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研究生(外文):Wan-Chen Lien
論文名稱(外文):A Case on Measuring ERP Success
指導教授(外文):Celeste SP Ng
外文關鍵詞:Enterprise Resource PlanningERPIS SuccessCase StudySystem IntegratorSI
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ERP系統之導入係將企業日常運作的所有流程都包括在內,因此系統複雜性頗高,且導入成本相當昂貴、風險高,所以並非所有企業都能順利導入ERP系統,而且導入後所產生的效益可能也不明顯 (McHugh,2000)。因此,本研究的重點即在於”評估企業的ERP導入是否成功”。

本研究採用IS Success Model (DeLone and McLean ,1992),以IS Success Model的六大構面 – Success Quality, Information Quality, Information Use, User Satisfaction, Individual Impact, and Organizational Impact,經由參考過去文獻後,發展出ERP Implementation Success的評估方式,最後利用個案研究的方式,選擇國內電子產業之”系統整合業”的知名公司 – 三商電腦為個案研究對象,在個案公司的Oracle ERP正式上線後,針對其Oracle ERP使用者,先後進行二次問卷調查,期望藉由”使用者觀點”來評估個案公司的Oracle ERP導入是否成功。
The implementation of the ERP system is to put together all the flow paths for the routine operation of the enterprise, therefore the complexity of the system is considerably high, and the cost of implementation is relatively expensive, the risk is also high. Moreover, not all enterprises have successful ERP implementation. The ERP implementation might not also lead to good effects (McHugh, 2000). Therefore, the objective of this study is “to evaluate the success of ERP implementation in an enterprise”.

This study adopted “IS Success Model” (DeLone and McLean, 1992) as the principal model, using the six categories of IS Success Model - “Success Quality, Information Quality, Information Use, User Satisfaction, Individual Impact and Organizational Impact”. After referring to previous journals and studies, an evaluative tool for ERP Implementation Success was subsequently developed, finally making use of case study, choosing the well-known domestic “System Integrator” of the e-industry - the “Mercuries Data Systems Ltd.” as the subject of this case study. As the Oracle ERP of the participating company formally go live, utilizing the Oracle ERP users, 2 sets of surveys were successively carried out, and looked forward to evaluate the success or failure of the Oracle ERP of the participating company through the “system user’s perspective”.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Motives and Objectives of the Study 2
1.3 Study Flow and Thesis Structure 3
Chapter 2. Literature Review 4
2.1 Enterprise Resource Planning 4
2.1.1 ERP History and Implementation 4
2.1.2 ERP Success Factors and Cases 8
2.1.3 ERP Failure Factors and Cases 9
2.2 Information System Success Model 11
2.2.1 Definition of IS Success Model 11
2.2.2 Dimension of IS Success 12
2.2.3 Updated IS Success Model 16
2.2.4 E-Commerce Success Model 19
Chapter 3. Research Methodology 21
3.1 The Participating Company 21
3.1.1 Background Information 21
3.1.2 Customization of Oracle ERP 31
3.2 Survey 35
3.2.1 Participants 36
3.2.2 Instrument Development 36
3.2.3 Data Collection Procedure 39
Chapter 4. Data Analysis 42
4.1 Demographic Data 42
4.2 Descriptive Statistics from the First Survey 45
4.3 Descriptive Statistics from the Follow-up Survey 66
4.4 Comparison Data on First and Follow-up Surveys 71
4.5 Regression Model on IS Success 73
Chapter 5. Discussion and Conclusion 79
5.1 Discussion of Research Findings 79
5.2 Limitations of Research Findings 84
5.3 Directions of Future Studies 85
5.4 Implication for practice 85
5.5 Implication for research 86
Reference 87
Appendix A 93
Appendix B 96
Appendix C 104
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