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研究生(外文):Yuan-Peir Chen
論文名稱(外文):Design of Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks based on Genetic Algorithm
中文關鍵詞:有限脈衝響應線性相位完美重建濾波器組CSD GA
外文關鍵詞:FIRLinear PhasePerfect ReconstructionFilter BanksCSD GA
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本論文提出使用CSD編碼方式設計出近似於完美重建之有限脈衝響應且具有線性相位的濾波器組。所設計的濾波器組同時考慮其重建誤差與濾波器之Equiripple特性。在論文中,以CSD編碼方式為基底的CSD GA,搜尋CSD濾波器係數,且係數在一定的非零值個數限制之下,非常適合於硬體電路實踐。三個實驗模擬結果證實所提之方法確實有效且可執行。
In this thesis, a new approach for two-channel FIR linear phase filter banks with canonical signed digit and near perfect-reconstruction properties is presented. The considered problem includes both the perfect-reconstruction error and the analysis filters with equiripple. Applying the CSD GA, the coefficient of the analysis filters satisfies canonical signed digit number system. The coefficient of the analysis filters with the property of no consecutive nonzero digits is very simple to implement an FIR filter banks in hardware. Three design examples are provided for illustration and comparison. The simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of this proposed design technique.
書名頁-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
摘要----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
Abstract------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iii
誌謝---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
目錄----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
圖目錄------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ vii
表目錄------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ix
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究動機----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
1.3 Powers-of -two編碼系統--------------------------------------------------- 5
1.4 CSD編碼系統---------------------------------------------------------------- 6
1.5 論文組織架構----------------------------------------------------------------- 7
第二章、數位濾波器與線性相位FIR完美重建次頻帶濾波器組 8
2.1 數位濾波器簡介-------------------------------------------------------------- 8
2.2 線性相位濾波器特性------------------------------------------------------- 11
2.3 線性相位FIR完美重建次頻帶濾波器組------------------------------- 13
第三章、基因演算法 18
3.1 基因演算法簡介------------------------------------------------------------- 18
3.2 二位元型基因演算法------------------------------------------------------- 20
3.2.1 編碼與解碼------------------------------------------------------- 20
3.2.2 適應函數---------------------------------------------------------- 21
3.2.3 選擇與淘汰------------------------------------------------------- 22
3.2.4 交配---------------------------------------------------------------- 23
3.2.5 突變---------------------------------------------------------------- 24
3.3 參數設定---------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
第四章、使用CSD GA設計線性相位FIR完美重建次頻帶濾波器組 27
4.1 CSD GA----------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
4.2 適應函數設計---------------------------------------------------------------- 28
4.3 CSD編碼/解碼方式--------------------------------------------------------- 28
4.4 交配---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
4.5 突變---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
4.6 CSD GA流程---------------------------------------------------------------- 32
第五章、實驗模擬 34
5.1 實驗評估---------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
5.2 實驗數據---------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
5.2.1 範例一------------------------------------------------------------- 35
5.2.2 範例二------------------------------------------------------------- 38
5.2.3 範例三------------------------------------------------------------- 41
第六章、結論 44
參考文獻 46
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