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研究生(外文):wu chang hui
論文名稱(外文):The Investigation of CuInSe2 photoelectricity thin film by the Co-electrodeposition
指導教授:劉彥君 葉翳民
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本實驗以電沉積方法,在含有氯化合物的水溶液中,添加錯合劑三乙醇胺(triethanolamune,TEA),將CuInSe2電沉積於ITO電極上。主要探討沉積過程中電流密度、電解液酸鹼值與各離子組成濃度對沉積CuInSe2薄膜的影響,藉由實驗設計,系統化的把各種變因加以控制分析。使用電化學方法研究電沉積CuInSe2薄膜之反應機制(mechanism),並探討薄膜組成比例(stoichiometry),成長晶粒大小(grain size)及晶格結構(crystal sturcture)之關係。
This study will use electro-depositing technique to add triethanolamune (TEA) in chloride solution to electrodeposit CuInSe2 thin film on ITO electrode. This major study will to use on the current, pH value and ion concentration effect on CuInSe2 thin film generation during the deposition. By the experimental system design to control and analysis each factor. Using electro-chemical method to analysis electro-depositing CuInSe2 thin films mechanism and thin film Stoichiometry; crystal grain size and crystal structure.
In the CuInSe2 thin film composition analysis one could find the effect of the difference current density on thin film composition. The experimental result shows in addition, deposit electric current density influence to CIS thin film surface morphological very huge; At the same time the adding amount of TEA makes up CIS compositions, the size of crystalline grain and surface shape looks also play an important role. This experiment using current density 0.25ASD get a better composition (Cu:In:Se=1:1:2).
目 錄

第一章 緒論...........................................1
1-1 前言...........................................1
1-2 文獻回顧........................................3
1-3 研究動機........................................5
第二章 理論基礎........................................7
2-1 太陽電池種類.....................................7
2-2 二硒化銅銦.......................................9
2-2-1 CuInSe2的晶體結.................................11
2-3 CulnSe2薄膜之製備................................12
2-4 太陽能電池的應用..................................15
2-4-1 太陽光譜(Solar Spectra)..........................15
2-4-2 太陽光譜與CulnSe2薄膜吸收光譜之比較.................17
2-5 太陽電池基本結構與工作原理..........................18
2-6 電化學原理........................................19
2-6-1 定電流電沉積法.....................................19
2-6-2 溶液酸鹼值(pH)的影響...............................20
2-7 材料分析原理.......................................25
2-7-1 X光繞射儀..........................................25
2-7-2 掃描式電子顯微鏡....................................27
2-7-3 能量分散光譜儀......................................30
第三章 實驗步驟與流程......................................31
3-1 實驗流程...........................................31
3-1-1 電解液組成與電沉積設定操作條件........................32
3-2 藥品與電極..........................................32
3-2-1 電沉積電解液組成.....................................32
3-2-2 電極系統............................................32
3-3 儀器及裝置..........................................35
3-3-1 實驗儀器............................................35
3-3-2 實驗裝置............................................36
3-4 實驗步驟............................................37
3-4-1 薄膜電沉積液製成.....................................37
第四章 結果與討論..........................................38
4-1 溶液中離子濃度對於薄膜組成之影響.......................38
4-2 溶液酸鹼值對於薄膜組成之影響..........................40
4-3 添加劑..............................................42
4-4 不同電流密度對Cu、In、Se沉積薄膜組成之影響..............46
4-5 晶格結構分...........................................52
第五章 結論................................................55
5-1 結論................................................55
第六章 參考文獻.............................................57
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