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研究生(外文):Xuan-Zhong Guo
論文名稱(外文):Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation by Morinda citrifolia Extracts.
指導教授(外文):Hai-Lung Wang
外文關鍵詞:Platelet aggregation、Noni、Collagen、U46619、Arachidonic acid、PAF、Thrombin。
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本研究乃針對中草藥植物Noni之葉、莖與果實分別經過水與乙醇萃取後,初步探討Noni之不同部位對於抑制血小板凝集作用的效應。本研究發現Noni的葉與果實水萃取液確實具有抑制兔子血小板凝集之能力,在血小板凝集試驗中,隨著使用不同種類的血小板活化劑,發現在血小板懸浮液中,其葉子之水萃取液可以選擇性的抑制 collagen (10μg/ml) 與 arachidonic acid (100μM) 所引發的血小板凝集,而不影響 thrombin (0.1U/ml)、PAF (2ng/ml) 與 U46619 (1μM) 所引發的血小板凝集;使用不同濃度的葉子水萃取液,對 collagen 與 arachidonic acid 所引起血小板凝集之反應具有濃度依賴性 (dose-dependent),其 IC50 分別為 7.9、1.2 mg/ml,並且也具有時間相依性。另外初步探討 collagen 與 arachidonic acid 在血小板所引發的訊息傳遞,發現 thromboxane A2 與 prostaglandin D2 的生成皆明顯的降低,推測是抑制了cyclooxygenase-1 的活性。果實水萃取液也可以選擇性的抑制 collagen 與 U46619所引發的血小板凝集,抑制血小板凝集之反應也具有濃度依賴性(dose-dependent),其 IC50 分別為 7.6、7.3 mg/ml。莖之水萃取液則不具有抑制兔子血小板凝集之活性。另外一部份,葉子乙醇萃取液,會抑制 collagen 、 arachidonic acid 與 U46619 的凝集反應具有濃度依賴性 (dose-dependent),其 IC50 分別為177.2、970、580 μg/ml。果實乙醇萃取液,抑制 collagen 、 arachidonic acid 與 U46619 的凝集反應具有濃度依賴性 (dose-dependent),其 IC50 分別為13.4、27.6、25.3 mg/ml 。莖的乙醇萃取液,抑制 collagen 、 arachidonic acid 、 U46619 與 PAF 的凝集反應具有濃度依賴性 (dose-dependent),其 IC50 分別為 1.45、0.64、0.98、1.12 mg/ml。綜合以上結果,評估Noni確實有抑制血小板凝集作用之生物活性與其預防血栓之可能性,可作為未來保健食品或新藥開發的參考。
The present study was conducted to evaluate the antiplatelet activity of extracts from different parts of Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.), including leaf, fruit and stem. Ethanol and distilled water were used as solvents and antiplatelet effects measured by a platelet aggregation test. Rabbit platelets were prepared and incubated in vitro with different concentrations of the tested extracts and aggregation was induced by different agonists including collagen (10μg/ml), arachidonic acid (100μM), thrombin (0.1U/ml), PAF (2ng/ml) and U46619 (1μM). The aqueous extract of Noni leaf selectively and concentration dependently inhibited platelets aggregation caused by arachidonic acid and collagen without affecting the aggregation caused by thrombin, PAF and U46619. The IC50 value (drug concentration inhibiting maximum response by 50%) of the crude aqueous extract for aggregation induced by collagen and arachidonic acid was 7.9, 1.2 mg/ml, respectively. The aqueous extract of Noni leaf was time dependent. Furthermore, the extract inhibited thromboxane B2 and prostaglandin D2 formation provoked by collagen and arachidonic acid. Based on these observations, the data indicated that the extract potently inhibited rabbit platelet aggregation mainly via the inhibition of the cyclooxygenase-1 activity. On the other hand, the aqueous extract of Noni fruit selectively and concentration dependently inhibited platelets aggregation caused by collagen and U46619. The IC50 value of the crude aqueous extract for aggregation induced by collagen and U46619 was 7.6, 7.3 mg/ml, respectively. The ethanolic extract of Noni leaf produced an inhibitory effect on collagen, arachidonic acid and U46619-induced platelet aggregation with an IC50 of 0.18, 0.97, 0.58 mg/mL. The ethanolic extract of Noni fruit produced a inhibitory effect on collagen, arachidonic acid and U46619-induced platelet aggregation with an IC50 of 1.3, 2.7, 2.5 mg/mL. The ethanolic extract of Noni stem produced an inhibitory effect on collagen, arachidonic acid, U46619 and PAF-induced platelet aggregation with an IC50 of 1.45, 0.64, 0.98, 1.12 mg/mL. These results support the traditional use of Noni in the treatment and/or prevention of cardiovascular disease.
目 錄

誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
縮寫表 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1血小板之型態 1
1.2血小板之生成 2
1.3血小板之機能 2
1.3.1 血小板之吸附 3
1.3.2 血小板之構形改變 3
1.3.3 血小板之活化作用 3
1.3.4 血小板之凝集 4
1.4血小板活化的因子 4
1.4.1膠原蛋白(Collagen) 4
1.4.2凝血酶(Thrombin) 5
1.4.3血小板活化因子 (PAF) 6
1.4.4血栓素(TXA2) 和 花生四烯酸(AA) 6
1.5血小板在病理上的角色 7
1.6 Noni (Morinda citrifolia) 8
1.6.1 Noni 之簡介 8
1.6.2 Noni 之主要成分 9
1.6.3 Noni 之生物活性 9
1.7研究動機與目的 12
第二章 材料與方法 13

2.1實驗試劑 13
2.2實驗藥材 13
2.3實驗儀器 14
2.4實驗方法 14
2.4.1 Noni 之.純水(H2O)萃取 14
2.4.2 Noni 之乙醇(Ethanol)萃取 15
2.4.3兔子血小板懸浮液(platelet suspension, PS)的製備 15
2.4.4抗血小板凝集活性的測定 15
2.4.5血小板內 TxB2 與 PGD2 生成量的測定 15
2.5統計方法 16
第三章 研究結果 17
3.1 Noni 各部位的水萃取物對兔子血小板凝集作用之影響 17
3.1.1葉子部位(Noni-Leaf; NL)之水萃取物 17
3.1.2葉子部位之水萃取物對 TxB2 與 PGD2 生成量的影響 17
3.1.3果實部位(Noni-Fruit; NF)之水萃取物 18
3.2 Noni 各部位的乙醇萃取物對兔子血小板凝集作用之影響 18
3.1.1葉子部位(Noni-Leaf; NL)之乙醇萃取物 18
3.1.2果實部位(Noni-Fruit; NF)之乙醇萃取物 19
3.1.3莖部位之(Noni-Stem; NS)乙醇萃取物 19
第四章 討論與結論 20
第五章 圖表與圖表說明 22
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