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研究生(外文):Tzu-Lin Shiu
論文名稱(外文):A Connected Dominating Set Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks
外文關鍵詞:blind floodingbroadcast stormdominated setbackbone
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在進行繞送路徑的搜尋時,為了讓所有節點都能收到相同的一件訊息,無線隨意網路的繞送協定均採用廣播的方式。 而在廣播時,最常使用的策略為『盲目的泛傳』,在此策略下,每個節點在第一次收到廣播封包時都會主動將此封包再次廣播出去,因而造成封包資料被重覆傳送,衍生出廣播風暴的問題。 為解決此問題,遂有學者提出“以連結支配集合為基礎的骨幹繞送協定”的方法:選出一組可與所有節點連結的支配節點集合,負責將廣播封包轉送出去。 該方法可有效的減少廣播封包的發送數量,節省電力,並降低封包在傳輸時發生競爭及碰撞問題,唯其在建立骨幹網路時需要較多的額外工作。
針對上述建立骨幹網路之方式,本論文提出一套有效的改進方法。基本上,我們將設計一個選舉演算法,在無線隨意網路上以投票的方式,選舉出一組支配節點集合,同時以AODV為基礎將選票的資訊包含在hello message中進行投票工作,如此即可以最少的成本完成骨幹網路的建構,且該骨幹網路可有效地減少廣播封包,節省電力,以及降低封包傳輸時發生競爭與碰撞之機率。
In order to transmit the same message information to all the nodes over the network, the routing protocol for discovering the routing path will utilize broadcasting mechanism for Ad hoc network and the blind blooding strategy is usually adopted for broadcast. The blind blooding is a strategy that each node rebroadcasts the packet to other nodes after receiving the packet at the first time. Then, the same packet is transmitted repeatedly and the broadcast storm will happen. In order to solve the broadcast storm problem, some researchers proposed an approach that the dominating set is selected as the forwarding nodes to rebroadcast the packet to control the number of packets effectively. Then, the number of packets transmission, the power consumption, the contention and the collision problem can be reduced. However, their methods may need more overhead for creating the dominating set.
This paper will propose an efficient approach to improve the above problem. Basically, we will design an election algorithm to select a connected dominating set from Ad Hoc Networks. The election algorithm is based on the AODV, with which the hello message may contain the election information to select the connected dominating set. In this way, the backbone can be established with the minimum cost. After the backbone is created, the number of rebroadcast packets can be reduced effectively.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 導論 8
1.1 研究背景 8
1.2 研究目的與動機 10
1.3 論文架構 11
第二章 相關研究 12
2.1 轉送節點 12
2.2 獨立支配集合 16
2.3 連結支配集合 18
第三章 研究方法 22
3.1 取得2-hop鄰居資訊 22
3.2 符號說明 23
3.2 骨幹節點選舉 24
3.4 骨幹網路修復機制 27
第四章 模擬實驗 29
4.1 模擬環境與參數設定 29
4.2 分析骨幹節點的數目 30
4.3 骨幹網路建立的效益 32
4.4 骨幹網路建立的成本 33
第五章 結論 35
參考文獻 37
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