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論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Managerial Stockownership on the Maturity of Corporate Bond
指導教授(外文):Jin-Huei Yeh
外文關鍵詞:Duration modelDebt maturityCorporate bondManagerial
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In my first part, we following the Datta (2005) methodology document that managerial stockownership effect debt maturity. From the multivariable regression result we prove managerial will effect the debt maturity. However, 5-year debt and 20-year debt have the same definition within the Datta (2005) research. It is not reasonable for company to treat 5-year debt and 20-year debt as same definition. In second part, we use the precise model (duration model).
I. Introduction 1
II. Literature 1
III. The Theory and Empirical Hypotheses 2
A. Agency cost 2
B. Liquidity risk hypothesis 3
C. Signaling hypothesis 3
D. Matching Principal 4
IV. Data 4
A. Debt Maturity 5
B. Firm Characteristics 5
C. Managerial Stock Ownership and Debt Maturity Structure 6
V. Multivariate Analysis 7
A. Model Specification and Variable Descriptions 7
B. Multivariate Results 8
VI. Duration model 10
VII. Methodology 11
A. Parametric Models 12
A.1. Theoretical Background 12
A.2. Models of the Hazard Function 13
B. Semi-Parametric (Cox Proportional Hazard Model) 14
C. Differences between parametric, semi-parametric and non-parametric models 14
VIII. Duration Result 15
A. Cross-tabulation of Debt maturity 15
B. Duration Model Result 16
IX. Summary and Conclusion 20
References 22
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