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研究生(外文):Wen-Cheng Lin
論文名稱(外文):Design and Performance Evaluation for Supporting Disconnected Operations in MMSE
外文關鍵詞:3GPPMMSMMSEcommunication timedisconnected operation
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3GPP(The Third Generation Partnership Project)新制定的訊息服務–多媒體簡訊服務(multimedia messaging service, MMS),使得行動設備(mobile device)間及應用(application)到行動設備的簡訊傳輸,具有全面多樣性的內容,包括文字、圖片、聲音、影像。多媒體簡訊服務結合不同的網路與不同型態的網路,並整合這些網路中既有的簡訊系統形成多媒體簡訊服務環境(MMS environment, MMSE)。在多媒體簡訊服務環境中,多媒體簡訊伺服器(MMS Server)負責多媒體簡訊的投遞(submission)與取回(retrieval)。若多媒體簡訊使用者因為移動而導致與伺服器的傳輸連線被強制中斷時,未傳輸完成的多媒體簡訊會傳輸失敗。若該使用者重新與多媒體簡訊伺服器連線後,想要投遞或是接收該封傳輸失敗的簡訊,必須重頭傳輸,導致伺服器效能顯著的降低。我們注意到,當多媒體簡訊使用者透過無線網路與伺服器溝通時,與伺服器斷線會對傳輸時間與網路資源造成巨大的影響。因此,我們將使用者的移動行為納入考量,設計並實作一個不連續運算機制(disconnected operation mechanism),稱為Diop。Diop用來克服使用者與伺服器斷線而導致效能降低的問題,使傳輸時間與傳輸資料的耗費減到最低。此外,我們亦發展一個實驗平台來研究多媒體簡訊伺服器搭配Diop機制的效能。
The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is currently defining Multimedia messaging service (MMS) that supports the transmission of messages with full content versatility, including text, images, audio, and video, between mobile devices and from applications to these devices. MMS combines different networks and network types, and integrates already existing messaging systems in these networks to form the MMS environment (MMSE). In the MMSE, the MMS server is responsible for message submission and retrieval. An outstanding message (i.e., being submitted or retrieved) will be dropped if the corresponding MMS user is forced to be disconnected from the MMS server due to movements. When the corresponding MMS user is reconnected to an MMS server, the dropped messages will be retransmitted, resulting in significant throughput degradation . We note that the server disconnection has a significant impact on the communication time and cost, especially, when the MMS user communicates with the MMS server via expensive wireless links. Therefore, taking user mobility into account, we design and implement a disconnected operation mechanism, called Diop, to overcome the throughput degradation problem in the presence of server disconnection so as to minimize communication time and cost. We also develop an experiment platform to study the performance of the MMS server employing the Diop mechanism.
書名頁 II
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 IV
致謝 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
1. 簡介 1
2. 多媒體簡訊服務環境 3
2.1 服務介面 5
2.2 Submission及Retrieval Procedures 8
2.2.1 Submission 8
2.2.2 Retrieval 9
2.2.3 使用者移動性的影響 11
3. Disconnected Operations (Diop) 機制 17
3.1 Submission with Diop 17
3.1.1 From Home Server to Visited Server 18
3.1.2 From Visited Server to Home Server 19
3.1.3 From Visited Server A to Visited Server B 21
3.2 Retrieval with Diop 23
3.2.1 From Home Server to Visited Server 23
3.2.2 From Visited Server to Home Server 24
3.2.3 From Visited Server A to Visited Server B 26
3.3 Diop機制的優點 28
4. 效能評估 29
4.1 Cost of Submission 30
4.1.1 Without Diop 30
4.1.2 With Diop 30
4.2 Cost of Retrieval 31
4.2.1 Without Diop 31
4.2.2 With Diop 32
4.3 測試環境 33
4.4 測試結果 35
5. 結論 37
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