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研究生(外文):Yi-Fei Jhao
論文名稱(外文):Using Web Services Technology to Integrate Army''s Large-cale Systems
指導教授(外文):Yu-Chih Liu
外文關鍵詞:Web ServicesService Oriented ArchitectureInformation Security
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為了能有效的運用現有人力,避免資源浪費,本研究對陸軍單位資訊整合的應用提出一個完整的架構,以網路服務(Web Services)的技術建立一個服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture),將原有系統間的流程重新規劃,以提高業務流程靈活性,加速開發效率,減少後續維護成本。另分析可能發生的安全問題,提出權限控管、訊息加密及過濾的方法來設計Web Services安全系統,確保資料傳輸的安全性,期使在完善的資訊安全架構下,逹到組織的快速變化需求的目標。
For the recent years, as in the army branch services and maintenance purpose, has developed an unique and independent system for achieving the operation the operation request from the end users. Thus, information can no be shared from different systems. For the Taiwan Nation Defense (Army) organization streamline strengthen, coordination and negotiated to improve organization operation affectivity.
Within efficient human resource implementation and avoid the waste of investment. This research was finding out a complete structure to the army information integrated implementation. Conducting the web services to create a service Oriented Architecture, as re-design the flow char between systems to improve operation scalability, develop efficiency, following maintenance cost reduce. And for the security issue, as authorized control, message encrypted and refine to design the security system of the web services, to ensure the data transmit competence. Expecting the fully info-sec architecture to achieve the organization rapidly change.
書名頁 i
論文口試委員審定書 ii
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix

第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2論文架構與研究限制 2
第二章、文獻探討 3
2.1 系統整合技術 3
2.1.1 服務導向架構 3
2.1.2 網路服務 5
2.1.3商業流程執行語言 10
2.1.4 統一塑模語言 UML 12
2.2 資訊安全 14
2.2.1 Web Service安全 15
2.2.2權限控管 18
第三章、研究方法 21
3.1研究架構 21
3.2系統分析 22
3.3系統安全需求 26
第四章、建構陸軍資源整合系統 28
4.1系統介紹 28
4.2流程規劃 29
4.3系統整合架構 36
第五章、系統安全架構 38
5.1權限控管架構 38
5.2 網路安全架構 40
第六章、結論 44
參考文獻 46
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