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研究生(外文):Hui-Chuan Liu
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the proteins involved in surfactin synthesis and improvement of Bacillus subtilis ATCC 21332 for surfactin production.
外文關鍵詞:Bacillus subtilissurfactin
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表面素是由Bacillus subtilis ATCC 21332以非核醣體胜肽合成機制所合成的脂胜肽生物界面活性劑,結構包含七個胺基酸所組成的環狀胜肽鏈,及一長碳鏈之脂肪酸支鏈。研究顯示有三個表面素合成酶,SrfA、SrfB、SrfC,參與胜肽鏈的胜肽合成。表面素是目前文獻上發現最有效的生物界面活性劑,但是在應用上,因侷限於產量低,生產成本高的瓶頸,因此尚無法達到商業化之目的。而造成表面素產量低的原因,可能是表面素合成酶啟動子僅在特定的條件下才會開始工作,以至於表面素合成酶表現量低,進而造成表面素產量低。所以我們嘗試以Gene targeting技術將表面素合成基因的啟動子置換為P43啟動子,但是到目前為止仍無法將質體送入。可能因為B. subtilis ATCC 21332難以進行遺傳改質工作,所以先嘗試建構一株易於進行遺傳改質的表面素生產菌株。目前已經成功得到一些能生產表面素的B. subtilis 168轉形株,其中以SWK569所生產的表面素最高,且遺傳穩定性高,同時這些B. subtilis 168轉形株的轉形效率亦略優於B. subtilis 168。針對這些轉形株以Gene targeting技術,置換表面素合成基因的啟動子為P43啟動子時,並不如預期般提升表面素產量,反而出現另一會造成血瓊脂培養基溶血的未知名物質,此物質的生成原因目前尚不清楚,需待進一步探討成因。雖然非核醣體胜肽合成機制研究已經超過數十年,但除了胜肽合成酶外,還需要哪些蛋白質參與或調控,目前均不清楚。本實驗室同時也利用二維電泳技術研究與表面素生產相關之蛋白質,分析在表面素合成時,哪些蛋白質表現量隨之變化。目前已找到二十個蛋白質,在合成表面素前後,表現量會隨之改變,將進一步探討其中十三個已確認之蛋白質與非核醣體胜肽合成機制的相關性。
Surfactin is a cyclic lipopeptidic biosurfactant produced by Bacillus subtilis ATCC 21332 with nonribosomal peptide synthesis mechanisn.Surfactin is composed of seven amino acids of lipopeptide and a long-chain fatty acid. The synthesis of peptide moiety of surfactin is catalyzed by three surfactin synthetases, SrfA , SrfB, and SrfC. Although surfactin is the most powerful biosurfactant, it’s application and commerializating is restricted because of low productivity and high production cost. The possible reason which cause low productivity of surfactin is the promoter of surfactin synthetases genes only work under the particular condition. Only few surfactin synthetases express to catalyze the surfactin synthesis. In order to upgrade the surfactin productivity, we tried to use the P43 promoter to replace the promoter of surfactin synthetas operon by gene targeting technology. Because of the poor transformation efficiency, no plasmid was transferred into B. subtilis ATCC 21332 to proceed further studies. it is necessary to get surfactin-producing strains with the ability to receive to proceed experiments for genetic engineering easily. Some B. subtilis 168 derive clones derived with highest surfactin productivity and genetic stability were gotten. The transformation frequencies of the B. subtilis 168 derive clones were better than B. subtilis 168 and 21332. P43 promoter replacement for promoter of surfactin synthetase operon was also performed, surfactin productivity was not improved and only some unknown products were synthesized to generate lysis zones on Blood agar. The nonribosomal peptide synthesis has been studied for more than fifty years. In addition to peptide synthetase, it is not clear which proteins regulate or participate in the nonribosomal peptide synthesis. We have carried out the preliminary proteomic analysis of B. subtilis ATCC 21332 proteins related to surfactin synthesis. Using two-dimensional electrophoretic separations followed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, expression of 20 proteins alter during the surfactin synthesis and 13 protein were identified. Futuremore, functions of the 13 identified proteins in the surfactin synthesis will be studied.
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