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研究生(外文):Kun-Neng Hung
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Wavelet Neural Network Control for DC/DC Power Converter
指導教授(外文):Chih-Min Lin
外文關鍵詞:DC/DC power converteradaptive wavelet neural networkoptimal learning algorithmrobust tracking performance
  • 被引用被引用:1
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Intelligence controller is suitable for uncertain nonlinear systems, and to those not easy to be realized by classical design methods.
In this thesis, a wavelet neural network controller for DC/DC power converter is investigated. The presented approaches are better than traditional design methods. First the DC/DC power converter and the proposed algorithms are described. Finally, settling time and percentage overshoot for startup and step response are compared to traditional controls. From the experimental results of forward DC/DC power converter, it can be demonstrated the possibility of applying intelligence control method in practical DC/DC power converter design.
Chinese abstract i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 General Remark 1
1.2 Overview of Previous Work 1
1.3 Organization and Contribution of the Thesis 4
2. Introduction of DC/DC Converter 5
2.1 Overview of DC/DC Converter 5
2.1.1 Conventional controller design 5
2.1.2 Intelligent controller design 6
2.2 Forward DC/DC Power Converter Modeling 7
2.3 Wavelet Neural Network 10
2.4 PC-based Realization 13
3. Adaptive Wavelet Neural Network Control with Optimal Learning Algorithm 21
3.1 Introduction 21
3.2 Design of Adaptive Wavelet Neural Network Control 22
3.3 Convergence Analyses 25
3.4 Experimental Results 29
3.4.1 AWNNC with constant learning-rates 29
3.4.2 AWNNC with Variable Optimal Learning-rates 30
3.5 Summary 31
4. Adaptive Wavelet Neural Network Control with Robust Tracking Performance 46
4.1 Introduction 46
4.2 Control System Design 46
4.3 Experimental Results 51
4.4 Summary 52
5. Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Research 61
5.1 Conclusions 61
5.2 Suggestions for Future Research 62
References 64
Autobiography 69
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