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研究生(外文):CHE-CHIA YU
論文名稱(外文):The Empirical Study on the Conditional Volatility Clustering ofReturn for Exchange Rate of Taiwan –an application of SWARCH model
指導教授(外文):Ai-Chi Hsu
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本研究主要利用 Hamilton and Susmel( 1994 )的 Markov-switching ARCH(SWARCH)模型為基本分析架構,研究台幣/美元匯率月資料的報酬率波動群聚現象;本文先比較數種不同的SWARCH模型與ARCH族模型的log likelihood估計值,顯示SWARCH模型優於ARCH族模型;再比較各SWARCH模型的log likelihood估計值及LR檢定、AIC、SBC值及樣本外預測力的表現,發現SWARCH(3, 1)模型又優於其他SWARCH模型;且SWARCH(3, 1)模型所估計得之平滑機率值,能夠適當的對應到一些對匯率有重要影響事件的發生時點及延續時間,顯示,當自我迴歸的異質條件變異數發生結構改變時,SWARCH模型具改善資料配適的效果,並表現出ARCH過程在各種狀態間的轉移情況,符合變異數結構變動的檢定結果。
The thesis uses the Markov-switching model (Hamilton and Susmel,1994)as the basic analytical structure to study the phenomenon of the volatility clustering of monthly data of twd to usd.First,by comparing various log- likelihood values of SWARCH models and ARCH models, it is found that SWARCH model is superior to ARCH model,Secondly, in the case of log- likelihood values 、LR test、AIC、SBC value as well as the ability to predict out-of-sample SWARCH models,SWARCH(3,1) outperforms other competing SWARCH models.The smooth probability from SWARCH(3,1) model can fit in properly to the critical moment when event –driven foreign exchange fluctuations occur. Thus we find that when auto-regressive heteroskedasticity conditional structural change exists, SWARCH models can improve the fitting effect and thus the switching of regimes can conform with the result of variance structural changes.
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 --------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------- v
圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------- vi
一、 緒論----------------------------------------------------------- 1
二、 匯率理論與文獻回顧--------------------------------------------- 3
2.1 決定匯率的理論基礎文獻----------------------------------------- 3
2.2 文獻回顧------------------------------------------------------- 6
三、 實證模型與假設檢定---------------------------------------------15
3.1 資料處裡-------------------------------------------------------15
3.2 單根(UNIT ROOT)檢定--------------------------------------------15
3.3 Q統計量檢定自我相關及條件異質變異數檢定------------------------15
3.4 自我相關及條件異質變異數檢定-----------------------------------15
3.5 Markov switching ARCH 模型-------------------------------------16
3.6 概似比(LR)檢定-------------------------------------------------19
3.7 AIC與SBC-------------------------------------------------------20
3.8 樣本外預測力---------------------------------------------------20
四、 實證結果-------------------------------------------------------21
4.1 各模型的估計結果及優劣比較-------------------------------------23
4.2 SWARCH模型的估計結果與外匯月報酬率波動之比較-----------------27
4.3 樣本外預測力的表現-------------------------------------------33
五、 實證結果-------------------------------------------------------35
國內參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------36
國外參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------37

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