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研究生(外文):Li-Ping Chen
論文名稱(外文):Do IPO underwriting relationships affect the subsequent loan business?
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This paper investigates the relationship between IPO underwriting and subsequent loan business. Specially, does establishing an underwriting relationship today add value for the underwriter by increasing the probability of attracting future loan business from the same customer? I provide significant evidences that a lender which has IPO underwriting relationship with a borrower has far greater odds of providing its customers with future loans and charging higher interest rate compared to a lender lacking such an underwriting relationship. The results are robust in the sample restricted to customers that have exclusively post-IPO loans. The results show that existence of IPO underwriting relationship is strongly associated with an increased probability of winning future loan business from the same customer. There is no significant evidence that those effects are present for commercial banks.
I. Introduction 1
II. Theory and hypotheses 4
A. The effect of IPO underwriting relationship on the probability of getting the subsequent loan business 4
B. The effect of IPO underwriting relationship on cost of loans 5
C. Do commercial banks can get benefits from the follow-on loan business by the entry into equity underwriting? 7
III. Data and sample selection process 9
A. Data source 9
B. Data selection process 9
IV. Methodology 11
A. The probability of getting the subsequent loan business 12
B. The costs of subsequent loans 14
C. Do banks get benefits from the follow-on loan business by the entry into equity underwriting? 15
V. Empirical results 16
A. Descriptive statistics 16
B. Regression results 18
B 1. Probability of getting the subsequent loan business 18
B 2. Effect of IPO underwriting relationships on the costs of loans 19
B 3. Impact of non-prior lending underwriting relationship on the probability of getting the subsequent loan business 21
B 4. Impact of non-prior lending underwriting relationship on loan pricing 22
VI. Conclusion 23
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