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研究生(外文):Ya-Min Hung
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study on the Efficacy of Balanced Scorecard in Operation Performance about the Private University – A Case of Private University in Taoyuan County
指導教授(外文):Hung-Hui Li
外文關鍵詞:Balanced ScorecardOrganization PerformancePerformance ManagementStrategy TheoryHigher EducationUniversity Evaluation
  • 被引用被引用:20
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In the so-called “ knowledge economy ” era, the quality of higher education can be regarded as one of the indicators of weighing the national competitiveness. The rapid changes of present educational environment, globalization and market-based impact, have already produced the huge influence on domestic higher education. Since the number of institutions of higher education grows up rapidly in recent years, and school-age population reduces gradually, higher education has already faced the awkward situation of imbalance of supply and demand. After Taiwan joined WTO, the higher education market has been open and started to face the international competition pressure. At the same time, the continuously increasing number of institutions of higher education and the limited education resources diluted by more institutions show us that the complexity and challenge of the present higher education environment is very obvious. In order to improve the quality of higher education and national competitiveness , the Ministry of Education not only makes the annual comments, hold contests among the universities to promote the well-functioned university and also apply the “ recession ” or “ back-out ” rules to withdraw bad performance institutions. It is becoming more important subject that the universities try hard to seek survival and development to improve the their competitiveness and to manage the performance. So, a thesis is drafted with the view of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) which can be applied to the private university and manages the effects on the university. By using the management tactics of the case school which is facing changes and competitions, the private university can be in good time to deal with contingency or emergency, turn’s crisis into opportunity and transforms it into success.

This research adopts the method of case study, research approach of utilizing documents to analyze and observing on the spot… etc., which setting up the structure of studying. Its purpose is with the spirit of the BSC and to probe into manage tactics of school plans, and to know how to apply Four Perspectives of BSC, and then to organize the tactics to turn into the concrete actions. It will also be excised to assess the effects of school managing, and to promote continuing survival and forever development of the school. So, this research is tried from wishing that the scene and tactics goal are built and constructed, and to analyze the link between tactics structure and goal, and to assess the effect of school managing on key success factor, and the controlling respect of feedbacking. Relatively analyzing the difference between the tactics management system of the case school and BSC at the same time, I can make some conclusion. According to result of my study, the BSC can give consideration to university development and each construct factor of the BSC can make the current university to manage the system and to assess of the performance with integrality even more. The operation performance which is really suitable for the school is assessed. The order of the Four Perspectives has to be revised, for the nature of the organization to apply for BSC is different, and the assumption of Financial Perspective has to be made to develop the other Perspectives. The case school has good outcomes, for its good performance on each Perspective. The Ministry of Education and the society have the high evaluation of the case school on the managing effect. In the competitive environment trends, wish the case school can improve spirit; establish innovation, diversity and the effect to pursue excellent performance and becoming an outstanding university.
目 錄
書名頁 i
論文口試委員審定書 ii
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 vi
誌謝 ix
目錄 x
表目錄 xii
圖目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景、動機及目的 1
第二節 研究範圍及方法 4
第三節 研究流程及步驟 5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 組織績效 7
第二節 策略理論 15
第三節 績效管理 26
第四節 平衡計分卡 35
第五節 績效管理、策略管理與平衡計分卡之關聯性 49
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構 51
第二節 個案研究法 52
第四章 個案研究
第一節?我國高等教育發展現況 56
第二節 我國大學教育評鑑歷程 60
第三節 研究系絡—個案學校經營策略 66
第四節 以平衡計分卡評估個案學校之經營成效 81
第五節 大學評鑑與平衡計分卡指標之比較分析 92
第五章 結論與建議 97
參考文獻 101


表2-1? 組織績效衡量準據彙整表 10
表2-2? 企業各層級之策略 21
表2-3? 績效管理的評估性功能與發展性功能之比較 28
表2-4? 未來績效衡量指標特性 32
表2-5? 傳統與策略性衡量指標系統之比較 33
表2-6? 財務構面的策略衡量主題 38
表2-7? 顧客構面之核心量度 39
表2-8? 學習與成長的特定情況驅動因素 41
表4-1? 我國大學評鑑制度之演進 60
表4-2? 校務發展策略內涵 71
表4-3? 校務發展衡量指標 73
表4-4? 個案學校之SWOT分析 82
表4-5? 策略構面與策略主題 84
表4-6? 個案學校策略目標 85
表4-7? 個案學校績效衡量指標 88
表4-8? 大評指標與計分卡指標之比較 92
表4-9? 大學評鑑量化評量指標 94


圖1-1? 國家競爭力指標 1
圖1-2? 近十年大專院校學校數及學生數 2
圖1-3? 本研究流程 6
圖2-1? 策略構面圖 16
圖2-2? 策略改變的型式圖 17
圖2-3? 策略規劃程序模式 18
圖2-4? 策略管理過程圖 19
圖2-5? Porter之五力模式 23
圖2-6? 成功的策略要素 24
圖2-7? 學校策略管理模式 25
圖2-8? 績效管理的過程 29
圖2-9? 績效管理的流程 30
圖2-10?平衡計分卡提供一個將策略轉化為行動方案的架構 36
圖2-11?顧客構面五大核心量度 39
圖2-12?顧客價值主張的一般性模式 40
圖2-13?企業內部流程價值鏈 40
圖2-14?學習與成長構面的衡量架構 42
圖2-15?平衡計分卡做為策略行動的架構 43
圖2-16?平衡計分卡的設計架構 44
圖2-17?平衡計分卡各層面之因果關係圖 45
圖2-18?建構策略核心組織的五大基本法則 47
圖3-1? 本研究之研究架構 51
圖3-2? 本研究之研究方法內容圖 53
圖4-1? 近十年大學校院數 56
圖4-2 ? 近十年大學學生人數 57
圖4-3? 近十年大學校院師資結構變化圖 58
圖4-4? 近十年大學校院生師比變化圖 58
圖4-5? 近五年高等教育經費佔總教育經費比例 59
圖4-6? 大學校務評鑑作業流程圖 63
圖4-7? 大學校務評鑑項目及評鑑指標 64
圖4-8? 個案學校組織架構圖 67
圖4-9? 個案學校校務發展規劃流程圖 68
圖4-10?個案學校校務發展系統架構圖 69
圖4-11?五大焦點顧客示意圖 70
圖4-12?單位評鑑流程圖 80
圖4-13? 個案學校策略地圖 87
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