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研究生(外文):Wei-Cheng Ho
論文名稱(外文):Mobile Multi-Agent Based, Distributed Information Platform (MADIP) for Autonomous Health Care Monitoring
指導教授(外文):Chuan-Jun Su
外文關鍵詞:E-Health caretelemedicineintelligent agentsmobile agentsMADIPASDK
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E-health care is characterized by a high degree of distributed, labor-intensive works, mobility, time-critical, and access from various types of devices. The information systems for e-health care have evolved from traditional desktop “telemedicine” platforms to wireless and mobile configurations. Current and emerging developments in mobile computing integrated with developments in pervasive agent technologies such as intelligent agents and mobile agents will have a radical impact on future health-care delivery systems.
In this research, we present the design and development of a mobile multi-agent based, information platform (MADIP) to support the intensive and distributed nature of health care environment. The design is based on on-site observation of user needs and the identification of scenarios of use in a hospital. To facilitate the development of the information platform, Aglets Software Development Kit (ASDK) was adopted for prototyping, concept-proofing, and evaluation. By integrating the proposed system with light-weight, portable monitoring devices (e.g. vital sign monitor), continuous long-term monitoring can be performed without interfering with patients’ everyday activities and without restricting their mobility.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iv
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Research Objective 2
2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Telemedicine 5
2.2 E-Health 7
2.3 Agent Technology 9
2.4 Mobile Agent 10
2.4.1 Mobile Code 10
2.4.2 Remote Evaluation 11
2.4.3 Mobile Objects 11
2.4.4 Mobile Processes 12
2.4.5 Mobile Agent Research 12
2.5 IBM Aglets 14
2.5.1 Aglets Overview 14
2.5.2 Aglets API Elements 16
2.5.3 Alets Life-cycle Model 17
3. The MADIP Architecture 19
3.1 The MADIP Agent Environment 19
3.1.1 Agent Server 20
3.1.2 External Services 21
3.2 Communication Scheme in MADIP 22
3.3 The MADIP Architecture Design 24
3.3.1 User Interface Agent (UIA) 25
3.3.2 Resource Agent 26
3.3.3 Physician Agent 26
3.3.4 Diagnostic Agent 27
3.3.5 Knowledge-base Data Server 27
4. MADIP Implementation 28
4.1 Hardware and Software Configuration 28
4.2 Design of Database 29
4.3 Initiate Tahiti Server and Viewer 31
4.4 Prototyping 36
4.4.1 Scenario 1: Medical Staffs’ Perspective 37
4.4.2 Demonstration of Usage Scenario 1 38
4.4.3 Scenario 2: Regular Users’ Perspective 45
4.4.4 Demonstration of Usage Scenarios 2 46
5. Conclusion Remarks and Future Works 50
5.1 Contributions 50
5.2 Limitations 50
5.3 Future Works 51
References 53
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