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研究生(外文):Shin Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of CuInSe2 Thin Films on Soft Polymeric Substrate by One Step Co-Electrodeposition
指導教授(外文):Yih Min Yeh
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從實驗結果獲知,影響二硒化銅銦薄膜組成及表面形貌最大之因素,係電流密度、沉積時間及鍍液中之pH值。以一次電化學共沉積方式所生長之二硒化銅銦薄膜屬於多晶結構,表面緻密且粗糙度良好;影響薄膜內之Cu/In比值主要是取決於電流密度大小。本實驗獲得最佳薄膜生長條件為:pH等於1.5,電流密度等於0.3 ASD及沉積時間15分鐘。另外,研究發現PET前處理是影響基材與二硒化銅銦薄膜附著性之重要因素。
Development and investigation of flexible thin film technologies are attracting increased attention in recent years. The translation of high efficiencies from rigid glass substrates to flexible substrate materials, scaling up the solar cell area and device optimization on low temperature substrates are all of crucial interest. CuInSe2, (CIS) is a promising material for the high-efficiency thin-film solar cells because it has the suitable band gap and the high-absorption coefficient for solar radiation.
In this thesis, CIS films were prepared by using a one-step process consisting of co-electrodeposition on ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) coated PET (polyethylene terephthalate) substrate. The effect of co-electrodeposition conditions on film composition and microstructure were closely studied. The results showed that the near ideal stoichiometry composition and single phase of CIS film can be obtained by using the co-electrodeposition deposited.
Based on the experimental results, the film composition and morphologies mainly depend on current density, deposition time and the pH value of solution. The one step co-electrodeposited CIS films have dense and smooth morphology with polycrystalline lattice structure. Furthermore, the Cu/In ratio of CIS films mainly depended on current density. The optimal co-electrodeposition CIS thin film was obtained when pH=1.5, current density=0.3 ASD, and deposition time=15 minutes. In addition, the pre-treating of PET substrate is important for its adhesion with CIS thin films.
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
致謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 CuInSe2材料之研究 5
1-3 CuInSe2薄膜製作方法 8
1-3-1 CIS製程技術優缺點 8
1-4研究動機 12
第二章 文獻回顧與原理介紹 13
2-1太陽電池原理 13
2-1-1 太陽電池 13
2-1-2 太陽光譜 13
2-2 電沉積原理 22
2-3二硒化銅銦電化學沉積法文獻回顧 25
2-3-1一次沉積(One Step)形成CuInSe2 25
2-3-2 二次沉積(Two Step)形成CuInSe2 27
2-4 儀器原理介紹 28
2-4-1 X光繞射儀(X-ray Diffractometry,簡稱XRD) 28
2-4-2 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM) 29
2-4-3 能量分散光譜儀(Energy Dispersive Spectrometer,EDS) 31
第三章 實驗流程 32
3-1 實驗流程圖 32
3-2 電沉積CIS薄膜 33
3-2-1基板準備 33
3-2-2 實驗參數 34
3-2-3電解液和電極的介紹 35
3-2-4 實驗步驟 36
3-3薄膜性質檢測 36
第四章 結果與討論 37
4-1電沉積液離子濃度對於薄膜組成之影響 38
4-2電沉積液酸鹼值對於薄膜組成之影響 40
4-3電沉積電流密度值對於薄膜組成之影響 43
4-4電沉積時間對於薄膜組成之影響 45
4-5薄膜組成對三元化合物相形成之影響 47
4-6影響薄膜表面形貌因素探討 51
4-7影響薄膜附著性因素探討 60
第五章 結論 62
參考文獻 64
自傳 66
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