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研究生(外文):Shun-Nian Lou
論文名稱(外文):Using Neural Network to Study the Stock Market Volume Energy for Forecasting the Variation of TAIMEX
指導教授(外文):Pu-Lin Yeh
外文關鍵詞:Anchor CapitalTAIMEXBack-PropagationNeural Network
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股市有一種”當日沖銷”交易策略,常為一般人所忽略,而且過於頻繁的操作容易使獲利空間被交易成本侵蝕。本研究專為進行當日沖銷的投資人,發展一套TAIMEX交易的決策支援系統,此系統是一種以倒傳遞演算法的類神經網路為基礎架構。其間我們會針對類神經網路的層數. 各層神經元的個數等網路參數以Try-And-Error 的方式,並加入時間軸移動法為網路學習策略,來找出較佳的網路架構。然後以此架構分別輸入各種主力資金再比較其各別輸出預測的準確性,運用此預測結果導入機械式操作策略進行模擬投資。並實驗台指期每次交易以當日沖銷為操作策略的可行性。我們也設計了以隨機漫步理論的實驗. 對照本研究的推論。期望研究結果能提供投資人一項新的投資決策工具。
The Taiwan Index Future Contact (TAIMEX) is a financial derivative of Taiwan Stock Index. So, we can study the trend of the fluctuating for TAIMEX by observing the performance of Taiwan stock market. To judge the trend of trading for stock market, the volume is a very important factor. By analyzing the volume, we would find the movement of “anchor capitals” which are always the powerful investors and the important influence of stock market.
There is a trading strategy in the future market called “day trading” which always disregarded by the market and earning the profit difficultly. Therefore, we just develop a TAIMEX trading decision support system for the day trading investors. This system is the Back-Propagation Neural Network and using the volumes from kinds of anchor capitals as the inputs. In the meanwhile, we would get the parameters of networks such as the amounts of layers and neurons by the way “try-and-error”. We would also involve the “Time Shaft Moving Method” into the learning process in order to get the better model of networks. Then we would respectively input kinds of anchor capitals to the model and compare their outputs in which is more predicting accuracy. Using the outputs of NN and involving the “Mechanizing Trading Strategy”, we would simulate to trade the TAIMEX and make a comparison with the experiment of Random-walk Theory.
There are four main points in our study:
1.Comparing the amount information of the anchor capitals giving public by Taiwan Stock Exchange Company to predict TAIMEX.
2.Developing a decisional tool by neural network for investing the Taiwan future market.
3.Using the “Time Shaft Moving Method” for neural networks training.
4.Using the “Mechanizing Trading Strategy” to avoid the human nature weakness, and experimenting the feasibility of “day trading” strategy.
Acknowladgement i
Abstract (Chinese) ii
Abstract(English) iii
List of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Background and Motive of Research 1
1-1.1 Background 1
1-1.2 Motive: 3
1-2 Purpose of Research 3
1-3 Assumption of Research 4
1-4 Procedure of Research 5
1-5 Scope and Implement of Research 6
1-6 Contribution of Research 7
Chapter 2 Relative Literature 8
2-1 Taiwan Index Future Market 8
2-1.1 The Index Future 8
2-1.2 TAIMEX Current State 10
2-2 Analyzing the Volume of Stock Market 11
2-2.1 The Pattern of Taiwan stock market 11
2-2.2 Participators of Taiwan Stock Market 13
2-3 Trading Strategies 15
2-3.1 Day Trading Strategy 16
2-3.2 Random-Walk Theory 18
2-4 Prediction of Stock Index 19
2-4.1 Statistical Inference 19
2-4.2 Application of Artificial Intelligence 19
2-4.3 Nonlinear of Index Future 20
2-4.4 Principle of Artificial Neural Networks 21
2-4.5 Running of Artificial Neural Networks 22
2-4.6 Back-Propagation Neural Networks 24
2-4.7 Evaluating with Artificial Neural Network 25
Chapter 3 Experiment Research 27
3-1 System Framework 27
3-2 Approach and Process of System 28
3-2.2 Predicting Model 1 28
Ⅰ. Back-Propagation Neural Network 29
Ⅱ. Time Range Moving Method 29
Ⅲ. Trading Timing 30
Ⅳ. Trading Cost 31
Ⅴ. Finance Allotment 31
Ⅵ. Mechanized Trading Strategy 31
Ⅶ Principle of Valuation 32
3-2.3 Predicting Model 2 32
Ⅰ.Open-Close Pricing Strategy 33
3-2.4 Experiment Procedure 33
Ⅰ. Learning rate 34
Ⅱ. Inertia Factor 34
3-3 System Model 34
3-3.1 Time Period 35
3-3.2 Input variable 35
3-3.3 Output Variable 36
3-3.4 Network Frame 37
Chapter 4 Experiment Result 38
4-1 Control Groups 38
4-1.1 The Base Sample Statistics 38
4-1.2 Random-walk Model 40
4-2 BPNN model 41
4-2.1 Deciding Network Model 41
4-2.2 Constructing the Predicting ANN 43
4-3 Simulating Investment 45
4-3.1 The Ability of Gain 45
4-3.2 Directional Correction 46
4-3.3 Time Series Chart 47
4-4.4 Counting Profit Ratio 48
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestion 51
5-1 Conclusion 51
Ⅰ. In the side of BPNN 51
Ⅱ. In the predicting models 51
Ⅲ. In the trading strategy 51
5-2 Suggestion 52
Ⅰ.The choice of inputs 52
Ⅱ. Time period 52
Ⅲ. The training example 52
Ⅳ. Stabling the trading strategy 52
Appendix 59
Ⅰ. The trading groups in Taiwan 59
Ⅱ. The correlation between index and volume in Taiwan stock market 59
Ⅲ. The time series chart of anchor capitals volume and Taiwan stock index 60
Ⅳ. The training performance of foreign capitals models 62
Ⅴ. The training performance of anchor capitals in 18-6-1 network 65
Ⅵ、The time series comparison of TAIMEX and NN outputs in anchor capitals 68
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