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研究生(外文):Lun-Ni Huang
論文名稱(外文):Active Service Deployment Strategy
中文關鍵詞:主動式網路服務元件佈建策略N-hop floodingG2G演算法
外文關鍵詞:Active networkservice componentdeployment strategyN-hop floodingG2G algorithm
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YAN (Yuan-Ze Active Network)是由元智大學所研發的主動式網路,藉著在路由器上注入程式來提高網路的服務彈性;在此架構下,不同的路由器可以執行不同的服務元件來滿足任兩端點之使用者所要求的連線品質。在服務佈建時,“元件分派”是其中一個很重要的角色,擔任此要角者即為主動式服務佈建策略;該策略以提高服務效能為目標,利用本論文所提出之G2G(mesh-to-mesh)演算法,來協助一個服務元件拓墣被佈建在一個合適的路由器拓墣上。實驗數據將證明此G2G演算法特別在系統需求量太大時提供較高的服務成功率。
YAN (Yuan-Ze Active Network) is an active network that offers network more flexibility by injecting programs into routers. In such framework, two endpoints can request customized services by executing several programs in separated routers. During the service deployment, one of the most important roles is the “dispatcher”, that is, active service deployment strategy, which can help to decide a suitable router for injecting programs in order to achieve higher performance over all requests. This thesis developed a G2G (mesh-to-mesh) algorithm for allocating a mesh component graph to a mesh network graph. Simulation results show that the proposed G2G algorithm can achieve a higher success rate while system is overloading.
中文摘要 I
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background of AN 1
1.2. YAN Architecture 2
1.3. Problem Description 5
1.4. Related Work 7
1.5. Contribution 8
1.6. Thesis Organization 9
Chapter 2. Preliminaries 11
2.1. Bin Packing and Graph Coloring 11
2.2. Beading Algorithm 12
2.3. Greedy Algorithm 14
2.4. Allocation evaluation 14
Chapter 3. Algorithm 16
3.1. Working principle 16
3.2. Assumption and Notation 16
3.3. G2G Algorithm 18
3.4. Example 20
Chapter 4. Simulation 24
Chapter 5. Conclusion 29
References 30
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