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論文名稱(外文):Predictors of Long-term Outcomes of Elective Stent Implantation for Unprotected Left Main Coronary Artery Disease
指導教授(外文):Ko-Nien Shih, PhD
外文關鍵詞:left mainstentcoronary artery diseaseunprotected
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以當時的時空背景來看,左側主幹冠狀動脈疾病的病患只能選擇藥物治療或是冠狀動脈繞道手術。Caracciolo在1995年於Circulation雜誌發表一篇CASS(Coronary Artery Surgery Study)的大規模臨床研究報告,該研究於1974-79年針對美國和加拿大地區的醫學中心的24958位冠狀動脈疾病患者進行心導管檢查,其中1484位病患屬於左側主幹冠狀動脈狹窄。這些左側主幹冠狀動脈狹窄病患中有1153位病患選擇冠狀動脈繞道手術治療,另外的351位病患選擇藥物治療;經過15年的長期追蹤發現選擇繞道手術的病患術後平均存活時間長達13.3年,而選擇藥物治療的病患平均存活時間卻僅有6.6年。
(1) 瞭解本院左側主幹冠狀動脈疾病病患,由於病患拒絕繞道手術或者其他疾病無法進行手術,接受金屬支架置放術後,短期和長期的追蹤情形。
(2) 研究何種因子能預測病人的死亡或者重大心臟血管事件。
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictor of long-term outcomes after stent implantation for unprotected left main coronary artery (LMCA) disease. Background: Coronary stenting has recently been advocated as an alternative procedure for LMCA disease. Information on the predictors of long-term outcomes after stent implantation for unprotected LMCA disease is not clear. Methods: Seventy six patients (51 men and 25 women, age 68  10 years) with medically refractory angina received coronary stenting for unprotected LMCA disease. During a follow-up period of 40  26 months, 23 patients (30%) needed repeated percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and/or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Seven patients (9%) died because of cardiovascular disease in 5 (7%) and noncardiovascular disease in 2 (3%).
Results: In a univariate analysis, only female gender was related to the repeated PCI and/or CABG (p=0.04). A history of cerebral vascular attack (CVA) (p=0.005), anemia (p=0.03) and lower left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (p=0.008) were related to the cardiovascular mortality. A history of myocardial infarction (p=0.03), a history of CVA (p=0.02), anima (p=0.02) and lower LVEF (p=0.002) were related to the total mortality. In a multivariate analysis, female gender (p=0.007; odds ratio 5.29, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.57 to 17.80) and young age (p=0.025; odds ratio 3.92, 95% CI 1.19 to 12.98) could predict the repeated PCI and/or CABG. Only a history of CVA could predict the cardiovascular mortality (p=0.027; odds ratio 34.18, 95% CI 1.49 to 783) and only lower LVEF could predict the total mortality (p=0.027; odds ratio 13.26, 95% CI 1.34 to 131). Conclusions: Female gender and young age could predict the repeated PCI and/or CABG after stent implantation for unprotected LMCA disease. Furthermore, a history of CVA could predict the cardiovascular mortality and lower LVEF could predict the total mortality.
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Renerence
4. Methods
5. Stent implantation
6. Predictors of long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes
7. Statistics Analysis
8. Results Immediate and Long-term Outcomes of Stent Implantation
9. Predictors of Repeated PCI and/or CABG
10. Predictor of Cardiovascular Mortality
11. Predictor of Total Mortality
12. Discussion
 Major Findings
 Comparisons with Previous Studies
 Predictor of Repeated PCI and/or CABG
 Predictor of Cardiovascular Mortality
 Predictor of Total Mortality Disease
 Clinical Implications
13. Study Limitations
14. Conclusions
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