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研究生(外文):Che-Jen Shih
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Self-Questioning Strategies on Comprehension and Retention of Main ideas in Reading Expository Texts
指導教授:蔣 湧 濤
指導教授(外文):Yung-Tao Chiang
外文關鍵詞:self-questioning strategeis
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本次研究探索自我發問策略對闡述性文章的理解與回憶的成效, 三十一位元智大學英語系學生參與實驗;十六個學生參與實驗組; 十五個學生參與控制組
此研究有五個假設: (1)實驗組在接受訓練後在文本明確問題上有較優異且達顯著的表現 (2)實驗組在接受訓練後在文本暗示問題上有較優異且達顯著的表現   (3) 實驗組在接受訓練後在腳本暗示問題上有有較優異且達顯著的表現. (4)實驗組在接受訓練後在主要意義問題上有較優異且達顯著的表現 (5)實驗組在接受訓練後在托福閱讀測驗有有較優異且達顯著的表現. 另外實驗組對於自我發問策略的態度與觀感也透過問卷調查.
結果顯示雖然大體而言實驗組表現優於控制組,但是確未達統計標準. 因此所有的假設並未成立. 由於此次實驗結果仍然顯示自我發問策略有些許正向在理解與回憶上助益, 尤其是對實驗組低閱讀能力參與者. 再者, 透過問卷調查, 參與者對於自我發問策略持有正面的態度與觀感. 因此歸納上述資, 自我發問策略仍然值得更進一步的研究.
This study explored the effect of self-questioning strategies on reading comprehension and reading retention of expository text. Thirty one sophomores from Yuan Ze University participated in the formal study and were further divided into groups according to their reading abilities. Participants in the experimental group received eight hours of training in self-questioning strategies, while those in the control group did not receive any treatment. The specific research questions included whether the experimental group could outperform the control group in answering text explicit questions, text implicit questions, script implicit questions, and main idea questions in researcher-designed tests, and in answering those test items in a past-year TOEFL reading test. Participants’ interest in, familiarity with, and attitude toward the self-questioning strategies were also investigated through the Passage Questionnaire (Chu, 2002) and through a researcher-designed attitude questionnaire.
The result of this study showed that the experimental group generally performed better than the control group, even though the mean differences did not reach statistical significance (p<.05). That is to say, none of the hypotheses were confirmed. Despite this conclusion, the overall results of this study still favored the experimental group, especially for participants with lower reading abilities. It is possible that this slight improvement in reading comprehension and reading retention might have stemmed from the process of questioning forming and answering. Also, results from the attitude questionnaire indicated that all the participants in the experimental group held an extremely positive attitude toward using the self-questioning strategies. This data indicates that self-questioning strategies may be beneficial to readers to some degree, and therefore may deserve further investigation.
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1.1 Purpose of the study 4
1.2 Research questions 4
1.3 esearchypotheses 4
2.1 Models of reading 6
2.2 The differences between narrative text and expository
text 11
2.3 Theoretical perspectives of questioning 14
2.4 Question prompts 18
2.5 Reviews of self-questioning studies 23
2.5.1 Effects of questioning on reading comprehension
of narrative texts 24
2.5.2 Effects of questioning on reading comprehension
of expository texts 26
2.6 Definition of terms 30
3.1 Participants 33
3.2 Instruments 34
3.2.1Formal reading texts 35
3.2.2 Reading texts for training 36
3.3 Formal reading tests 36
3.4 Research-designed test 37
3.4.1 Assumptions about reading 37
3.4.2 Reliability of the tests 39
3.4.3 Modifications of the tests 40
3.4.4 Scoring of the tests 42
3.5 Procedures 45
3.5.1 Pilot study 46
3.5.2 Training procedures 46
3.5.3 Test-taking procedures 47
4.1 The effects of self-questioning strategies on
reading comprehension 52
4.2 The effects of self-questioning strategies on
reading retention of main ideas 60
4.3 The attitude toward questioning strategies 62
5.1 The effects of self-questioning strategies on good
readers 66
5.2 The effects of self-questioning strategies on poor
readers 69
6.1 Summary 75
6.2 Limitations of the study 77
6.3 Pedagogical implications 78
6.4 Suggestions on future research 81
References 83
A Personal Data Form 92
B Consent Form 93
C Lesson Plan 94
D In Class Reading Text 96
E In Class Reading Test 98
F Training Material Handout 100
G Item Analysis 102
H Correlation 103
I The Reading Text: Rescued Whales 104
J The Memory Test for Rescued Whales 106
K The Comprehension Test for Rescued Whales 107
L The Memory Test for Skin 110
M The Reading Comprehension Test for Skin 111
N TOEFL Reading Text 114
O TOEFL Reading Test 116
P Attitude Questionnaire 119
Q The Result in the Pre-Test 120
List of Tables
1 Scoring rubrics for main idea questions with two correct
answers 44
2 Scoring rubrics for main idea questions with one correct
4.1.1 Summary of analysis of variance for text explicit
questions 52
4.1.2 Comparing of means for text explicit
questions 53
4.2.1 Summary of analysis of variance for text implicit
questions 54
4.2.2 Comparing of means for text implicit
questions 55
4.3.1 Summary of analysis of variance for script implicit
questions 56
4.3.2 Comparing of means for script implicit
questions 57
4.4.1 Estimated marginal means for TOEFL reading
test 59
4.4.2 Summary of analysis of variance for TOEFL 59
4.5.1 Summary of analysis of variance for main idea
questions 61
4.5.2 Comparison of means for main idea questions 61
5 Results of the attitude questionnaire (a) 63
6 Results of the attitude questionnaire (b) 64
List of Figures
1 Estimated marginal means for text explicit questions
(qa2) 53
2 Estimated marginal means for text implicit questions
3 Estimated marginal means for script implicit questions
4 Estimated marginal means for TOEFL 60
5 Estimated marginal means for main idea questions (m2) 62
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