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研究生(外文):Ya-Hui Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Partner Analysis at the Alliance Operation Stage:A Qualitative Study with Content Analysis in Taiwan Technology-intensive Firms
外文關鍵詞:Partner selection criteriaPartner AnalysisAllianceContent Analysis
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在策略聯盟形成階段,廠商該如何選擇合作夥伴已經被視為最重要的問題(Africa Arino 1997; Beamish 1994; Beamish 1987; Chung 2000; Dacin 1997; Geringer 1988; Geringer 1991)。根據以往文獻探討,我們可以得知在策略聯盟形成階段有哪些變數很重要,可以作為廠商選擇合作夥伴的準則,若廠商遵守此準則,策略聯盟成功機率將會大幅提昇。然而,在實際案例中仍有超過60%的策略聯盟失敗。為什麼呢?因此,本研究基於過去的文獻,以合作夥伴之準則為基礎,嘗試找出有哪些因素是中高階經理人在策略聯盟營運階段所重視的,並且希望合作夥伴一定要遵守,否則他們可能會考慮結束合作關係。

Partner selection criteria has been seen as the most important issue in the alliance formation stage (Africa Arino 1997; Beamish 1994; Beamish 1987; Chung 2000; Dacin 1997; Geringer 1988; Geringer 1991). According to those literatures, those criteria offer firms the principles to select partners. However, in reality, over 60% alliances result in failures. Why? Most companies announce failures in cooperation for some sample reasons. Are those reasons really key points? Or in order to keep their commercial relationship and interests in the future, they would not like to point out the real reasons? Hence, this research, based on the partner-selection criteria, tries to find the key factors on which managers tend to pay more emphases in the alliance operation stage and hope their partners must obey in the operation stage or they would consider changing partners. Those factors can be used as the basis for the firms to manage the alliance and keep it going.

In this research, we develop a theoretical framework to complement the original partner-selection theoretical framework and offer principles to manage the alliance in the operation stage. Our research, through interviewing several top managers in technology-intensive firms and then using a qualitative study “content analysis”, finds that culture distance, motives fit, reciprocity, trust, commitment, communication ability, complementary resources, relationship and absorptive capacity are important factors which the managers care mostly in the management of alliance operation stage and mainly influence the success of alliance. In implications, if the managers could pay more attention to those factors, the probability of alliances success will be higher.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 research introduction 1
1.2 Organization of the thesis 2

Chapter 2: literature review 3

Chapter 3 Hypotheses 13
3.1 Framework 13
3.2 Hypotheses 14

Chapter 4 research methodology 20
4.1 research design 20
4.1.1 The purpose of the study 21
4.1.2 Type of investigation 22
4.1.3 Extent of researcher interference with the study 23
4.1.4 Study setting 24
4.1.5 Unit of analysis 25
4.1.6 Time horizon 25
4.2 Interview 26
4.2.1 The sample selection 27
4.2.2 Questions 30
4.2.3 Interviewing 32
4.2.4 Recording 33
4.3 The analysis 34
4.3.1 The major techniques of analysis 34
4.3.2 Content analysis 37
4.3.3 Results 44

Chapter 5 Findings and Discussion 45

Chapter 6 Conclusion 55
6.1 Theoretical contributions 55
6.2 Managerial implications 55
6.3 Limitations 56
6.4 Future research 56

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