,第8卷第8期,233-235頁,民國87年。
11. [33] 陳守義、張志涵、林瑞模,統合CAD及有限元素方法模擬分析椎弓骨釘植入椎體 ” Integration of CAD and FE Method to Simulate the Pedicle Screw within the Vertebra”,Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering,第21卷第3期,175-182頁,民國90年。
12. [34] 陳守義、張志涵、林瑞模、林鼎勝,骨質疏鬆腰椎之有限元素分析 ” The Osteoporotic Lumbar Spine Finite Element Analysis”,中華醫學工程學刊,第19卷第3期,219-227頁,民國88年。
13. [36] 謝坤昌,I-DEAS有限元素法--元素網格構建模式與功能介紹,CADesigner,第165 期,85-91頁,民國90年。
14. [44] 盧孝銘、胡永柟、賴滄智,以有限元素法對電機磁場分析之研究,電機月刊,第16卷第4期,224-232頁,民國95年。